How to lose weight with a slow metabolism: 7 effective steps to improve metabolism

20.01.2020 09:00


The older we get, the slower our metabolic processes occur. Today we will look at several useful products that speed up the body’s metabolism, promoting both weight loss and improving a person’s overall well-being.

Author: Ashurbekova Shamsiyat Tofikovna

The older we get, the slower our metabolic processes occur. If a person does not know about this and wants to lose excess weight, he will not be able to correctly adjust his daily food and fluid intake. As we get older, we sometimes don’t notice that we eat the same way we did five or ten years ago. What previously went into feeding the body “like a furnace” is now deposited on the sides and stomach. And of course, our frantic pace of life also plays a negative role, during which people are increasingly switching to sausages, instant noodles and fast foods. Poor nutrition does nothing to speed up metabolism; moreover, it fills our body with harmful substances.

Thus, you should be more attentive and scrupulous about your diet, making timely adjustments to it. You can try to do this yourself, but it is better to seek help from a qualified nutritionist. In the meantime, let's look at a few useful products that definitely won't harm anyone: moreover, they speed up metabolic processes, promoting both weight loss and improving overall well-being.


The content of the article:

Eggs are rich in protein and are a great option for improving your metabolism.

Protein-rich foods are some of the best options for boosting your metabolism.

Eggs are rich in protein. Each large hard-boiled egg contains 6.29 grams (g), making them an ideal choice for people who want to speed up their metabolism.

Protein is one of the most effective nutrients for increasing metabolic rate because the body needs to use more energy to metabolize it than fats or carbohydrates.

According to some studies, people who consumed 29% of their total daily calories from protein had a higher metabolic rate than those who consumed 11% of their total calories from protein.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process in which the human body converts everything we eat and drink into energy . During this complex biochemical process, calories in foods and drinks are combined with oxygen to release energy , which the body needs to function properly. [1]

Even during rest, our body produces energy to support functions such as breathing, blood flow, maintaining hormone levels, cell growth and regeneration. The number of calories the body uses to perform these basic functions is known as basal metabolic rate , but is usually simply called metabolism. [1]

What is metabolism?

Basic metabolism varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as[1]:

  • body size and shape – people who are heavier or have more muscle burn more calories when resting
  • gender – men generally have less fat and more muscle than women, which means they burn more calories
  • age – as you age, your muscle to fat ratio decreases, which reduces your calorie burn

Energy requirements for basic body functions are stable and do not change. The following two factors influence your basal metabolic rate , which determine how many calories your body burns each day. [12]

  • food processing (thermogenesis) - digestion and assimilation, transportation and storage of consumed products, also burns calories. Approximately 10% of the calories we eat come from proteins and carbohydrates, and are used during their digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • physical activity and training - any movement, be it training or a simple walk with the dog, refers to additional calories that our body burns throughout the day. Movement and sports are the most important factors that affect the number of calories you burn every day.

The activity that we perform during the day, but which is not related to training , experts call NEAT (short for nonexercise activity thermogenesis). We are talking about basic movements , such as walking at work or walking a couple of steps from work to cars. We usually burn between 100 and 800 calories per day . [12]


Flax seeds are seeds that contain protein, vitamins and other key nutrients. Some people consider flaxseeds a "functional food," meaning that people eat them for their health benefits.

Eating flax seeds may help boost metabolism and improve metabolic syndrome, which is a group of conditions that contribute to the development of diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health is currently funding research into the role of flaxseed in metabolic syndrome.

A study on mice suggests that flax seeds may speed up metabolism. This is likely because they contain high amounts of fiber and protein, as well as omega-3 essential fats, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.

The fiber in flax seeds ferments in the gut to improve the gut bacterial profile. This process helps metabolic health and may protect against obesity.

Research shows that flax seeds and their nutrients may also help treat or protect against:

  • arthritis
  • autoimmune diseases
  • cancer diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • diabetes mellitus
  • neurological disorders
  • osteoporosis

Speed ​​up metabolism if you are overweight

If you are seriously obese, you need to be careful with exercise. To speed up metabolism in this case, it is necessary to adjust your diet with the help of a nutritionist and play sports in accordance with your physical capabilities. Long walks on foot, and even more so climbing stairs to the upper floors, may be contraindicated. But almost everyone is encouraged to visit the pool. Swimming allows you to exercise your body without the risk of overloading your spine, joints, or cardiovascular system.

