Basics of proper nutrition for girls to gain weight at home

The female audience, when talking about body type, has specific needs. It is very important for a girl to be in good shape, but not to make her muscles look “pumped.” Stay slim, but not skinny. Lose weight in your stomach and sides, create a “wasp waist” and pump up your gluteal muscles without enlarging your hips. Sound familiar? Is it possible to overcome genetics and build the body of your dreams without any training experience, avoiding hunger strikes or overeating? Let's find out together!

The main request from girls to nutritionists and trainers is to lose weight for an important date or event. But there are also those who express a desire to gain weight, but they just can’t do it. The question of how to gain muscle mass for a girl is one that puzzles beginner athletes, lovers of curvaceous figures, or women experiencing health problems.

When a girl decides to gain weight or build muscle mass to improve her proportions, then it is necessary to decide what the training program will be and a competent nutrition plan for a quality gain. The latter is the key to success, because 80% of the work on building your dream body happens in the kitchen.

After reading the article you will know:

  • what principles determine muscle growth;
  • what should be included in the diet according to KBJU for weight gain;
  • how to create a menu to gain weight for a thin girl without the risk of increasing body fat;
  • training plan and sports supplements to achieve your goal;
  • all about myths: is femininity lost when building muscles.

Principles of muscle growth

The understanding and idea of ​​female beauty has changed a lot. Thin models have been replaced by girls with athletic figures and curves, which reflects physical fitness and good health. Diets based on one product replace proper and healthy nutrition for building muscle.

Genetics determines the quantity and quality of muscle fibers in a person. Muscles are built up due to the compaction of fibers in the recovery process after the stress received during strength training.

The human body is a complex system that works on the principle of compensation: if the muscles receive more load than usual, then in the recovery phase the body strives to adapt to the created conditions. In a specific case, the growth of muscle mass due to an increase in the number of myofibrils in the muscle (protein threads). The building material is the nutrients obtained from food.

Just like men, three main components will help a girl gain weight:

  • strength training with additional weights;
  • correct nutrition plan taking into account KBZHU;
  • recovery (sleep, rest).

Compliance with the points will lead to achieving the goal.

The role of nutrition in muscle growth

The importance of nutrition for muscle growth is undeniable. Performing weight-bearing exercises stresses muscle fibers, creating microtrauma. After playing sports, muscles need time to recover. The injured areas are filled with new cells, increasing the density and volume of the muscle. During this period, it is important to supply the body with building materials - amino acids.

Skeletal muscle performs a contractile function and is represented by myofibrils. Actin and myosin filaments are types of protein and the basic units of fibers. Protein cells, hormones and enzymes in the human body are created and restored from available amino acid compounds.

Amino acids enter the body with food enriched with protein:

  • meat, poultry, game;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products, etc.

When building voluminous and physically developed muscles, muscle protein synthesis occurs - breakdown and restoration. The process takes place on a daily basis and requires energy expenditure.

Cortisol is a hormone that destroys muscle structure, resulting in loss of shape. Occurs in the absence of freely available amino acids, so the body breaks down muscle fibers to obtain nutrients.

To prevent a negative process, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet that promotes protein synthesis and muscle building. With a calorie deficit, increasing body volume is impossible.

What lifestyle contributes to weight gain?

Stressful situations and constant depressed mood in naturally thin people are accompanied by the loss of kilograms. Constantly being in a good mood and positive emotions, on the contrary, will help the body quickly adapt and readjust to the fact that you need to gain weight, and not spend existing and incoming energy sources.

No bad habits. Neither large nor small doses of alcohol provide any health benefits. Smoking not only has a detrimental effect on the body, but also speeds up the metabolism. By giving up smoking, gaining the desired kilograms will become much easier. All this is true only when activities that consume excess energy are eliminated.

The latter means that you should refrain from any aerobic exercise. Dancing, running, swimming, aerobics, exercise on bicycle and elliptical trainers require energy expenditure, but have virtually no effect on the growth of muscle tissue, and, therefore, lead to an even greater decrease in volume.

