Pre- and post-workout nutrition to gain muscle mass

Proper anabolic nutrition after training for muscle gains

If the body is not fed with the necessary micro and macro elements in time, then after a power load it will begin to destroy muscle fibers in order to restore the energy spent during training. The main question: when and what should you eat to grow muscles?

The topic of this article is proper post-workout nutrition to increase muscle mass. In it you will find practical recommendations on nutrition so that it gives the maximum anabolic effect, that is, stimulates muscle growth.

When we train, we destroy our muscle fibers. The very process of growth and, therefore, muscle gain occurs during rest and recovery. And whether new muscles are built and how effective it will be will depend on proper post-workout nutrition. Muscle is water and protein, consisting of a set of amino acids. To build muscle you need energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Micro and macroelements are also needed, which act as catalysts, one might say accelerators of various processes occurring in the body.

Carbohydrate window

One option for post-workout nutrition is to eat within 15-30 minutes of finishing your workout. These 15-30 minutes are called the carbohydrate or protein window. Many believe that at this time the body needs nutrients that are used to store glycogen in the muscles. GLYCOGEN is a carbohydrate conserved in muscles (it is used as energy during training).

  1. Some believe that this time is ideal for feeding the body with proteins, which will be used to restore damaged muscle fibers.
  2. Others believe that you need to eat carbohydrates because, as I said above, they will be used to accumulate glycogen.
  3. As always, there is a third option. Trainer Alexander Pasko, a former bodybuilder, believes that it doesn’t matter what you eat during this “window”, because both proteins and carbohydrates will be used to restore the energy spent during training.

All these recommendations boil down to the conclusion that after training you need to eat easily digestible food within 15-30 minutes. For example, it could be a gainer or a protein shake, or a few bananas. You can also safely eat a bun with kefir or milk. This method of eating after training will definitely be beneficial when gaining muscle mass.

But there is another way to look at this issue.

Eating after a workout

Be sure to eat after training to gain weight within 30 minutes, you need to take food rich in carbohydrates and proteins, this period of time is called the carbohydrate window, at this time the muscles are exhausted and, like a sponge, absorb everything that you send them.

This is the same case when you can safely eat carbohydrates with a high level of the glycemic index; the calories will go directly to restoring glycogen reserves, and not to subcutaneous fat.

The protein will be used to restore damaged muscle areas and do not forget that usually training takes place in the evening, after which physical activity decreases, excess calories from protein do not go into fat, even the undigested part is excreted by the body through increased kidney function.

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7.Don't skip leg day

We're serious. You run the risk of becoming a target for jokes, your legs will be recognized by the entire Internet community from some “meme” or you will look like an inverted triangle. Plus, if you don't train them, you'll lose even more muscle . Train them hard at least once a week.

Don't skip leg day

Research has shown that performing exercises that support the musculoskeletal system (i.e. squats and deadlifts) triggers a hormonal response that triggers circulation without testosterone levels and increases growth hormone levels . This may aid in the preferential remodeling of muscle mass in the body. In other words, you “pump up” and burn fat at the same time.

Many trainers say that if they don't do squats or even deadlifts, they won't feel as strong doing other lifts or progress as quickly as they do doing them.

Carbohydrates after exercise

It was already described above that you need to take fast carbohydrates with a high index level in order to sharply increase the level of insulin in the blood, which at this moment has an anabolic effect and prevents muscle destruction.

Carbohydrates are necessary to replenish the energy deficit, which a lot of it took to perform physical exercises; if this is not done in time, the body will begin to draw it from the muscles , triggering catabolic processes in full.

After training, you need to take from 60 to 100 grams of carbohydrates.

