TOP 6 sports supplements for gaining muscle mass

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When you exercise regularly, you probably want to get the most out of it.

One of the most important benefits of exercise is that we become stronger and gain muscle mass. Having a healthy amount of muscle contributes to high performance during exercise and in everyday life.

To gain weight, three main criteria must be met: consuming more calories than you burn, consuming more protein than you can break down, and getting adequate training for all muscle groups.

You can follow these points without sports nutrition to gain weight, but with it it will be easier to achieve results.

So what should you drink to gain weight and what supplements are best to choose?

The muscle building sports nutrition supplements below will help you reach your goals with your training program.


Creatine is a molecule produced by your body that provides energy to muscle and other tissues.

However, taking it as a dietary supplement can increase muscle creatine levels by up to 40% above normal levels.

This affects muscle growth and your overall performance. In fact, many studies confirm this.

If you want to gain muscle mass, then this is great news for you. Increased strength performance leads to better training, which in turn leads to even greater strength in your muscles.

Creatine also increases the water content of muscle cells, which helps them swell, signaling muscle growth.

In addition, this supplement can increase the level of a hormone involved in muscle growth, such as IGF-1.

Some studies also show that creatine interferes with the breakdown of protein in your muscles.

In general, scientists agree that creatine promotes muscle growth and, moreover, is safe.

If you don’t know which sports nutrition is best for muscle growth, then first of all we advise you to consider keratin.

Summary: Creatine is probably the best supplement option for muscle growth. Many scientific studies confirm that it helps build muscle mass.

Weight gain drugs

To grow muscle mass or gain weight, people resort to proper nutrition, combining it with intense training. However, the desired result in most cases is delayed. To speed up the process and achieve their goals - the formation of a beautiful, voluminous, rounded figure, they begin to additionally take drugs to gain body weight.

Basic properties and indications for use

Literally all pills that help a girl or guy gain weight are based on the activation of two processes:

  • synthesis of protein components;
  • growth of muscle fibers, cells and tissues.

Thanks to this, the medicine that affects weight gain does not particularly increase weight due to the accumulation of fat, but, on the contrary, promotes the development and formation of the muscle corset. When one hormone rises, another is suppressed, and the growth of one’s own body weight increases due to the activation of somatotropin (stimulation of growth secretion).


Indications for use are the same for both men and girls:

  • destruction of tissues, cellular organs - muscle dystrophy;
  • violation of the metabolism of fats synthesized in the liver - lipids;
  • worsening and disruption of protein metabolism;
  • anorexia of varying degrees and stages;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Weight gain pills are also relevant for improving metabolic processes. It does not matter how much or how well the food is absorbed. The main thing is to maintain a lifestyle: sedentary or physical, active.

Many people confuse pharmaceutical supplement tablets with dietary supplements from sports nutrition. Therefore, it is worth knowing that the nutritional supplements used in sports nutrition are similar only in some of their constituent components and in their intended function - for weight gain.

Causes of lack of muscle mass

  1. Increased carbohydrate metabolism. This is a human genetic trait. Such people need constant carbohydrate feeding.
  2. Malnutrition, insufficient caloric intake. In most cases, this is typical for girls who, due to a great desire to lose weight, go on various strict diets.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Hormonal disorders. As a rule, this is associated with thyroid dysfunction.
  5. Poor lifestyle – lack of sleep, stress, smoking.
  6. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Diet and daily calorie needs

When taking pills for weight gain, you must additionally control the ratio of BZHU (consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and the daily calorie intake.


For men, the BZHU norm is:

  • protein components – from 65 to 117 g within 24 hours;
  • healthy, healthy fats – from 75 to 165 g per day;
  • fast carbohydrates – from 256 to 700 g per day.

For females, the basic intake of BZHU per day is:

  • proteins – from 60 to 90 g;
  • fats – from 58 to 87 g;
  • carbohydrates – from 256 to 686 g.

In addition to consuming the required amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat elements, it is necessary to take vitamins and tablets containing macro- and microelements, fatty acids and amino acids.

To calculate the energy value of food, there are fitness trackers, all kinds of calculator applications, scales and other equipment. Basically, the daily calorie intake (DCA) is calculated using the L. Macdonald formula:

SNK = Weight (kg) X K (kcal) / 1 kg of weight

K – calorie coefficient, depending on gender, metabolic rate and intensity of the day:

  • monotony (slow mode): for women – 31, for men – 33;
  • fast mode: for women – 33, for men – 35.

By observing the above dietary and energy standards, the tablets will help men and women gain weight quickly. Otherwise, if you eat without a balanced diet, weight gain will have a bad effect on both your appearance and your health.

Protein supplements

Eating enough protein is absolutely essential for muscle growth.

In particular, to gain weight, you need to consume more protein than you can break down.

It is possible to get enough protein from food, but this is a challenge for many.

