How to lose 10 kg in a month: general recommendations and diet options

Losing 10 kg in a month without harm to your health is a feasible task. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to exhaust yourself with strict diets. Compliance with the basic principles of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will quickly lead to your cherished goal.

Changing your eating habits is the main “sacrifice” you have to make for a beautiful figure. When wondering how to lose 10 kg, many mistakenly believe that they have to live on nothing but water, and cannot decide to pull themselves together and start losing weight. But the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Dietitians oppose strict restrictions, which often give the exact opposite of the expected result.

Healthy food and daily routine are the main components of success. Let's figure out what rules you need to follow to get in shape and improve your well-being.

Negative aspects of losing weight quickly

It's no secret that health always comes first for everyone. Diets, of course, cannot destroy the entire body, but losing weight too quickly will definitely harm a person’s health.

Experts, nutritionists and doctors say that it is recommended to lose only one kilogram every seven days.

In order to find out for sure whether it’s worth starting to lose weight at all, you need to reconsider and comprehend your general condition:

  • It’s worth losing a little extra weight if you experience shortness of breath, dizziness and “stars” appearing before your eyes;
  • extra pounds have accumulated if, after eating food, the body completely relaxes and the desire to go to bed appears. There is always a slight feeling of fatigue and drowsiness;
  • in the afternoon there was a strong desire to eat everything in the refrigerator and a bunch of other sweets and flour products. That is, there is a malfunction in the body, which provokes the deposition of excess fat mass and the appearance of cellulite.

In fact, the phrase: “I lost 10 kg in a week” is quite reasonable and justified! The most important thing is to correctly compose the combination of products for the proposed diet, regularly engage in physical activity, and you should not feel sorry for yourself at all while losing weight.

“Minus 60 kg” is an interesting option for losing weight

To get the greatest effect from a diet, you need to tune your body and, of course, your head to a radical change in your usual lifestyle.

This fact is much easier to bear taking into account that you do not need to lose extra pounds in a specific time frame. It is also important to go on a diet specifically for your health and appearance.

The “Minus 60” diet is quite relevant, using which you will not need to give up your favorite diet and take your time, that is, lose weight gradually.

The following simple rules must be followed:

  • The main thing is to minimize morning breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is, significantly reduce the amount of food taken at one time. The diet must be strict in serving portions.
  • In the first seven days of the diet, you will have to get rid of unnecessary foods and change your usual plate to a smaller option. Eat only what is on the plate itself and nothing extra.

  • The beginning of the day should be exclusively breakfast, without the usual empty coffee and cigarettes. It is wiser to eat different cereals, yoghurts, cottage cheese in the morning and replace bread and sausage with a sandwich with chicken fillet.
  • It is better to combine buckwheat or rice porridge with fish or lean meat. Flour, fatty, fried and sweet foods are completely excluded.
  • It is better to have light foods for dinner: fruits, vegetables.
  • It is worth limiting yourself in eating bread, potatoes and pasta. If you really want something, it’s better to eat it before 12 noon.

What to eat to lose weight

A weight loss plan is based on determining the daily caloric intake for safe weight loss. It is not necessary to go into precise mathematical calculations - it is enough to determine the daily calorie intake and subtract 15-20% from the amount. It is not recommended to create a greater deficit by consuming up to 400–800 kcal per day. With such poor nutrition, the likelihood of breakdowns increases, weakness and nervousness appear. Over time, metabolic processes slow down and problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear.

Minimum daily calorie content: for women - 1200 kcal; for men - 1600 kcal.

After calculating your daily calorie intake, you need to reconsider your eating habits. You need to remove foods from your diet that interfere with rapid and safe weight loss:

  1. Baking and confectionery products. They contain fast carbohydrates and fats, as well as a large number of calories. For example, to burn 460 kcal, which are present in 100 grams of croissants with chocolate filling, you will have to do aerobics for at least an hour.
  2. Sweets. You will also have to give up sugar and sweets. You can replace them with natural honey and fresh fruits.
  3. Carbonated drinks and packaged juices. The “light” label on lemonades doesn’t mean anything. These drinks also contain sugar, which slows down the weight loss process. Sweeteners are also added to packaged juices, so it is better to avoid them in favor of freshly squeezed ones.
  4. Fat meat. During the diet, it is more advisable to include dishes from chicken breast, fish, and lean beef in the menu. It is better to avoid pork and lamb if you want to lose weight faster and get rid of cellulite.
  5. Sauces and ketchups. They contain dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings. You definitely won’t become healthier from such ingredients, so instead of the usual mayonnaise and ketchup, it is better to use mixtures of spices and aromatic herbs.