For people with severe obesity, doctors usually recommend walking instead of running. It is best to walk in the park, where there are benches for respite. To control the load, they use mobile phone applications that count the number of steps taken.

3. Lentils

Lentils are another functional food that may reduce the effects of metabolic syndrome.

A 2021 review of 41 animal studies reports that eating lentils and other legumes such as beans and peas may play a central role in preventing and treating metabolic syndrome.

Lentils can also speed up your metabolism because they are rich in protein. It also contains a lot of fiber to feed the good bacteria in your gut.

List of foods that speed up metabolism

Once we have realized that without clean water and healthy drinks that do not contain fast carbohydrates, it is unlikely that we will be able to lose weight, we can move on to the treasured list of five healthy foods:

  • chicken and turkey meat. Neither type of meat contains almost any fat. There are no carbohydrates at all, but there is valuable protein that nourishes the muscles and brain. All athletes and people leading a healthy lifestyle regularly eat turkey and steamed or simply boiled chicken;
  • quality dairy products. We are talking about kefir, cottage cheese, milk and fermented baked milk, but you should not eat or drink low-fat products. The optimal option is fat content from 2 to 5%. Remember that this does not include sweet yoghurts and curds with fruit fillings and dyes;
  • spices. Good red pepper helps improve blood circulation and, of course, speed up metabolism, regardless of a person’s age. For example, if you add one teaspoon of red pepper to a plate of borscht, our metabolic processes will instantly speed up by more than 20%. Of course, not everyone is ready for such an experiment, but moderate consumption of this spice will always be useful, giving dishes a unique piquancy;

  • porridge cooked in water. They should be taken as a truism that is invariably present in the diet. If you regularly eat porridge on water for breakfast, slightly flavored with butter, you will not feel hungry much longer until lunch, and you will not have the desire for a harmful snack “sweet” or starchy. Cereals contain fiber and slow carbohydrates, which gradually saturate the body.

Of course, this list can always be continued by adding fresh vegetables, as well as dry and fresh fruits. The main thing is to give up unhealthy foods in time and gradually accustom yourself to healthy foods. Only in this case will the weight loss process become effective, and your overall health will improve a hundredfold.

4. Chili pepper

Research shows that capsaicin may increase your metabolic rate.

Spicy foods containing fresh or dried chili peppers can speed up your metabolism. Chili peppers also speed up satiety, causing a feeling of fullness. Peppers contain capsaicin, which is responsible for these health benefits.

A 2015 study reports that consuming capsaicin slightly increases metabolic rate.

Research also shows that capsaicin may support weight management in other ways by increasing the rate at which the body burns fat and reducing appetite.

This is based on existing research published in 2012, which shows that capsaicin helps the body burn approximately 50 extra calories per day.

Capsaicin may also reduce pain and inflammation, act as an anticancer agent, and provide antioxidant properties. As a result, some researchers suggest that capsaicin may help treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.


Some drugs that speed up metabolism (read: promote weight loss):

  • Adiposine
  • Asparkam
  • Bupropion
  • Garcinia Forte
  • Glucophage
  • Goldline Light
  • Dichlorphenamide
  • Golden ball
  • Ideal
  • Indapamide
  • Carnivit Q10
  • Klopamide
  • Xenical
  • Lida
  • Lindaxa
  • Lipoxin
  • Liraglutide
  • L-carnitine
  • Lorcaserin
  • Meridia
  • Metaboline
  • Midamor
  • Naltrexone
  • Orlistat
  • Pramlintide
  • Reduxin
  • Rimonabant
  • Sibutramine
  • Slimia
  • Topiramate
  • Phentermine
  • Fepranon
  • Fluoxetine
  • Furosemide
  • Chlorthalidone
  • Exenatide Byeta
  • Ethacrynic acid
  • Ephedrine with caffeine

Rating of the best

From this list, we can highlight the top ten: these medications are often recommended by endocrinologists themselves, and there are much more positive reviews regarding their effectiveness than negative ones.