If you belong to this category, we recommend choosing the right protein supplement.

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is very diverse, but the most popular are casein and soy protein. Other protein supplements contain protein derived from eggs, beef, chicken and other foods.

Research shows that consuming extra protein leads to slightly more muscle growth than consuming extra carbohydrates.

However, these supplements have the greatest effect on people who do not get enough protein from their diet.

Moreover, scientists have concluded that consuming large amounts of protein supplements does not affect muscle growth in those whose diet is already high in protein.

Many people are interested in what their daily protein intake should be. If you are actively training, then the best proportion would be 1.2-2.0 g per kg of weight.

Summary: Eating adequate protein is an essential part of building muscle. However, if your diet contains enough protein, then resorting to protein sports nutrition is not necessary.

Omega-3, familiar from childhood

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are what fish oil is really valued for. But now there is no need to swallow a nasty oily liquid - modern technologies have made it possible to encapsulate Omega-3 in capsules with a neutral aroma, without an unpleasant taste.

Omega-3 significantly strengthens the immune system. When gaining muscle mass, this is especially important - after all, we mean, among other things, recovery processes. Roughly speaking, protein and the amino acids it contains are the “building blocks” for our body, while fatty acids are “cement”.

In addition, Omega-3 reduces the load on the heart and blood vessels, increases overall endurance and resistance to stress. A lack of unsaturated fatty acids can lead to serious metabolic disorders.

Omega-3s must be taken with other foods, otherwise they are poorly absorbed and can lead to intestinal upset.


Gainer is a supplement that helps you consume more calories and protein. They are usually used by those people who have difficulty gaining weight even with the necessary training and proper diet.

The calorie content of gainers may vary, but in general they do not exceed 1000 calories per serving.

Many people think that calories come from protein, but they actually come from carbohydrates.

High-calorie supplements typically contain 75-300 grams of carbohydrates and only 20-60 grams of protein per serving.

Such supplements are needed to consume more calories, however, it is worth remembering that these are not “magic pills”.

Some studies of physically inactive adults suggest that a significant increase in caloric intake can lead to muscle growth when consuming adequate amounts of protein.

However, it has been found that muscle gainers may not have any effect on muscle growth in exercising adults.

In general, it is recommended to take such supplements only if you have difficulty eating enough food and would find it easier to drink a shake.

Summary: Gainers are high-calorie supplements that help you consume the required amount of protein and calories. They are only recommended for people who have difficulty getting enough calories from food.


Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps reduce fatigue and increase productivity. In addition, it helps to gain weight with regular training.

One study found that taking 4 grams of beta-alanine per day for eight weeks increased the body weight of college football players and wrestlers more than a placebo.

In another study, scientists concluded that if you take this supplement for 6 weeks and do high-intensity interval training, your muscle mass will increase by 0.45 kg.

More research is needed on this topic, but it is clear that this supplement promotes muscle growth during exercise.

Summary: Beta-alanine is an amino acid that can improve performance during training. Some studies also suggest that it affects muscle growth with regular exercise.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Branched chain amino acids are leucine, isoleucine and valine.

They are found in many sources of protein, especially animal sources - meat, chicken, eggs and fish.

BCAAs are absolutely essential for muscle growth and make up 14% of all amino acids in muscle tissue.

Each of us consumes them in food every day, but these amino acids are also popular as a supplement.

Some studies have shown that BCAAs help gain muscle weight and prevent muscle loss compared to a placebo.

However, opposing studies have not found a beneficial effect of branched chain amino acids on muscle growth.

Again, it is likely that sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass containing BCAA will only help if your diet is characterized by a deficiency.

Summary: Branched chain amino acids are important for muscle growth. They're found in many foods, but it's unclear whether consuming more of them will benefit muscle growth if you're already eating a high-protein diet.

Types of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass


Protein is the main ingredient for gaining weight. It will be impossible to do this without him. It can be produced in the form of powders, liquids or in special mixtures.

Protein powder

Protein powder is the basis for building muscles. It is suitable for both beginners and professionals. A very popular product for weight gain. It nourishes cells with protein and contains no unnecessary substances or unnecessary additives. If you decide to start gaining muscle mass, then you will not be able to do without protein powder. Most popular proteins:

  • One of the leaders in proteins is 100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD (OPTIMUM NUTRITION). This protein has a good composition, varied tastes and effectiveness after consumption.
  • Elite Whey Protein from Dymatize. It contains milk peptides, contains amino acids, and is highly soluble.
  • 100% Prostar Whey Protein from Ultimate Nutrition. There are no fillers in the composition, high protein content.
  • 100% Pure Titanium Whey from It has a pleasant taste and good quality indicators.


Creatine is a substance found in meat. It serves to gain muscle mass and energy, and increases endurance during training. It is best to take creatine from manufacturers that lead the market:

  • Ultimate Nutrition.
  • Dymatize.
  • Optimum Nutrition.

