Honey water with cinnamon for weight loss: 10 recipes for all occasions

lose weight with cinnamon and honey

Most of us associate the word “cinnamon” with fresh baked goods, coffee and mulled wine. But few people know that this spice is an excellent helper in the fight against extra pounds. True, only if you mix it with the right ingredients - for example, honey, ginger or citrus fruits. Want to know how to lose weight with cinnamon and honey? Our article today will tell you!

Benefits of cinnamon

Even in ancient times, cinnamon was valued for its ability to help treat many ailments. Medicine in our time is very favorably disposed towards this spice.

According to recent research, cinnamon helps the body normalize the functioning of all systems, strengthens the immune system and enhances defenses. Cinnamon powder fights against parasites in the body, fungus, and also has a strong antimicrobial effect.

Cinnamon is rich in minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.) and vitamins (group B, vitamin C, A, PP). Cinnamon also contains tannins, fiber and a lot of essential oils.

Using cinnamon will give good results for:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • excessive gas formation in the body.
  • cleansing the choleretic system;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • preventing inflammatory diseases in the body;
  • to relieve skin irritation, make ointments and creams with cinnamon;
  • aromatherapy, cinnamon stimulates brain activity with its aroma and is a natural antidepressant.

Usually everyone is accustomed to perceiving cinnamon as a spicy, warming spice that is added to baked goods, coffee or mulled wine.

How cinnamon helps with weight loss:

  • When consumed regularly, cinnamon cleanses the body of waste and toxins, cleanses the intestines of food stones that form from undigested food. Getting rid of toxins helps to reduce the volume in the waist area.
  • Cinnamon normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and gallbladder and improves fluid circulation in the body, reducing swelling of the body.
  • Cinnamon speeds up metabolism and burns fat, preventing the deposition of new fat deposits by converting glucose into energy.
  • Suppresses feelings of hunger, reduces appetite, which in turn affects the volume of the stomach and leads to weight loss. It is enough to consume a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon on an empty stomach in the morning. You can prepare various drinks or mixtures with cinnamon.

It is important to remember that the ingredients (honey and cinnamon) must be natural. The cinnamon obtained in Sri Lanka is considered valuable.

There is “False cinnamon” - cassia, be careful!

The benefits of honey

Honey is a natural medicine. There is even a medical direction in treatment - apitherapy. Today you can also find a huge variety of types of honey: May, buckwheat, etc.

Among the beneficial properties of honey:

  • fungicidal (ability to fight the spread of fungi);
  • disinfectants (bacteria do not multiply and die in honey);
  • antimicrobial;
  • detoxification (honey has a neutralizing effect on poisons, and also does not lose its properties under the influence of radiation);
  • beneficial effects on the oral cavity (has cleansing properties for teeth);
  • healing effect on the cardiovascular system (the effect of glucose and magnesium promotes blood circulation and provides energy);
  • to improve the health of the female body (phytoestrogens have a beneficial effect on female hormonal levels);
  • during pregnancy (has a calming effect on the nervous system, sleep and improves immunity).

Contraindications and possible harm

If you are fond of honey and cinnamon, keep in mind that they are classified as highly allergenic products. Treat drugs made from them with caution. Their use is undesirable for people prone to allergic reactions. Products are prohibited for people with the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus (use of cinnamon without bee product is allowed);
  • internal bleeding;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Doctors do not recommend eating foods with cinnamon during pregnancy: it causes uterine contractions and can cause miscarriage.

Cinnamon sticks in combination with lemon and ginger can cause burning and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

How does cinnamon and honey work?

  • The combination of these products has an amazing effect on the body and prevents fat from being stored in reserves. Under this magical effect, it leaves the body and does not remain on the stomach, thighs and beyond.
  • The best effect can be achieved if you take this mixture at night , before going to bed.
  • The combination of these products helps the gastrointestinal tract , it speeds up metabolism and removes unnecessary water and poisons from the body.
  • The mixture has a strong antiseptic effect , which heals the intestinal microflora, which, in case of imbalance, has a slowing effect on digestion.
  • Thanks to this cleansing effect, the effect will be visible not only on the figure , but also on the skin, which will relieve inflammation and redness.
  • This mixture is very aromatic and pleasant to the taste , which has an uplifting effect.

