Is it possible to lose weight without training by adhering only to proper nutrition?

06.11.2019 00:00


Experts say that the key to effective weight loss lies 80% in following a diet, and only 20% depends on going to the gym. This means that you can lose weight without even leaving the couch.

Author: Tumanyan Tatevik Sergeevna

Experts say that the key to effective weight loss lies 80% in following a diet, and only 20% of the result depends on going to the gym. This means that you can lose weight without even leaving the couch. We’ll talk about how beneficial this will be for the body and what the body will look like another time. Today we will look at several main principles of a diet for weight loss.

Don't stay up late

The quality of sleep is fundamentally important for human health in general. Interestingly, the lack of night rest is reflected not only on the face of a sleep-deprived person, but also on the scales.

The fact is that during sleep the body spends an average of 50-70 kcal per hour, with the main energy costs occurring in the first half of the night. Therefore, those who care about weight should go to bed early.


During sleep, the body actively produces hormones responsible for metabolism. Regular lack of sleep leads to hormonal imbalance and poor digestion. Food is less digestible, which contributes to the appearance of extra pounds.

In addition, lack of sleep increases the level of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. Therefore, a person who does not get enough sleep wants to eat more often. In addition, the body tries to compensate for the lack of energy with foods high in sugar, which also negatively affects the figure.

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Is it possible to lose weight without sports?

Training is not a necessary factor. In this article, you will see that there are many simple daily life habits that can help you lose weight quickly at home.

And some of them have nothing to do with conventional weight loss methods such as dieting and exercise.

Plus, you probably know that it can be very difficult to stick to a strict diet and workout plan.

There are dozens of proven tips for losing weight without dieting or exercise, which can cause you to have a decreased appetite and therefore consume fewer calories. Of course, you won’t be able to lose weight easily without dieting and exercise, sticking to your old eating habits and lifestyle.

These scientifically effective ways will not only help you lose weight, but also prevent future weight gain.

Sleep in complete darkness

By the way, the quality of sleep is not always determined by its duration. To help your body recover properly, you need to sleep in complete darkness. Close curtains tightly, turn off all flickering lights from chargers, monitors and other devices. Or use a sleep mask.


Extraneous light, even not very bright, disrupts circadian rhythms and negatively affects the production of hormones. Experiments with animals showed that individuals who slept with a constantly flashing light bulb, with the same diet, gained weight faster than those who slept in complete darkness.

Take sunbathing

If at night it is really better to isolate the room from extraneous lights, then immediately after waking up, on the contrary, it is worth opening the curtains and letting sunlight into the room.

If you are exposed to the sun's rays for 20-30 minutes every morning, you can greatly help your body in the fight against excess weight. This is confirmed by the results of a study by scientists from Northwestern University in the USA. The fact is that sunlight ideally adjusts a person’s biological clock, thereby activating metabolism and all internal processes in the body.


What to do if you are prohibited from playing sports

Currently, there are a wide variety of breathing techniques that help improve health and start the process of losing weight. They will be an excellent alternative to physical activity.

If you are prohibited from playing sports for medical reasons, do your home cleaning more often. This process promotes efficient calorie burning. For example, washing the floor for 40 minutes will immediately relieve you of 105 kcal.

Also, nutritionists and global fitness trainers recommend spending more time walking in the fresh air and climbing stairs on foot.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water. You need to drink 2 liters of clean liquid per day. If you feel hungry between meals, then do not rush to grab food. First, drink a glass of water at room temperature. Often, the brain incorrectly recognizes the body's signals, confusing thirst with hunger.

Choose dishes in “unappetizing” colors

To prevent weight gain, it is important to establish control over the amount of food consumed. Strange, but scientifically based tricks will help with this. Thus, according to colorists, dishes in blue, purple, gray and black colors significantly reduce appetite, but red, yellow and green plates, on the contrary, provoke you to eat as much as possible.

Contrasting food and utensils will also help reduce portions. American scientists have proven that a person will eat 30% more pasta in tomato sauce if it is served on a red plate rather than a white one.

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Eat from small plates

Another easy way to trick your stomach while eating is to use smaller dishes. It has been proven that a portion of the same size on a large plate is eaten much faster than on a small one. This effect was discovered back in the 19th century and was called the Delboeuf illusion.


Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology conducted a study that confirmed this theory. It turned out that reducing the diameter of the plate by 5 cm allows you to eat 22% less food. Thus, a simple technique will help you lose about 5 kg in a year.


news 12/31/2016

24 ways to lose weight without dieting

24 ways to lose weight without dieting

Time your meals

Set a timer for 20 minutes and eat very slowly. This is one of the main habits that will help you lose weight without a strict diet. Savor every bite and let there be some left over when the timer rings. If you eat slowly, small portions are enough to satisfy your hunger and give your body a signal to produce the satiety hormone. When you swallow food on the run, your stomach does not have time to tell your brain that it is full. This is how overeating happens.