  1. L-carnitine. Maxler (Germany). $23.3.
  2. Xenical. Roche Holding (Switzerland). $17.
  3. Chromium Picolinate. Solgar (USA). $16.5.
  4. Tavamin. Grodno ZMP (Belarus). $14.6.
  5. Reduxin. Promomed (Russia). $13.
  6. Echinacea. Ratiopharm (Germany). $12.
  7. Turboslim Alpha. Evalar (Russia). $6.
  8. Lecithin Forte. RealCaps (Russia). $3.9.
  9. Liponorm. Gutta (Russia). $3.5.
  10. Glucophage. Merck Sante (France). $1.7.

If you buy something, it will be from this rating. At least they are approved by experts and are indeed effective.

5. Ginger

Adding ginger to food can increase body temperature and metabolic rate, and help control appetite.

Studies have assessed the effects of ginger on the weight loss and metabolic profiles of people who were overweight. It has been found that ginger may help reduce body weight and fasting glucose levels while increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol.

Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce nausea during pregnancy and after chemotherapy.

Muscle mass

The more muscle mass, the higher your calorie intake and faster your metabolism. To get rid of problems with excess weight, it makes sense to build muscle mass, and then constantly maintain it. Strength training is used for this. Severely obese people should not start with strength training right away. And with a small amount of extra kilos, they will help you quickly get into great shape.

In an effort to lose weight, aerobic training should be used along with strength training. Their meaning is to force the body to exercise at an intense rhythm, with rapid breathing and increased heart rate. Such workouts are useful for burning fat and improving cardiovascular health. They are carried out before or after strength training. The duration of an aerobic exercise should be at least 20 minutes, since first the body uses up newly received resources, and only then takes energy from the reserves of fat cells.


6. Green tea

Green tea has received a lot of attention in recent years as researchers have shed light on its potential health benefits.

Some research suggests that green tea extract may increase fat metabolism both at rest and during exercise. However, other studies show no significant effects. Additionally, scientists cannot guarantee that drinking green tea will have the same results as taking green tea extract.

There are studies that show that drinking 4 cups of green tea per day can significantly reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist size, and systolic blood pressure.

Other proposed health benefits of green tea include:

  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • antioxidant properties
  • antimicrobial activity
  • anti-cancer effects
  • benefits for heart and oral health


Coffee can stimulate metabolism due to its caffeine content.

Research shows that caffeine consumption has a stimulating effect on energy expenditure and can lead to an increase in metabolism. However, it is important to keep your overall consumption in mind.

Decaffeinated coffee does not have the same metabolism-boosting benefits. Additionally, adding cream or sugar will increase its caloric content, which may interfere with the beneficial effects of caffeine on metabolism.

Causes of Slow Metabolism

A person's lifestyle can affect their metabolic rate. When changing the main diet, decreasing or increasing physical activity, or moving to other climatic conditions, the metabolic rate often changes. In addition, stress, fatigue, and mental stress can disrupt physiological processes.

It is worth noting that men have a more active metabolism. They have more muscle mass, so the male body burns more calories to maintain vital functions. If a man does physical activity and does not have the habit of overeating, his weight remains normal regardless of age. It is more difficult for women to “keep” in shape, since their metabolism slows down by 5-10% every 10 years. To prevent your figure from “swimming” after 40, already at 35 it is advisable to start watching your diet and making efforts to speed up your metabolism.

Heredity plays an important role. If a person has one of their parents who is curvy, then we can talk about his predisposition to be overweight and the need to pay increased attention to his shape. If both parents are overweight, the risk of gaining weight increases many times over.

Brazil nuts

Top 10 Foods to Speed ​​Up Metabolism

Brazil nuts are one of the richest sources of selenium, a mineral that is essential for metabolism, reproduction, and immune function. They also contain protein and healthy fats to help people feel fuller.

Selenium is especially important for the thyroid gland, a gland that regulates metabolic function and produces several vital hormones.