Properties of the drink

Cinnamon honey will help you lose weight due to its beneficial effects on the digestive system:

  • suppresses appetite;
  • gives a feeling of fullness;
  • activates metabolism, which promotes the rapid breakdown of fat reserves;
  • thins the blood and improves its circulation;
  • controls blood sugar concentration and the conversion of glucose into energy rather than fat deposits;
  • reduces cholesterol content;
  • reduces the concentration and acidity of gastric juice;
  • restores digestion;
  • promotes rapid digestion and absorption of food;
  • normalizes the functioning of excretory systems;
  • eliminates heaviness in the stomach and dysbiosis;
  • prevents heartburn, flatulence;
  • accelerates scarring of ulcers;
  • gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract: removes toxic substances, toxins and undigested food residues (otherwise they accumulate in the intestines, cause fermentation and rotting, and lead to intoxication of the body);
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria and parasites;
  • restores intestinal microflora;
  • normalizes stool and eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • removes excess fluid due to its diuretic effect;
  • fights free radicals, promoting rejuvenation of the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents exhaustion and loss of strength due to the increased content of vitamins and mineral elements;
  • provides energy and cheerfulness even during a strict diet;
  • prevents weight gain again.

The carbohydrates included in the drink are absorbed slowly, which eliminates the desire to snack for a long time. As a result, the volume of the stomach decreases and fat reserves dissolve.

How many days should you drink the cinnamon and honey drink?

You can use this method for weight loss for up to 8 weeks without taking breaks. While there is weight loss and weight loss is ongoing, it is better to use the mixture.

When the weight does not go away, it is better to stop using the mixture. Therefore, to the question “how much to drink per day?” It has its own limitations and its own duration.

Cinnamon honey recipe is the way to a slim figure.

The cinnamon and honey drink is best prepared in the evening before going to bed. In order to prepare the mixture, you will need cinnamon and honey. For the 1st time, it is recommended to use 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey. Once you have prepared the drink several times, you will be able to determine the proportions yourself. The main thing is not to forget that the products should be in a ratio of 1 to 2.

You need to pour a glass of boiling water over the cinnamon and leave for 30 minutes for the mixture to brew and cool. When the product has cooled to room temperature, add honey to it. There is no need to rush and add honey if the drink is still hot. After all, boiling water can destroy all the nutrients contained in honey. Therefore, wait until the mixture becomes cool. After you have added honey, stir the mixture and divide it into 2 parts. Drink one serving of the honey and cinnamon weight loss drink

To ensure that the cinnamon honey recipe retains its properties, cover it with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. In the morning, when you take the mixture out of the refrigerator, do not reheat it. Simply take out the cinnamon and honey drink early to let it warm up to room temperature.

The results from this cinnamon honey recipe won’t take long!

A weight loss drink made from honey and cinnamon is considered a very effective drink. There is no such person who could not help this recipe for honey with cinnamon . The only thing you need to pay attention to is that if you lose weight to certain results, you will no longer lose weight. The reason is that a drink made from cinnamon and honey cleanses the digestive tract and gets rid of harmful bacteria and fungi that negatively affect digestion. As a result of drinking this drink twice a day, you will get rid of toxic deposits. As soon as the body is cleansed, the recipe for honey and cinnamon will no longer help you. If you want to lose more weight, add physical activity and eat right.

How to choose cinnamon and honey for weight loss?

The mixture used must produce the desired effect; it is necessary to choose the right products for preparing the mixture.

Now on sale there is both natural cinnamon and the so-called cinnamon extract.