To avoid feeling hungry, you need to eat little, but often. With a classic 5-6 meals a day - 3 main meals and 2 snacks - the process of losing weight does not drive the body into a stressful state. Fresh fruits, dairy products, nuts, and dried fruits are used as snacks. Don't forget to consider their energy value.

Drink 1-2 glasses of mineral water 20 minutes before meals. This trick will help reduce stomach volume and portion sizes.

Once a week you can have fasting days. Mono-diets have worked well - you only need to eat one type of food during the day. Fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, and tea with milk are suitable for unloading. The latest mono-diet not only removes extra pounds, but also helps get rid of puffiness.

Systemic diet

Lose 10 kg. at home, a fairly simple systematic diet will help, which preserves your health as much as possible and is not too restrictive in food.

Her intention is to reduce the daily calorie intake to 1200. You just need to find a table of calorie content of foods on the Internet and take into account their number per day.

This method allows you to build a competent menu for the whole day. It is important to know that you need to drink up to two liters of clean water per day and regularly engage in physical activity.

Losing weight correctly

To lose 10 kg in a month, you will have to reconsider not only your diet, but also your daily routine. Nutritionists give the following recommendations for those who want to part with hated fat deposits:

  1. Drink more pure still water. The daily volume should be at least two liters, excluding soups, tea, coffee and other liquids.
  2. Sleep more and go to bed earlier. The fact is that in the first phase of sleep, the hormone melatonin is most actively produced, which promotes weight loss.
  3. Minimize or completely eliminate salt and sugar.
  4. Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. Nicotine and alcohol have been proven to slow down metabolism.
  5. Eat often, but in small portions (no more than 200 g).
  6. The advice not to eat after six in the evening helps many people, but is now considered outdated. The last meal should take place no later than three hours before going to bed. An exception may be a glass of low-fat kefir at night.
  7. Exercise. You don’t have to buy a gym membership—you can train at home, choosing any set of exercises you like. Jogging or walking in the fresh air is very beneficial.
  8. Not to starve. Strict express diets give quick but short-term results.
  9. Take care of your skin. Large weight loss will inevitably affect her condition. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to do home wraps, self-massage and take a contrast shower. These procedures are also excellent in the fight against cellulite.

Self-massage will prevent stretch marks

Five Parts Diet

Lose 10 kg relatively quickly. You can use the “Five Parts” diet, which divides the diet into five points:

  • fatty foods - fish, nuts;
  • carbohydrate foods - vegetables, fruits and cereals;
  • protein and protein - boiled chicken, beef, cottage cheese, cheese and seafood;
  • bran bread - use fiber;
  • Drinks include non-sweet teas, fresh juices, smoothies.

It is important to place five portions of food on a small plate and eat food in five portions. We must not forget about physical education and sports!

How to lose weight correctly?

There are situations when you urgently need to lose extra pounds and quickly get into great shape.

You should first remember that rapid weight loss, unfortunately, can be harmful to your health. And it’s better to think a hundred times before completely limiting yourself in food.

Nutritionists offer various gentle diets that can be followed for a maximum of 20 days. But you shouldn’t shock your body at all; in the future, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences: a feeling of fatigue, irritation, apathy, etc. You need to properly prepare for any diet and exit it correctly.

How to exercise

You can lose extra pounds without sports. But the condition of the skin and muscles will not please you. Without regular physical activity, volumes decrease slowly, and unsightly fat remains in problem areas - on the stomach, back, buttocks and thighs. Therefore, in addition to diet, it is necessary to develop an individual training program.

After 2 months of classes, you will know the capabilities of your body and will be able to create a training program yourself. Beginners should seek advice from professional fitness trainers.

Cardio exercises burn fat effectively and quickly. If you set a goal to lose as much weight as possible in two months, aerobic exercise should be daily. The training includes exercises such as:

  • running and fast walking;
  • jumping rope;
  • squats and lunges;
  • dance aerobics;
  • exercises on an exercise bike and elliptical.

In the first month, you can actually lose 5-6 extra pounds if you do several types of exercises correctly every day. For example, you can start the day with dance aerobics, at lunch it will be useful to jump rope or perform a 10-minute complex with squats, push-ups, jumping and twisting. To burn maximum calories, take a walk before bed - at least 30-60 minutes of walking at a calm pace. Energy consumption at such loads varies between 500–1000 kcal.

In summer you can organize bike rides. An hour of cycling burns 500–800 kcal.

After 1.5–2 months you will have to reconsider the training program. Be sure to include strength exercises that promote the growth of muscle tissue and prevent the skin from sagging. You can supplement your individual program with stretching.

Photo tips on how to lose weight by 10 kg

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