You definitely need to believe in your own strength and success. Having a clear idea that the goal will be achieved is motivating. Otherwise, no results will be achieved. Another important point that should not be misleading is that, of course, it will not be possible to build a beautiful body in one month. It takes much more time, but every change that occurs will bring an incredible sense of satisfaction and make you work further.

Body types

It should be noted that among girls it is easier or more difficult for some to lose weight. The same is true with weight gain. The point is that there are several body types with individual characteristics of physiological processes:

  • Endomorphs have an obese, dense figure, a tendency to quickly accumulate fat, and slow weight loss.
  • Mesomorphs are an athletic body type. Ease of weight loss control and high-quality weight gain (with a minimum of excess fat).
  • Ectomorphs – thin body structure: thin bones, long limbs, narrow shoulders. Therefore, how to gain muscle mass for an ectomorph girl is a particularly difficult question. Representatives of this physique are hardy and have a good metabolism.

Each body type has its own characteristics. But this is not an indicator that genetics cannot be overcome. Mesomorphs can easily gain weight by uncontrollably eating hamburgers and sweets. And endomorphs will build strong muscles that will amaze anyone after reducing the percentage of subcutaneous fat.

The high metabolism of ectomorphs seems like a gift from fate, since a high metabolism allows you to eat any food and not gain weight. In thin people, amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates, is more active than in others. But trans fats from fast food and systematic eating of sweets have never made anyone healthier.

Psychological barrier

Getting better is sometimes as difficult as losing weight. Bad habits, emotions, and psychological barriers prevent you from solving the problem. Lack of internal self-support is the strongest obstacle to recovery. This is manifested in the following factors:

  • low self-esteem;
  • inability to cope with emotions;
  • lack of full communication;
  • need for protection;
  • self-prohibitions and taboos;
  • internal conflict.

Qualified specialists with the participation of loved ones will help you effectively overcome problems. A psychologist, in a conversation with relatives, tells how to properly communicate with a person who is not able to find harmony with himself.

How to overcome stress and overcome yourself

Simple but effective tips will help you overcome the psychological barrier:

  1. Organizing outings with the whole family (or with friends).
  2. Close communication (you need to learn to open up to loved ones, talk about what worries you).
  3. Monitor the atmosphere in the family circle (if possible, exclude stressful situations and unpleasant emotions).

If the weight deficit is 25% or more, you cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist.

The path to eliminating the problem lies in determining the nature of the psychological barrier. If thinness is associated with the desire to bring the body shape closer to fashionable parameters, girls cease to adequately evaluate themselves. Obsessive thoughts about losing weight lead to food rejection. An experienced psychotherapist must be involved to regulate the condition.

Nutrition principles for gaining mass for girls

Following a number of nutritional principles will help you build your dream body.

Fractional meals

Meals can be divided into 5-6 servings in order to have time to eat the entire volume of KBZHU. But if for some reason you can’t eat often, then you can do it in 3 meals. The main thing is to monitor the reactions of the gastrointestinal tract to avoid overload. It is recommended to focus on your own capabilities and daily routine. The main condition is compliance with the total caloric intake and BZH during the day.

Elimination of harmful products

If the daily balance of KBJU is high, this does not mean that you can add calories through fast food, desserts, baked goods, etc. Such dietary choices can lead to deterioration in body quality and health.

For a high-quality recruitment, it is recommended that the girl exclude:

  • industrial confectionery products;
  • sugar;
  • soda, packaged juices;
  • fast food;
  • fatty foods;
  • chocolate, sweets, cookies, etc.

Carbohydrate consumption mode

Complex carbohydrates are the main source of energy when gaining weight. It is recommended to consume the foods from the list in the first half of the day. However, if the workout takes place in the evening, then carbohydrate-rich ingredients are included in the dinner. On a day without training, it is better to make your last meal of protein and fiber.

Compliance with drinking regime

It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day and not limit fluid intake during training. Water improves metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

How many calories does it take to gain weight?