Sleep more, weigh less

According to a study by a scientist from the University of Michigan, an extra hour of sleep can help you lose 7 kg per year. He ate 2500 calories a day. According to his concept, when sleep replaces idle activity, mindless snacking is reduced, and you can easily reduce the number of calories you consume by 6%. The results may vary for each person, but sleep helps in any case. It has been proven that sleeping less than 7 hours a day stimulates your appetite and makes you feel unusually hungry.

Serve and eat more vegetables

Serve 3 vegetables instead of one for dinner, so you can easily eat more. A great way to lose weight is to eat more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are high in fiber and water, so they fill your stomach quickly with few calories. But cook without adding fat. It is much better to season them with lemon juice and herbs than to drown all their goodness in a rich sauce and dressing.

When the soup comes, the weight goes away

Add meat broth soup to your diet and you will be full with fewer calories. Try minestrone or Chinese wan tang soup. Soups are especially good as a first course because they fill the stomach and satisfy hunger. Prepare unsalted meat broth or use canned one, add fresh or frozen vegetables and let the soup boil. Be careful with creamy soups, they are high in fat and calories.

Eat whole grains

Your weight loss plan should include whole grains such as brown rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat. They overcome hunger with a minimum of calories, and also normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. Many things are now prepared with whole grains: waffles, pizza crust, pasta, muffins and bread.

Look at your clothes in smaller sizes

Put an old favorite dress or jeans somewhere you'll see them every day. This way you will always see your reward. Choose those wardrobe items that are just a little tight, then you can achieve this award quickly. Then pull out last year's cocktail dress for your next small, achievable victory.

Avoid bacon

Don't eat bacon for breakfast or a bacon sandwich for lunch. This simple step will save you 100 calories and 5 extra pounds per year. The sandwich will still taste the same with other less calorie ingredients, such as tomatoes, peppers and mustard or herbed goat cheese.

Make healthy pizza

If you add vegetables instead of meat to your pizza, you will save yourself an extra 100 calories. To make pizza even more dietary, forget about the cheese or take low-fat, and also use a thin base and a little olive oil.

Choose the right drinks

Mix sweet drinks, for example, cola with regular or mineral water, so you will save yourself 10 tablespoons of sugar. For taste and aroma, you can add lemon, mint and frozen strawberries.

Liquid sugar in soda does not signal satiety to the brain. Scientists tested an experiment in which participants consumed an extra 450 calories per day from candy and soda. Those participants who ate the candy unconsciously ate fewer calories overall, compared to those who drank soda. The latter gained 1 kg per week.

Drink wisely: use large, thin glasses

A good way to cut calories and weight without dieting is to use tall, thin glasses instead of wide, short ones. With their help, you can drink 25-30% less juice, soda, wine and other drinks.

How it works? Brian Wansink, PhD, argues that the brain can be confused by shape. His experiments at Cornell University proved that all people, even experienced bartenders, pour more into short, wide glasses.

Drink wisely: less alcohol

If you plan to drink alcohol, then after the first glass, drink something non-alcoholic and low-calorie, for example, mineral water. Alcohol contains 7 calories per 1 g, carbohydrates and proteins 4 each. In addition, alcohol makes you less alert, which means you may eat unplanned chips, nuts or other foods that you are trying to limit.

Drink wisely: green tea

Drinking green tea is beneficial when losing weight. Scientists theorize that it speeds up the body's calorie burning process, most likely due to chemical compounds called catechins. At least you'll get a refreshing drink without a ton of extra calories.

Slowly change the way you think

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, women who do yoga weigh less than others. How is this related? Longtime yoga practitioners talk about a more mindful approach to food. They notice large portions in restaurants, but eat only enough to satisfy their hunger. Scientists believe that the calmness and self-confidence that yoga develops helps people resist overeating.

Eat at home

Homemade food should be eaten at least 5 times a week. According to surveys, this is the leading habit of people who have successfully lost weight. Sound scary? Cooking is not as difficult as it might seem. Pre-chopped vegetables and meats, such as rinsed lettuce, shredded beef or chicken, and canned beans, can help you cook quickly.

Take a break while eating

The natural pause between rounds with a fork is a couple of minutes for most people. Watch this moment and don't take the next piece. Enjoy the conversation and take your mind off your plate. This will give your stomach time to send a signal to your brain that you are full, but not overeated. Most people forget about this.

Chew mint gum

Chew sugar-free mint gum when you feel like snacking. Whether it's cooking dinner, socializing at a party, watching TV, there are plenty of opportunities for mindless snacking. Chewing gum with a strong mint flavor overpowers any other taste, so food doesn't seem as tasty anymore.