Grocery list:

— Porridge (barley, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) — Pasta — Bread — Juice — Bananas — Honey (but don’t overdo it)

Reduce the number of workouts, but increase their intensity

Other very common mistakes we make in training:

• we do too many sets • we don't use weights that challenge our bodies • we rest too long between sets

If your workout lasts more than an hour and 15 minutes, you're either doing too many exercises or resting longer between sets than necessary. Try to pay attention to this. Your fitness will improve and your muscles will grow, while you spend less time in the gym. Instead of wasting time exercising, you can enjoy a good quality meal or sleep an hour more.

Rest between workouts

Follow the rule: 16-18 sets for large muscle parts , 12-14 sets for small muscle parts . Choose a weight with which you can do 1-2 repetitions without any problems. However, don't pick up a weight with which you won't even feel the muscles you're training.

As for rest between approaches, they should not exceed 90 seconds . Some trainers recommend breaks as close to 60 seconds as possible. Then you feel that you are “pumping” and stimulating your muscles . The only exceptions are squats and deadlifts. A good rule of thumb is to rest until your breathing becomes calm. Exercise causes oxygen deficiency , which will be replenished when you catch your breath.

Protein after workout

After finishing your workout, drink protein as soon as possible, preferably whey, it has a rapid degree of digestibility; it also doesn’t hurt to take BCAA in the amount of 5-8g. and gainer. In this case, protein synthesis in the muscles will increase 3 times, compared to if you do not eat after training.

Protein also has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, restoring it after heavy training. The amount of protein should be at least 20-30g.

Grocery list:

— Chicken fillet, turkey, lean beef — Fish — Cottage cheese — Egg whites

For a more detailed list of foods containing a lot of protein, see here.

4.Sleep at least 8 hours

We understand. With all these responsibilities and work, this point is very difficult to stick to . However, lack of sleep can significantly impact your progress. During sleep, the body is in a calm mode and burns much fewer calories than if you are awake and doing something. In addition, muscles are restored during sleep and muscle tissue is renewed.

Sleep for muscle growth

Another benefit of good sleep is the release of growth hormone . This hormone helps with muscle recovery. Please note that missing a few hours of sleep can cause lethargy, irritability, hypersensitivity and possible depression. This is enough to try to get as much sleep as possible. Your body will recover and be ready to continue to progress in your training.

If you can't sleep or have restless sleep, try sleep-supporting supplements containing magnesium , ZMA and Zmb, melatonin, or tryptophan .

Nutrition for weight loss after exercise

The information does not quite fit the title of the article, but it will be useful for those who, having gained muscle mass, want to better draw their figure, get rid of excess fat, leaving clean meat.

Immediately after training, do not eat food, only after 2-3 hours, the exception is protein up to 20g, BCCA - 5g. and amino acids. Why is this so??? Taking protein, BCCA and amino acids keeps muscles from breaking down, and eliminating carbohydrates immediately after training forces the body to get energy by breaking down fat deposits.

At the end of 2-3 hours, you should take slow carbohydrates, which gradually release energy to the body and then in small quantities. Before going to bed, you should take casein protein.

What foods to avoid?

The right diet is the key to success in building the body of your dreams.

The list of prohibited foods for all athletes is as follows:

  • products of the sausage industry (sausages, slices);
  • chips, crackers, semi-finished products;
  • products of non-natural origin (black ice cream, watermelon-flavored water, etc.).

These foods should be excluded from the diet. If they are your constant companions, start gradually giving them up. This will slow down your training progress, but will make it easier to give up bad habits.

Meal after evening workout

If you immediately go to bed after training, then 2 hours before the start of active physical activity, take a hearty dinner with carbohydrates, and after finishing, you definitely need casein protein in the amount of 30-40g. (gradually absorbed by the muscles until the morning, preventing the destruction of muscle tissue) and BCAA 5-8g, do not take carbohydrates at the end.

If it is not possible to take casein protein, use low-fat cottage cheese, it also contains a decent portion of casein.

Use this information to gain high-quality muscle mass, leave comments, the opinions of every reader are interesting, some want to criticize, and some want to praise, every detail is important to me. I wish you good luck, summer is coming

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