Finding the balance point allows you to answer this question - this is an indicator of when the weight remains stable, that is, a person neither gets better nor loses weight. To do this, you need to weigh yourself and eat as usual for a week, counting your daily calorie intake.

Sudden jumps should not be allowed. You need to eat within the same calorie limit every day. You should not deny yourself anything. You just need to strictly count calories, including both main meals and snacks.

After seven days, re-weighing must be repeated. Better at the same time as the first. If the weight has not changed, then the average calorie intake for the week is the equilibrium point at which body weight remains unchanged.

Girls are recommended to gain 500 g per week, that is, approximately 2 kg per month. For some, the figure, depending on individual characteristics, will be a little lower. However, the total increase over 30 days should be between 1 and 2 kg. And if you stick to this course, then over time you will gain the desired weight.

An increase of half a kilo provides an increase in calorie intake. There are no exact recommendations here. For some girls, it is enough to introduce 400 kilocalories into their diet, while for others, even 500 kilocalories is not enough. Finding the exact number can only be done experimentally.

During the first week of starting a “weight gain program,” caloric intake should be increased from the equilibrium point by a minimum of 300 kilocalories. If there is no increase or it is less than 500 g, you should slightly increase the daily caloric intake and so on until the required increase is achieved.

Diet for a girl to gain weight: sample menu for a week

A sample weekly menu for girls is presented, which can be adjusted according to individual preferences. You can adhere to a similar diet before and after gaining weight by adjusting the caloric content of food consumed.

Breakfast Oatmeal with milk and berries, omelette
Snack 1 Nuts
Dinner Chicken fillet with brown rice, green salad with tomatoes
Snack 2 Protein shake, apple
Dinner Baked beef with grilled vegetables
Breakfast Fried egg, toast with peanut butter, cocoa and milk
Snack 1 Citrus
Dinner Stewed turkey with cauliflower in cream sauce, freshly squeezed juice
Snack 2 Kefir, nuts
Dinner Baked salmon with coleslaw
Breakfast Curd cheese pancakes with raisins, whole grain bread with cheese
Snack 1 Dried fruits
Dinner Chicken fillet with buckwheat, vegetable salad with sour cream
Snack 2 Berries and nuts
Dinner Stewed beef with vegetables
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with milk, toast with peanut butter
Snack 1 Cottage cheese with berries
Dinner Fish in batter, vinaigrette
Snack 2 Pear
Dinner Omelette with vegetables
Breakfast Omelette, avocado toast, cocoa with milk
Snack 1 Banana
Dinner Chicken fillet, sweet potato, mozzarella salad
Snack 2 Berries, nuts, freshly squeezed juice
Dinner Veal with green beans
Breakfast Millet porridge with milk and pumpkin, hard cheese
Snack 1 Dried fruits
Dinner Couscous with rabbit, fresh vegetables
Snack 2 Citrus
Dinner Stewed beef, stewed cabbage
Breakfast Cottage cheese with berries, toast with peanut butter, cocoa with milk
Snack 1 Pear, nuts
Dinner Durum wheat pasta with cheese and minced veal
Snack 2 Citrus
Dinner Chicken fillet with vegetable salad

What else will help you gain weight quickly?

Any thin girl who has set out to gain muscle mass needs to understand that this is a set of measures, and not some special diet or special exercises. What else will help you gain weight faster:

1. Eat a big breakfast.

Make it a rule to make breakfast your richest meal. Get into the habit of eating porridge in the morning. If you need to gain weight, it is better to cook porridge in milk, adding a piece of butter at the end. And drink coffee with your sandwich. But your “boutique” should be healthy: whole grain bread, a slice of cheese or red fish.

2. Have a healthy snack.

The word “healthy” means a serving of cottage cheese with berries, a banana or a bowl of nuts. After all, you can eat a sweet bun with coffee, and then go read how to lose weight. We need to gain high-quality mass, which requires “building” protein, proper carbohydrates and healthy fats.