Reduce portion sizes

Use a plate with a diameter of 20 cm instead of 25, so you will automatically eat less. Brian Wansink, a Cornell Ph.D., has proven that people put more in larger dishes and eat more. If you take a smaller plate, you will eat 100-200 fewer calories per day, which is 5-10 kg per year. None of the Wansink test participants went hungry or even noticed that they ate 200 calories less than usual.

Choose the right portion sizes

The main habit of lean people is to choose moderate portions at every meal, 5 days a week or more. This is done by people who have never been overweight, as well as by those who have successfully lost weight, according to surveys. At first, portions will have to be measured, and then everything will happen automatically.

Try the 80/20 rule

Americans eat until they are completely full, and the Japanese eat when they feel 80% full. We can adopt this habit from the Japanese if we eat 20% less, says Wansink. In his experiments, people did not notice the absence of this 20% of food.

Change your habits in restaurants and cafes

Restaurant food is often very greasy, so follow these rules to control what you eat:

  • share the main course with a friend,
  • order an appetizer instead of a main course,
  • take children's portions,
  • ask to wrap up half to go before the dish is served.

In addition to the main small dish, take a large salad to maintain balance: half the plate should be filled with vegetables.

Choose red sauces

Tomato-based sauces contain significantly fewer calories than cream-based sauces. But remember that portion sizes still matter. A serving of pasta should be the size of one cup or tennis ball.

Choose meat-free products more often

One habit that will help you lose weight is to choose vegetarian dishes more often. Vegetarians tend to weigh less. There are several reasons for this, one of them is beans. Bean burgers, lentil soup, and other legume-based foods are rich in fiber. Most people don't get about half of what they need, which is what helps you feel full and cut calories.

Burn more than 100 calories a day

You can lose 5 kg per year without dieting if you burn more than 100 calories per day. To do this you can:

  • walk 1.5 km a day for 20 minutes,
  • weed or tend to flowers 20 minutes a day,
  • mow the lawn for 20 minutes,
  • clean up the house for 30 minutes,
  • run for 10 minutes.

Reward yourself

If you've beaten your soda habit or just made it through the day without overeating, pat yourself on the back. You have become closer to a healthy lifestyle that allows you to stay slim without grueling and complex diets. Call your friends, get a pedicure, buy a new outfit, and sometimes treat yourself to a little piece of cheesecake.

Don't rush while eating

In the modern rhythm of life, snacks on the run and express lunches have long become the norm, but experts advise, if possible, not to rush while eating. As a rule, real satiety occurs earlier than we feel it, since the signal from the stomach to the brain comes with a slight delay.


In order not to eat too much, you need to stretch out the pleasure, eat in small pieces and savor the taste of the dishes. Moreover, this advice will only benefit the digestive system.

Try products with the “fifth taste”

Proper diet is one of the main factors influencing a person’s weight. But to maintain a slim figure, it is not at all necessary to go on strict diets and count every calorie. Some foods can have such an effective effect on the body that even a slight increase in their consumption helps you lose weight.


A similar property is observed in products that have “umami” (Japanese for “pleasant taste”), or the “fifth taste.” This category includes, among others, mushrooms, seaweed, green tea and tomatoes. The Japanese believe that the taste of these products does not fit into the framework of the four main ones: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The secret of umami food is the high content of natural monosodium glutamate, which enhances the taste sensation. American scientists have found that after eating foods with the fifth taste, the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

Is it necessary to exercise when losing weight?

First, you need to understand that the process of weight loss is activated by a calorie deficit. Therefore, it is necessary to spend more than to consume. Physical exercise undoubtedly burns calories, but proper nutrition remains an important component of a beautiful figure. It is enough to correctly adjust your diet, and you will not need to torture yourself with grueling workouts to burn extra calories.

Celebrity nutritionists are ready to reveal the secret to the slimness of Hollywood TV stars. It's all about strict adherence to the basic requirements of proper nutrition and drinking balance. 80% of success depends on it, while sports account for only 20%.

It is important to note that in this case we are talking about healthy eating, and not about hunger strikes and strict diets. They only help you temporarily get rid of extra pounds, which are guaranteed to return to you in double size soon. You can only reduce your kcal intake by 20%, otherwise you risk getting a whole bunch of diseases along with your beautiful figure.

A proper diet should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is preferable to make a choice in favor of protein foods. It makes you feel full for a long time, thereby reducing the likelihood of unplanned snacking. However, this does not mean that carbohydrates and fats can be excluded. With PP, this is unacceptable, since a deficiency in the body of one of these components threatens serious health problems. If you have switched to a healthy diet, it will be useful to learn to distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple ones (found in confectionery, pasta, white bread) are the enemies of your figure. Complex foods (cereals, cereals, vegetables), on the contrary, saturate the body with energy.

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