This extract is not recommended as a recipe addition. In addition, you can buy other varieties of cinnamon on sale in the countries of the former USSR: cinnamon - a spice from Ceylon (especially valued and worthwhile). It can be found on sale both in the form of sticks and in ground form.


There is also cassia cinnamon, which is a cheaper type. It is found both in powder and in stick form.

It is highly advisable to use Ceylon cinnamon both for consumption and for the purpose of adding to a mixture for weight loss, because its taste and properties are better expressed.

But it is worth noting that most stores can only offer cassia. You can identify it by the thickness of the stick, or if you drop a little iodine on ground cinnamon.

Cassia is 2-3 mm thick. Therefore, if the walls of a cinnamon stick are thicker than 1 mm, then it is cassia.


Cinnamon is never thicker than 1 mm. If you need to test cinnamon powder, then you need to purchase one package of cinnamon and open it when you get home.

Then add iodine to the powder. If the powder immediately turns an intense blue or purple color, then the mixture is cassia.

Cinnamon practically does not change color. If cinnamon cannot be found, it is quite possible to replace it with cassia. And preferably with chopsticks, in this form the spice will be much more effective.

The only type of cinnamon that is not suitable for losing excess weight is cinnamon extract.


It is, of course, better to use natural honey that has not been fermented.

As a rule, such a product says “natural”, “unpasteurized”, etc.

If honey has undergone a fermentation process, it is not suitable for preparing a mixture for weight loss.

Honey and cinnamon are the basis of a weight loss drink

Traditional recipe

An aromatic drink with a pleasant sweet taste is extremely easy to prepare. You will need a set of all available ingredients:

  • natural honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • clean water - 250 milliliters.

You will need to do some simple manipulations with the products. First, pour a glass of boiling water into a container with cinnamon powder, then leave for 30 minutes. It is important to wait until the semi-finished drink cools down to a maximum of 37 degrees, since honey is incompatible with hot water, but fully retains its qualities in a warm environment. Once you are sure the temperature is right, add honey. Stir the drink vigorously until the bee product is completely dissolved.

Improved recipe

There is a slightly modified, but no less effective way to prepare a vitamin drink, ideal for diets. Here is its composition:

  • ginger powder - half a teaspoon;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • natural honey – 2 teaspoons;
  • clean water – 250 milliliters;
  • a piece of lemon.

This ginger drink is prepared quickly and easily. The following describes what needs to be done. Combine cinnamon and ginger powders and brew with boiling water. Put the bee product into the cooled, barely warm drink. A complete replacement for ginger powder is fresh grated root; half a teaspoon of it is added to the fully prepared drink.


It is usually recommended to adhere to the following framework. A honey-cinnamon drink must contain honey that has been stored for a maximum of one year from the date of production. The vitamin drink will be most beneficial if you add unpasteurized bee product to its composition. Honey water can include ready-to-use ground cinnamon or homemade ground cinnamon sticks. Refrigerated conditions are best for storage. The product must not be heated before use. It is optimal to prepare the mixture in the evening; in moderate doses it can be consumed during snacks, replacing foods that are harmful to an ideal figure.

Cinnamon and honey drink: a healthy remedy for health and weight loss that can be easily prepared at home

How to cook it correctly?

There is no need to be fanatical; this is not a case where “more is better.” By taking this mixture for a week you can get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight. With exercise and a moderate diet, your chances of losing weight will be much greater.

  • You can use cinnamon with honey for weight loss using various methods: infusions, teas, decoctions, and so on.
  • To reduce weight, it is better to use the method that you like best. Or, during the period of losing kilograms, change the way you use the mixture. It is better to prepare the mixture in one way: with a ratio of 1:2, that is, for 2 tsp. honey for 1 tsp. cinnamon.
  • It is better to consume the prepared mixture a day before, dividing it into two doses . Take 1 tsp. in the morning before the first meal and in the evening before going to bed.