3. Have two courses for lunch.

For lunch, prepare the first thing, for example, chicken meatball soup. For the second course - a good portion of stewed vegetables. Finish your meal with a fresh herb salad dressed with olive oil.

4. Eat foods that increase your appetite.

Sometimes the problem of excessive thinness lies in lack of appetite. There are foods that not only increase your appetite, but also help you gain weight. These include:

  • lettuce leaves (greens are full of fiber, which really whets your appetite);
  • fruits, preferably apples, but not juices (fruits are quickly digested and quickly absorbed, and the acid irritates the receptors and “warms up” the appetite);
  • herbs and spices (the smell of basil, oregano and rosemary improves the taste of the dish, increases appetite and promotes better digestion).

5. Chew your food faster.

People who are losing weight are often advised to eat more slowly so that the brain receives a signal of satiety in time before they overeat. The opposite advice for those who want to gain weight. That is, eat quickly (chewing, of course), so you will imperceptibly increase the serving size.

6. Close the metabolic window.

After a good workout, your body needs nutrients. Namely: in protein and carbohydrates, and fast ones. This is the time when you can indulge in a slice of chocolate, a bun or a portion of ice cream.

But it is better to replace such a meal with a protein shake with milk or a gainer. Moreover, you don’t have to buy sports drinks; you can get by with homemade recipes.

Homemade gainer recipe


  • 1 banana;
  • 200 ml milk with 1.5% fat content;
  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 70 g oatmeal.


  • Place all ingredients in a blender bowl;
  • beat until smooth.

You can change the recipe a little by adding nuts, cocoa or honey to taste. The cocktail does not replace a full meal. It will only help replenish the calories burned. In an hour and a half you need to eat well.

7. Keep a food diary.

Keep a notepad or download the app and write down your current weight and what you ate (what, when and in what quantity). In the note, you can indicate what exactly you changed in your regime. For example, I increased my caloric intake and began eating five times a day, instead of three.

8. Get more rest.

Sleep helps restore strength. They will be needed doubly, since the body will spend them on physical activity. And one more piece of advice: after eating, do nothing for 20-30 minutes. Just sit quietly or lie down. This small “siesta” will allow food to be absorbed normally.

9. Motivate yourself.

Motivation is the driving force of humanity. Without it, it is impossible to achieve success in any business. It is impossible to solve the problem of lack of weight in 1 day. Motivate yourself every day. Constantly maintain your desire to gain weight and gain beautiful shape. This will make it easier for you to overcome physical activity and maintain a new diet and daily routine.

10. Get rid of bad habits.

They not only negatively affect your appearance, but also prevent you from gaining weight. For example, smoking burns 100–150 kcal every day.

Post-workout nutrition for bulking

When performing physical exercises in the gym or at home, a lot of energy is spent, so to successfully build muscle mass it is important to replenish the body with micro and macroelements.

Immediately after training, you should drink a protein shake to quickly release amino acids into the blood. After 40-60 minutes, have a full meal containing complex carbohydrates, fats and protein. If we are talking about a late dinner after a workout, then it is recommended to choose vegetables (fiber) as a source of carbohydrates.

Sports supplements

To build a beautiful female body and gain muscle mass, sports nutrition is additionally used, but the condition is not considered mandatory and is not a panacea. Girls will be helped to increase their muscle volume by:

Whey ProteinThe most popular protein supplement for muscle growth. The main source of this protein is whey.
Amino acidsFor rapid restoration of muscle fibers and providing the body with a sufficient amount of essential proteinogenic amino acids.
CreatineParticipates in energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. Widely used to increase strength, muscle mass and short-term anaerobic endurance.
GlutamineAn essential amino acid that is part of protein and is necessary for muscle growth and support of the immune system.

What should the diet be like?

Calories represent the energy expended by the body both to maintain vital functions and systems, and to carry out any physical activity that a person performs. It comes exclusively from the food consumed. The source of energy can be any basic nutrient - protein, fat, carbohydrate.

