Delicious weight loss menu for 1500 calories a day for those who don’t have time to cook

Nowadays, a huge number of people on the planet are faced with the problem of excess weight. Fast food, little physical activity, sedentary work - all this leaves a strong imprint on health and disrupts metabolism. It will take a lot to defeat a violation like this. And it's not just about willpower. Successful weight loss will require normalization of your diet, moderate physical activity, and proper drinking regimen.

The problem of excess weight especially often occurs in girls. In pursuit of ideal forms, ladies go on strict diets and starve themselves. And this is fundamentally wrong. Sometimes it is enough just to slightly adjust your diet, reduce its calorie content, and eliminate a number of “harmful” dishes.

Fractional meal plan for a balanced diet of 1500 calories per day

So that the kilograms melt before your eyes, and the body does not experience stress, first of all, you will have to switch to fractional meals.

  • You should eat at least five to six times a day. Then it will be perfectly absorbed, and there will be no discomfort in the stomach.
  • Do not disturb the water balance. Drink regular still water in the amount of 1800-2000 ml per day.
  • Be sure to include hot lunches in your diet at least once a day.
  • Try not to eat right before bed. Have dinner 4 hours before leaving for the kingdom of Morpheus. The only thing you can afford before falling asleep is a glass of low-fat kefir, milk, if you are overcome by hunger.
  • Chew your food well and don't eat on the go.
  • It is better to go on a diet at a time when you are not busy with work or are on vacation. After all, following a diet plays a big role in losing weight.
  • Your positive attitude is also important. Avoid stressful situations, be nervous about little things as little as possible.

How to eat properly on a diet of 1500 kilocalories per day?
How to eat properly on a diet of 1500 kilocalories per day?

IMPORTANT : If you eat five times a day, then all meals account for 300 kilocalories. Your diet should include lean meat, cereals, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Try not to combine protein foods with legumes and potatoes. In this way, you will slow down the digestion of food and significantly increase the calorie content of the prepared dish.

Popular Misconceptions

To lose weight you need to reduce your caloric intake. But this statement only works within reasonable limits. Complete refusal to eat can only worsen the condition and increase swelling of the body. The body is not so easy to deceive.

Minimizing calories puts the body into strict economy mode. At the same time, its waste will be insignificant - weight loss will stop, since all products will be intensively converted into fats.

As a result, a daily menu that is compiled incorrectly only increases weight. And calorie content has no effect on this. A hunger strike literally dries out the body, ridding it of essential water and muscle elements.

A set of low-calorie foods for a diet of 1500 calories per day: list

The most important thing when you are trying to lose those unwanted pounds is not to overeat. Even if you are at a holiday dinner. Eat exactly the amount prescribed in the 1500 kilocalorie diet program. The list of products for this diet is quite diverse:

  • vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.)
  • fruits (raspberries, strawberries, apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwi)
  • protein foods (lean meat, eggs, fish)
  • lactic acid products (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir)
  • seafood (squid, crab sticks, shrimp)

Low-calorie vegetables, fruits and other foods
Low-calorie vegetables, fruits and other foods

Efficiency of weight loss

To successfully lose weight, you need to comprehensively prepare your body. An important rule is that the daily caloric intake should not be less than the minimum expenditure on physiological needs. On average, we are talking about daily 1300-1800 kcal. For these reasons, a 1500 kcal diet is today the most optimal and safe way to cleanse the body of excess “fat”. The reviews and results of this diet are only positive.

What foods should you not eat on a 1500 calorie per day diet: list

To ensure that your food menu does not consist of only breakfast or lunch, avoid high-calorie, fatty, and sweet foods. Avoid:

  • Ice cream, cake, waffles, marshmallows, candies and other sweets
  • Fast food, cookies, chips, crackers
  • Coca Cola and other sodas
  • Do not eat food that is cooked in a frying pan in oil or fat.

What can't you eat on a diet?
What can't you eat on a diet?

Basic criteria for proper nutrition

A balanced menu is a prerequisite for any diet. It is this condition that allows you to achieve the desired results.

First you need to get acquainted with kbju and find out what it is and why it is needed.

Kbzhu is an abbreviation often used when prescribing a diet. Consists of capital letters - calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

These are the four components of success. Thanks to the correct selection of each component, we get the desired result.


As a rule, an individual diet is based on the required calorie intake. When choosing a diet, a person focuses on this indicator.

In our case, this number will be 1500.


Protein foods play a very important role in maintaining proper nutrition. The daily share of consumption should be no more than 20% of total consumption.

These include: legumes, mustard, cottage cheese, fish caviar, some types of sea fish and much more.


It's a necessary thing, but you'll have to give it up. We leave only unsaturated fats and then in an amount not exceeding 30% of the total mass of consumption.

You will have to forget about mayonnaise, fatty sauce, confectionery and other things.


This is the main food during diets. Estimated daily consumption is 50% of total consumption.

Foods rich in carbohydrates usually take a long time to process. For this reason, it is better to consume them before lunch inclusive.

Another condition for proper nutrition is not abundant, but frequent consumption of food. It is best to divide it into five parts. However, if for some reason this does not work out, then you can stop at four.

The duration of the diet is two weeks, this is the time that should be enough for the body to make adjustments. However, there are diets for 20 days or more.

The course is scheduled for the week, the next week is a simple repetition of the previous one.