According to the National Institutes of Health, each Brazil nut provides 68 to 91 micrograms (mcg) of selenium, which exceeds the recommended intake of 55 mcg per day. However, people should avoid eating too many nuts, as this can cause selenium toxicity.

Research also shows that Brazil nuts may improve cholesterol levels in healthy people. Abnormal cholesterol levels are a marker of metabolic syndrome.

How can you improve your metabolism?

If you want to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home, then first you can try to balance it, and, therefore, improve it. To do this, it is not necessary to pursue any sophisticated diet. Just try the following recommendations:

  1. Try to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and review your diet.
  2. Eat more often than once a day (the optimal number of meals is 5–6).
  3. Normalize the amount of sleep. A minimum of a full 8 hours + 1-2 hours of siesta.
  4. Increase the amount of protein in your diet.

Protein can help speed up and improve metabolism, as protein molecules are transport cells for fats, which helps digest fatty foods and eliminate them as waste.

In addition, the abundance of protein will allow you to launch all body functions, which will increase your energy expenditure per day.

Well, and finally, plenty of water and fiber can help improve metabolism. Eat salads and wash them down with water. Fiber will allow you to bind excess nutrients and safely remove them without disrupting the pace and rhythm of metabolism.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli may benefit your metabolism because it contains a substance called glucoraphanin.

Glucoraphanin helps “reset” metabolism, reduce blood fat levels and reduce the risk of many age-related diseases. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may also prevent or slow the development of some forms of cancer.

For more significant metabolism-boosting effects, look for Beneforte broccoli, which contains high levels of glucoraphanin.

Dark leafy green vegetables

Vegetables contain a lot of iron, which is very important for metabolism.

Spinach, kale and other leafy green vegetables can boost your metabolism due to their iron content. Iron is an essential mineral for metabolism, growth and development.

Leafy greens are a source of non-heme, or non-animal, iron. Try combining leafy greens with a source of vitamin C, such as lemon, tomatoes, or pumpkin, to increase your body's absorption of this type of iron.

Many leafy plants also contain high amounts of magnesium, another mineral that supports metabolic function and is involved in more than 300 processes in the body.

Other Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

Eating a healthy diet is important for regulating your metabolism. Other ways to boost metabolic function include:

Drinking water.

Drinking an extra 1,500 milliliters (ml) of water per day may reduce body weight and BMI in some overweight people, according to one small study. Participants drank 500 ml before each meal.

Researchers speculate that this is due to water-induced thermogenesis, where water increases metabolism.


Getting enough sleep is important for your metabolism and overall health.

Research shows that lack of sleep may contribute to increased trends in obesity and diabetes, both of which are consequences of metabolic syndrome.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. To improve your sleep patterns, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Power training.

Lifting weights regularly allows people to gain and maintain muscle mass and burn fat. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults do strengthening exercises 2 or more days a week.

A 2021 study found that strength training doubled your overall basal metabolic rate.

How to speed up your metabolism?

You probably won't be too surprised that the answer is exercise . The increase in metabolic activity from exercise can be achieved post-workout . Excessive oxygen consumption after exercise may take more than one day , depending on the duration and intensity of your physical activity. [2]

However, aerobic and anaerobic sports have different effects on metabolism . Aerobic activity tends to burn more calories during exercise , but less after exercise. Conversely, anaerobic activity increases oxygen consumption, especially after exercise . [10] Additionally, anaerobic exercise is better for building muscle mass , which requires additional energy . Indeed, after every workout, muscles are damaged and need energy to recover. [eleven]

Another method that promotes metabolism is exposure to cold and winter . It is estimated that a higher core temperature increases the metabolic rate for each degree Celsius by 10-13% . That's why some people take ice baths, wear fewer layers of clothing, or keep their homes at a lower temperature. However, this method can be dangerous if it is used inappropriately or if used by people with health problems. [2]

It is also necessary to mention the effect of food frequency on metabolism . Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support the idea that eating more frequently will increase your metabolic rate. Most likely, it is the total number of calories that determines changes in body weight. Read more about this in our article. Do you need to eat six times a day to maintain a fast metabolism? [12] [13] [14] [15]

How to speed up your metabolism?

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