There are 4 kcal per gram of protein and carbohydrates, and 9 kcal per gram of fat. Therefore, it does not matter what kind of food you eat to gain weight. The main thing is how many calories the body receives along with it. This allows you to eat as balanced as possible and not deny yourself various tasty things, which are mostly carbohydrates.

Principles of weight gain - BZHU ratio

A girl who wants to gain weight, but gain kilograms mainly from muscle tissue rather than fat deposits, should correctly distribute nutrients in her diet.


Training increases the need for protein, but the amount per kilogram of body weight varies from 1 to 2 g per day. Recommendations from sports nutrition manufacturers are a little higher, but they are often driven by the desire to sell a rather expensive nutrient, which is protein.

Its excess is converted into glucose when energy is needed, or excreted when it is not needed. Girls should take an average number equal to 1.5 g per 1 kg of their own body weight. This amount is enough not only to replenish energy costs, but also to build muscle fibers. And if your weight is 50 kg, you need to consume 75 g of protein per day.


The body needs essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. If they are excluded from the diet, it leads to health problems. Fears about fats are largely unfounded. Fats contain a large number of calories, which quickly and satiate well. The main thing is to adhere to the daily norm of 20-30% of the total diet. If the daily caloric intake is 1500 kcal, then fats should account for approximately 375 kcal (25%), that is, 42 g (375/9).


They represent the cleanest source of energy. Having calculated the amount of protein and fat, the rest of the diet can be safely filled with both slow and fast carbohydrates. The main thing is to stay within calorie limits.

Approximate daily diet

If you consume 1500 kcal per day, and the initial weight is 50 kg, then the nutrients may account for the following ratio:

  • Protein: 75 g per day x4 = 300 kcal
  • Fats: 44 g per day x9 = 400 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1600 – 700 = 900 kcal/4 = 225 g per day

Based on this calculation, you can easily calculate your daily caloric intake.

Mass building supplements for women

VPLAB Nutrition | 100% Platinum Whey ?

  • Produced using the most advanced technologies and meets all international quality standards. This is a unique product that combines premium whey protein and great taste for the first time.
  • Category: Whey Protein More about the category

Application: 1-3 servings per day. On training days, use after training. Preparation: mix 30 g of powder (2 scoops) with 250-300 ml of water or skim milk

The combined mixture of two whey proteins in VPLaboratory 100% Platinum Whey helps to quickly launch recovery processes in muscle cells, provoking the growth of quality mass and blocking catabolism. Key features of 100% Platinum Whey: - superior combination of microfiltered isolate and ultrafiltered 100% whey protein concentrate; - excellent refreshing taste, even when cooked in water; — high content of essential amino acids and BCAAs; — the fastest possible absorption of nutrients; - low fat and sugar content. In addition, 100% Platinum Whey has the highest biological value, extremely quickly activates and enhances muscle metabolism, and helps maintain clean muscle mass. With its exceptional properties, 100% Platinum Whey is the new standard for whey proteins.

Trec Nutrition | Amino Max 6800 ?

  • Designed to quickly replenish amino acid deficiency that occurs after intense training and as a result of insufficient protein intake.
  • Category: Amino acids

8 capsules immediately after training. On non-training days: 2 times a day, 4 capsules 30 minutes before meals.

AMINOMAX 6800 contains a complex of amino acids and micropeptides resulting from the hydrolysis of whey protein concentrate, with the addition of a large amount of pure L-glutamine and taurine, due to which the complex is characterized by an exemplary aminogram. AMINOMAX 6800 is also enriched with vitamin C and vitamin B6, which improve the absorption of amino acids in the body.

Trec Nutrition | Creatine 100% ?