Everyone is allowed to consume cinnamon and honey. Doctors recommend drinking the cocktail daily. As a rule, recommendations agree that it is better to take the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, and then at night before bed.

Possible results

A teaspoon of cinnamon with honey replaces a second breakfast and provides the body with all the necessary vitamins. With constant use, the product will help you lose 2-5 kilograms of weight every month.

After some time, body weight will stop at a certain level, which indicates that the body is getting used to the changed metabolism. In this case, stop using cinnamon honey for 2-3 weeks, and then repeat the treatment course.

A honey drink with cinnamon will eliminate problems that contribute to the gain of extra pounds, make your figure slim and attractive, make your waist thin and your stomach flat. An additional bonus will be normalization of blood pressure, strengthening of the immune system, improvement of cardiac activity, cleansing of the skin, and the disappearance of anxiety and stress.

After achieving the desired result, it is recommended to take the weight loss product periodically for preventive purposes.


Radish, cinnamon, ginger, honey

Grind the radish and ginger in a blender, add ground cinnamon, honey and beat again.

Cinnamon, ginger, honey

In boiled, cooled water, temperature approximately 40C, put 1 tsp. chopped ginger root, honey and grated cinnamon.

Then mix everything and put it in the refrigerator. Take half a glass once a day.

If the drink is very spicy, then water can be replaced with low-fat kefir. This will soften the drink.

Cinnamon, honey, lemon

In 200 ml. add 1 tsp of warm boiled water. cinnamon, honey and 3 tbsp. lemon juice. Cool the drink and take 1/2 glass in the morning (before breakfast) and in the evening before bed.

Water with cinnamon and honey

Dissolve 0.5 tsp in a glass of hot water. cinnamon and 1 tsp. honey, let the mixture stand for half an hour and drink on an empty stomach. You can prepare this mixture the night before and put it in the refrigerator.

Ginger, cinnamon, honey, lemon

In 200 ml. add 1 tsp warm boiled water. cinnamon powder, 1 tsp. grated ginger root.

Close the container and let it brew for 30 minutes, then pour in the juice of 1/2 lemon and 2 tsp. honey Use the resulting cocktail cold.

Half a glass 2 times a day on an empty stomach, in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed.

Horseradish, ginger, lemon, honey, cinnamon

Mix 125 gr., juice of 4 lemons, 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root with 3 tsp. honey The resulting mixture is stored in a cool place. Use 2 tbsp. l. twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

Cinnamon infusion with honey

In a cocktail of 2 tbsp. l. honey and 3 tsp. honey must be added 2 tbsp. warm water. Use three times a day.

Ground cinnamon with honey

Ground cinnamon combined with honey is very beneficial for the skin.

Mixture 3 tbsp. honey with 1 tsp. Honey applied to the skin of the face before going to bed will get rid of acne in 2 weeks.

Ground cinnamon with honey is also great for wrapping. Apply cinnamon to the desired area and wrap with film, cover with a towel if necessary.

Kefir with cinnamon

Add 0.5 tsp to a glass of kefir. cinnamon powder, a little grated ginger root and red pepper. In this mixture, kefir will help save the mucous membrane from irritation.

Cinnamon tea

The most common recipe is to immerse a spice stick in a mug of freshly prepared tea.

Enjoy a spicy drink.

You can also add milk, ginger or lemon to your tea. This will enhance the taste and speed up your metabolism.

Cooking recipes

The honey-cinnamon mixture is added instead of sugar to puddings, cereals, jellies, baked goods, salads, yoghurts, cottage cheese, coffee, tea, juices, compote, dairy products; drinks are prepared on its basis, used as a snack and for making sandwiches.

How to prepare cinnamon with honey for weight loss? You can use one of the following recipes or a combination of them. The proportion of honey and cinnamon, regardless of the recipe, remains the same (2:1). A fresh portion should be prepared daily, as the beneficial properties decrease over time.

How to choose products?