You shouldn't skimp on creatine. Because cheap products will not be as effective as they should be.

Amino acids

Most often we are talking about the three essential amino acids BCAA. In addition to the fact that amino acids increase muscle volume, they also nourish the body with useful substances, participating in various biochemical processes in the body. The use of such amino acids is recommended during sports and high physical activity. The most popular product is Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000 Caps. It has very positive reviews from athletes and an optimal price. Also worth attention: Muscle Pharm BCAA 3:1:2 or amino acids in powder Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder, Ultimate Nutrition BCAA 1200 Powder, amino acids in BCAA tablets from Weider.


Beta-methylbutyrate hydroxide (HMB) is a molecule formed during the processing of the amino acid leucine.

It is responsible for the benefits of protein and leucine in the diet.

While it is produced naturally in the body, consuming it in supplement form can have a positive effect on muscle growth.

Several studies in which the subjects were non-exercising adults have shown that consuming 3-6 grams of HMB per day increases your body weight.

However, the same dosage of HMB has no effect on adults whose daily ritual is exercise.

This means that HMB is most effective for those just starting to exercise or increasing their training intensity.

Summary: HMB may help those new to the gym, but is not effective for those who train regularly.

Other Supplements

It is suggested that some other supplements such as linoleic acid, glutamine, carnitine, and testosterone boosters also have a positive effect on muscle growth.

However, information on this matter is quite contradictory.

  • Conjugated linoleic acid is a group of omega-6 fatty acids that affect the body in several ways. Research into whether this acid helps increase muscle mass has yielded mixed results.
  • Testosterone Boosters – Testosterone boosting supplements include D-aspartic acid, Tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, DHEA, and ashwagandha. These compounds are likely only beneficial for those with low testosterone levels.
  • Glutamine and carnitine - These are probably not effective for weight gain in young or middle-aged people. However, research has shown that carnitine may have a positive effect on muscle growth in older adults.

Summary: Many types of supplements are thought to increase muscle size, but there is little evidence that they are effective for healthy, active people.

Mass gain drugs

You can effectively gain weight with the help of pills if you know their detailed description, correct use and side effects.

After all, pharmaceutical drugs are varied. Some are best suited for women, while others are best suited for strength athletes and bodybuilders. Therefore, let’s figure out which pills can be used to gain weight for men and women.

For men

Pills designed to gain weight for men are medically called steroids. These drugs are effective in increasing muscle mass and, accordingly, body weight in general in men.

  1. Andriol – Andriol (Aveed, Reandron, Nebido-R, Pantestone). Undecanoic acid and testosterone ester help regulate protein metabolism and accelerate the growth of muscle tissue.
  2. Methyltestosterone – Methyltestosteronum (Anroral, Hormale, Oreton, Testoral). This is a synthetic steroid hormone that prevents the complete release of water from the body. Due to the accumulation and increase of fluid, the increase in mass occurs very quickly.
  3. Methandienone – Metandienonum (Dianabol, Anabolin, Novabol, Danabol, Perabol). A real doping steroid that increases appetite.

For women

Weight gain drugs for women

Drugs most suitable for weight gain for women:

  1. Dydrogesterone (Duphaston, Duphaston). Such drugs are prescribed to restore hormonal balance in women. Weight gain is a side effect of taking it.
  2. Chloe. Contraceptives. In addition to preventing pregnancy, the capsules correct and restore hormonal levels. At the same time, women noticeably increase their own body weight.
  3. Brewer's yeast, Peritol, Oksandrolon, Nutrison are the most harmless female medications for rapid weight gain.

Vitamins and minerals for weight gain

Vitamins and minerals are safe and harmless supplements. Their huge advantage, which antimetabolites do not have (drugs that affect the intensity of metabolism for weight gain - Fluorouracil, PAS, Sulfanilamide) - can be purchased without a prescription. There are no side effects from them.

As a rule, mineral-vitamin complexes are produced in the form of dragees. These are Alphabet, Complivit, Merz, Vitrum, Centrum and others. You can also purchase injections for weight gain: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, E.

Is there any harm from taking medications?

The doctor's consultation

Pharmacy steroids are used only after consultation with a doctor, since drugs to increase muscle mass affect the general hormonal background. Excess body weight instantly affects the increase in cholesterol, liver function, gastrointestinal tract, and psyche.

Let's sum it up

Supplements will not provide maximum muscle growth if you do not have a nutrition and exercise program.

To grow muscles, you need to consume enough calories and protein, as well as perform strength training, ideally with additional weights. Once your eating and exercise patterns are under control, you can start choosing a sports pit.

Creatine and protein supplements are probably the most effective choices for increasing the lean portion of body mass, but other supplements may be beneficial for certain people.


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