  • Creatine 100% is a high quality product designed for strength, speed and endurance athletes to supplement their diet with creatine.
  • Category: Creatine More about the category

This substance with an anabolic effect accelerates the growth of muscle mass and strength. The indirect result of its use is an improvement in nitrogen balance and acceleration of body regeneration (anti-catabolic effect). By absorbing creatine, its concentration in the muscles increases by approximately 50%. This initiates a series of reactions that stimulate muscle cells to absorb more water (1 g of creatine binds about 50 g of water). An increase in cell volume leads to changes in intracellular tension, which the body perceives as an anabolic signal, thereby stimulating muscles to grow. The drug was fortified with vitamin C (an antioxidant) and sodium, ingredients that are rapidly increasing in demand as a result of exercise. In order to achieve a sustainable effect, it is better to combine creatine in one cycle with a protein, carbohydrate-protein substance, L-glutamine peptide, L-glutamine, HMB or amino acids. Ingredients: Creatine monohydrate, sodium citrate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

SciTec Nutrition | Mega Glutamine?

  • Mega Glutamine from Scitec is a mega serving of glutamine supplement. With Mega Glutamin you get 2800 mg of glutamine per dose (2 caps).
  • Category: Glutamine More about the category

Glutamine will help you get big and strong, and it will also help strengthen your immune system. Free amino acids in muscle mass consist of 60% glutamine. During and after intense physical activity, the body requires a lot of glutamine, much more than is present in the body. • Release of growth hormone • Increases muscle volume • Increases glycogen synthesis • Helps delay the onset of fatigue • Helps improve the functioning of the immune system • Improves liver and intestinal functions. Ingredients: L-Glutamine, magnesium stearate, gelatin.

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

How to gain weight wisely

Today, wherever you look, there are advertisements for weight loss drugs, miracle exercise equipment and diets. And the suffering of those around them who want to get better only causes a smile: “We would like your problems.” Slimness is now held in high esteem, we should rejoice! But "skinny" does not mean "slim". It never occurs to anyone, looking at the footage from the chronicles of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, to admire the thinness of the prisoners...

Everyone knows that excess weight risks cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and strokes. But excessive thinness is also harmful to health: fragile bones, premature menopause in women, more frequent complications from serious illnesses, increased risk of tuberculosis - the list of problems goes on.

Normalizing weight is always a problem. But gentlemen and ladies with extra pounds have at least a ghostly hope of losing weight on a diet, and surgeons can help them by pumping out excess fat. But science has not yet learned how to increase volumes. No, you can roll a little silicone into your lips and breasts, but don’t spread it evenly along the contours of your body!

It would seem that you should eat more and fatter yourself. But just as overeating is not always to blame for obesity, not everyone can solve the problem of “almost transparency” solely with the help of the contents of the refrigerator.

If, in the absence of anorexia and with normal or even slightly excessive nutrition, you cannot gain the treasured kilograms, there may be several reasons. The main ones are: an unbalanced diet, health problems, psychological problems and a lifestyle that does not meet the needs of the body. And you will have to work with each of them separately.


To get better, first of all, you need to reconsider the structure of your diet, and not mindlessly increase the amount of food you eat. Frequent and large meals sometimes even speed up the metabolism or the food simply does not have time to be absorbed. It turns out that cars of food are being driven through the body at high speed, and as a result it is depleted even more. With the same success, food can be taken from the refrigerator to the toilet, bypassing the stomach.

1) Establish a diet : eat regularly at least 4 times a day (the notorious breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner). If you are used to eating a little at a time, then the daily norm can be divided into several more meals. You can have a snack every time you feel hungry, but you should not overeat.

2) Maintain the optimal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food: 50/35/15.

Often those who want to gain weight are advised to eat more carbohydrates and fats. In fact, they need to be consumed as much as needed, just like proteins, without which a number of vital processes cannot occur. It is impossible to gain weight without harming your health only by increasing the content of fats and carbohydrates in your diet. It’s one thing to make up for their deficiency (this is what those who brag about gaining weight with the help of semolina, yeast or sour cream in large quantities did), and another thing is to constantly torture the body with additional stress on the liver and pancreas and further disrupt metabolism.

3) Consume more calories than you expend. At first, you will have to follow the example of those who are losing weight - calculate your diet according to calorie tables (only the numbers will not be underestimated, but overestimated). A nutritionist will tell you where to get the “right” calories and exactly how much you need. Independence in this matter is undesirable.