Cinnamon (ground or in sticks) should only be purchased fresh, which can be determined by its aroma. It is best to buy loose goods at the market. It is recommended to give preference to Ceylon cinnamon. It differs from Malabar and Chinese in its delicate, refined aroma and pungent, sweetish taste. For weight loss, cinnamon has the best effect, but if it is not available, you can also take cassia.

You should not buy pasteurized honey, as it is not effective in losing weight. It is advisable to shop at an apiary, market, or fair. If you purchase a product in a store, make sure that the label is marked “raw,” which means “natural.” It is best to take buckwheat honey for weight loss.

Side effects

The use of this mixture may cause side effects:

  • Consume no more than 6 grams per day. Excessive consumption may have a toxic effect on the body.
  • During pregnancy, consuming this mixture can cause premature birth.
  • High coumarin content may cause liver problems
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Large amounts of this mixture can cause tachycardia.
  • Thinning effect on the blood.


You will have to give up a drink with cinnamon and honey for weight loss if you have an individual intolerance to certain ingredients, food allergies, frequent headaches, high fever, low blood clotting, internal bleeding, diabetes, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, myocarditis, heart disease, heart attack, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pregnancy (increases the tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth) and lactation. You should drink it with caution for gastritis, ulcers and high blood pressure.


Reviews of those who lost weight using cinnamon and honey:

Health Nutrition Specialist

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of myfitnesblog.com. For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Benefits and uses of the drink

How to take honey-cinnamon drink?

The diet drink made from cinnamon and honey described in this article must be taken according to a certain scheme in order to achieve the cherished goal of losing weight. Take the honey drink continuously for at least 1 month. For a more powerful effect, the course is repeated every other month. The product is drunk without shaking 200 milliliters daily. The first portion should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. The second portion is before a night's rest. Do not drink the liquid completely; discard the remaining sediment.

What are the benefits of honey-cinnamon drink?

All fans of fat burning products expect to get a good effect. The following describes what positive changes occur in the body. A honey drink with cinnamon provides a whole range of useful substances from natural products. It works great in reducing the percentage of glucose, normalizes metabolic processes - fat and carbohydrate; normalizes the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the body to resist early aging. A course of honey water suppresses excessive appetite; frees the intestines from dangerous fungi and bacteria; delivers impressive doses of valuable amino acids; saturates with important vitamins and several types of minerals; gives a mild laxative effect.

The necessary conditions

To get a good result, namely eliminating figure imperfections, losing excess weight and transforming unattractive shapes, in addition to drinking, it is important to adhere to an appropriate lifestyle. Namely, give up junk food and switch to everything natural and dietary. In addition to honey drinks, drink cleansing and diuretic herbal teas. You should regularly give your body sufficient physical activity, choosing a set of exercises according to the existing figure defects and practicing exclusively safe, proven diets, strictly adhering to all the rules of the nutrition system used.

Obviously, only an extensive set of measures allows you to quickly lose weight. You should also pay attention that the famous drink made from cinnamon and honey in some cases brings unpleasant consequences. This happens if there is an allergic reaction to the components, namely honey and cinnamon spice. If the body negatively tolerates at least one of the ingredients, then you will have to give up the drink. It is also not suitable for pregnant women and people living with hypertension.

How to drink?

Honey loses its beneficial properties when dissolved in warm water, so it’s definitely not worth heating it, and there’s still no point in taking boiling water. There are two ways to take water with honey. Choose the one you like best.

Method No. 1

Eat a couple of teaspoons of honey with water, which you can drink in small sips or gulps. It is recommended to do this on an empty stomach, 10-20 minutes before breakfast, since this way the drink is well absorbed by the body.

Method No. 2

Before use, dissolve a couple of spoons of honey in a glass of water and drink the drink before your morning meal. It becomes even tastier and healthier when you add a few drops of lemon juice and cinnamon. For skin and internal organ health, it is also good to drink honey water 30 minutes before bed.

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