4) Food should be tasty. My friend was always thin, but she gained weight without any problems when she began to live separately. I guessed the reasons after eating at her parents’ house once...

If one of your relatives, for health reasons, must be on a salt-free diet and not eat spicy or salty foods, this does not mean that the whole family should eat this way. Bitter, salty, sour and spicy foods in reasonable quantities are healthy and stimulate the appetite.


Weight deficiency may be a feature of the body, but it happens that the so-called “genetic predisposition” turns out to be a hereditary disease. Excessive thinness can be associated with digestive or metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, immunodeficiency, tumors and other diseases that you may not even suspect. Therefore, if you cannot recover without much effort, you should consult a doctor.

First of all, patients with a low body mass index (less than 18.5) are required to be referred to an endocrinologist. He will check to see if your weight problems are the result of hormonal imbalances: an overactive thyroid gland or decreased pancreatic and adrenal function.

Very often, weight loss occurs after a serious illness, injury or nervous breakdown. In this case, you should seek help from nutritionists from rehabilitation centers.


Sessions, rush jobs, problems in your personal life... Someone will visit them, and someone will sew up their clothes. In a state of stress, the body can readjust and stop accepting nutrients. But he can be deceived by performing relaxing procedures. If you are shaking and a piece of food won’t fit into your throat, then you shouldn’t sit down at the table right away. Need to relax. For some, a warm shower or bath will help, while for others, sitting in the dark for half an hour is enough. It doesn’t matter how you relieve tension: massage, auto-training, yoga, aromatherapy or your favorite TV series - it’s important to calm down, relax and feel psychological comfort.

In order for personal problems not to affect your figure and health, they need to be solved. Therefore, in difficult situations, a psychologist should not be left as a last resort. Perhaps, having stopped being nervous, or having internally come to terms with this or that situation, you will not notice how the scales will creep up.

Join a gym. There you can relax, relieve aggression, gain weight, and give your figure much-needed definition. Only the emphasis should be placed not on aerobic training, which “burns” fat, but on strength training. And you shouldn’t exercise until you drop; the load should be clearly calculated by a fitness trainer.

If you want to “pump up” your muscles, then you should inform your nutritionist about this, who will make appropriate changes to the diet and increase the proportion of protein products in it. When playing sports, you can also drink a protein shake, but it is better to discuss the composition of this extremely useful drink for building muscles with your doctor first. You should not blindly trust instructors without medical education, who most often are distributors of this or that sports nutrition and recommend it to everyone.

Don’t forget that smoking increases energy expenditure, so you can gain a little weight by quitting the bad habit.

What not to do

1. Eat a lot of flour and sweets

Even if the scales show the treasured numbers, this will not add beauty and health. Who needs a double chin, no waist and a saggy belly? But this is where “fast” carbohydrates are stored first. In addition to metabolic disorders, a sweet and flour diet threatens to increase blood cholesterol levels and an additional risk of developing diabetes.

2. Eat at McDonald's

At the same time, it will ruin your stomach. In the West, fast food products are called “junk food” - crappy food. This food is high in calories but has low nutritional value. Instead, it is better to eat bread, pasta and wholemeal cereals, nuts and seeds.

3. Salt a lot

Salt retains water in the body. Trying to gain weight with water is useless. Sugar can also be wetted - it will become heavier, but the useful volume will remain the same. But excess water overloads internal organs and, first of all, the heart.

4. Before going to bed, eat to your heart's content.

Such advice is especially pleasing when combined with the recommendations of “a hearty breakfast, a three-course lunch, an afternoon snack and five snacks.” The stomach also needs rest, otherwise illness is not far away. Hypertension, ulcers and a number of other diseases love late-night food.

5. Eat a lot of fatty foods: butter, lard and “original” cocktails like beer with sour cream.

The weight that is gained in this way can be quickly lost during the treatment of diarrhea, as well as the damaged liver. This recommendation can be translated into Russian as follows: you have an unbalanced diet - knock it down even more.

6. Drink a lot of alcohol: alcohol increases appetite, and vodka is very high in calories

The main thing is not to confuse a glass of aperitif, which increases appetite, with drinking. Alcohol often, on the contrary, interferes with the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, and all its calories disappear instantly, without bringing any benefit.

By the way, a special device called a butyrometer can show why you are gaining weight. It’s easy to use: you just need to enter your data and press the sensors with your fingers, and the butyrometer will give its readings. Normally, fat should make up from 18 to 25 percent of the mass; the body does not need to go beyond this range in one direction or another.

Myths about gaining muscle mass in girls

When it comes to the gym and muscles of the fair sex, stereotypes paint quite specific pictures in the minds of most ordinary people. Let's dispel the myths.

Myth No. 1: Strength training makes girls pumped up.

Having seen enough photographs of leading CrossFit athletes, the opinion spread among women that strength training restructures the figure according to the male type, and the muscles become pumped up. We break stereotypes: in order for muscles to increase in volume, growth hormone is needed, and the female body is not inclined to produce the required amount of natural steroid.

In addition, you should not try on the body shape of professional athletes because:

  • professional athletes live and earn their living through sports, so their training system is very different from amateur training;
  • Competition form is peak form that looks different between seasons.

In the hall you can see girls lifting iron. They look really big, but this is often due to excess weight, which is layered on muscle mass. To avoid looking too bulky, it is recommended to maintain 15-18% body fat.

Myth #2: Girls can't build muscle as effectively as guys.

It is true that the female body has 15-20 times less testosterone than the male body. And testosterone, as mentioned above, promotes muscle growth. But not only the male hormone is responsible for mass gain. The female hormone estrogen promotes:

  • increasing metabolism;
  • reducing catabolism (muscle breakdown).

Low testosterone levels will not help improve a girl’s body shape, but the physiological characteristics of the female body compensate for the deficiency. Women can be just as successful at building muscle mass as men, as evidenced by the numerous women's nominations in the field of fitness and bodybuilding.

Myth No. 3: Girls need to keep themselves in good shape, not build muscles.

Women's magazines, television programs and the Internet are replete with recommendations that a girl just needs to keep herself in good shape. Someone will perceive this information in their own way, going on a starvation diet and doing exclusively cardio training.

The point is that physical activity and proper nutrition change your figure. And 50 kg on mono-diet and 50 kg with weight training can look different. Muscle is heavier than fat.

It's time to make your choice.

Strength training

The pounds you gain represent both fat and muscle tissue. And if you don’t get rid of the former, the result will not be rounded feminine outlines, but folds that will in no way add attractiveness to the figure. This can be avoided by strength training aimed at increasing mass primarily through muscles.

Energy consumption for an hour of strength exercises ranges from 350 to 450 kilocalories, which will not allow weight loss, but will give a significant impetus to the growth of muscle tissue. It is the part of the body that is being worked that will increase in volume. Thus, you can easily adjust your silhouette and the most problematic areas by pumping up your buttocks, abs, calves, and so on. The main thing is to choose the right exercises.

Training programs for girls to gain muscle mass

The training program for girls is not much different from the men's training plan. Girls are afraid of weights and work out with light dumbbells in the gym, but still no results. The root of evil is lack of information.

Important: the same training process will not lead to a male-type figure! It is worth getting rid of stereotypes in order to achieve your goals and find the figure of your dreams.

For beginners, the following program is recommended for 2 workouts per day.

Mass training program





Leg bending in a lying machine

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Exercise


  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Seated calf raises

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Exercise

Extension of arms from behind the head on the lower block

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body Part: Triceps Equipment: Block

Barbell curl

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Barbell

Incline crunches

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: No


  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body Part: Lower Back Equipment: Other

Vertical barbell pull

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Barbell

Bench press

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Barbell

Standing dumbbell lateral raises

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Dumbbells

Pulldown to the chest on the upper block

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body part: Lat Equipment: Block


  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body Part: Lower Back Equipment: Other

Hanging leg raises

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: No

More experienced girls who are familiar with hardware can continue training according to the following split program.

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