What can you eat for 1500 calories a day: list of dishes

As mentioned above, you can create a menu yourself. The tables provide data on the kilocalorie content of a particular product. You just need to take into account the method of their preparation, since fried dishes made with fats (vegetable, animal) will contain much more extra calories than the same dishes steamed, baked in the oven, or cooked in a slow cooker.

So from the prepared dishes the following will be useful:

  • Vegetable soup with mushrooms, without potatoes
  • Soup with chicken meat and vegetables
  • Beef goulash with peas, carrots, onions
  • Fish with vegetables cooked in a steamer
  • Pepper with lean meat and vegetables
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with veal, carrots, onions, tomatoes
  • Steamed cutlets
  • Meatballs baked in the oven or steamed
  • Vegetable salads
  • Stewed cabbage with vegetables

List of dishes for the day. diet 1,500 kcal
List of dishes for the day. Diet 1,500 kcal


If you are not lazy and prepare it the day before, then the temptation to eat a harmful sandwich will be put to shame, and your work colleagues will die of envy. However, you can share it with colleagues. You can add a couple of grain breads to the roll if your appetite urgently demands it.

Chinese cabbage curd roll Cooking time: 2 hours+

How to burn 1500 calories a day?

In order for your weight to decrease, you need to consume the kilocalories a person receives per day. What's interesting is that even when you sit and read information online, you are already wasting energy. In one hour of such reading, a person loses 29 calories.

To make the consumption more effective, you should load the body with active physical activity. So, in one hour of jogging, you will lose 700 calories; during the same time of weeding the garden, you can lose 250 calories.

Next, see the calorie burning table:

How many calories does a person lose during various physical activities?
How many calories does a person lose during various physical activities?

Healthy nutrition dishes with recipes

First breakfast

Grains are great for breakfast and are rich in fiber and beneficial probiotics. However, sometimes you want to treat yourself to something unusual.

Salad with cottage cheese and buckwheat.

Boil the buckwheat until completely cooked, cool and mix with low-fat cottage cheese.

Peel fresh carrots and chop finely. Cut the tomato and cucumber into small slices.

Add vegetables to buckwheat and mix. Add a spoonful of olive oil. You can add a little salt.


As a rule, we take fruits or vegetables for a snack. Unfortunately, they do not always dull the feeling of hunger. If you spend a little time in the evening, you can prepare a simple but very tasty snack.

Vegetable roll with cottage cheese.

Take bell pepper, remove seeds and finely chop into cubes. Clean and chop the garlic. Chop the greens.

Mix low-fat cottage cheese with the resulting vegetable mass. If necessary, add a little salt.

Wash Chinese cabbage. Then we separate the leaves to the middle, it is advisable to maintain their sequence.

Align the cabbage leaves. Place the curd mass on the edge of the last leaf. Carefully roll up and tie with green onions.

Wrap the resulting roll tightly in cling film. Place in the refrigerator overnight.


Liquid food is not only a prerequisite for proper nutrition, but also additional liquid.

Rice soup.

Boil lean beef. The finished meat must be removed from the pan before preparing the soup. If the broth is oily, it is better to dilute it with boiled water.

Peel two medium potatoes, cube mode.

Grate one carrot. Chop one small onion. Finely chop the greens.

Place potatoes and rice into boiling broth. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then add carrots and onions.

Cook over low heat, sprinkle with herbs.

Do not fry vegetables under any circumstances. Cut the finished beef into medium pieces.

You can eat one or two pieces at lunch.

The second course after this soup may be a little lean.

For example, boiled buckwheat with fresh tomatoes or mashed potatoes with boiled turkey.

Second snack

For a second snack, it is better to take a few dates, a couple of oranges or grapes.


Buckwheat with liver.

Boil buckwheat until completely cooked.

We take beef liver, or cut the poultry into small longitudinal pieces.

Fry in vegetable oil. We take two tablespoons of oil. After 10 minutes, throw in one small onion, not very finely chopped.

Add a glass of milk and half a glass of water. Let's add a little salt.

Simmer over low heat until fully cooked. The liquid should become jelly-like.

Pour buckwheat into the resulting liver sauce.

How much weight can you lose in a month on a 1500 calorie per day diet?

It is impossible to say an exact figure, because those losing weight spend different amounts of energy per day. It all depends on what kind of activity a person has. Some lead a sedentary lifestyle, while others are active. If we assume on average that 1900 kilocalories are burned per day, then you can get rid of about 4-5 kilograms of excess body weight in a month.

1500 calorie diet
1500 calorie diet

General information

A 1500 calorie diet is the most suitable option for normalizing nutrition. This diet is perfect for a short girl who wants to reduce her body fat percentage. In this case, the diet does not affect muscle elements, muscle mass is preserved.


  • General information
  • What is the secret to losing weight?
  • Diet per day: sample menu for one day
  • Sample menu for the second day
  • General recommendations
  • Popular Misconceptions
  • Efficiency of weight loss
  • Examples of dishes
  • Unencumbered days

Reviews and results

Evgeniy Semenovich, nutritionist:

“The 1200 kcal diet is a system for losing excess weight that is safe for human health. It is very simple, because you just need to stop eating fatty foods and reduce portions. The diet, after consultation with a doctor, can be practiced even by patients who have intestinal, liver and kidney diseases.

You should not stick to this diet for more than a month. After 30 days it can be repeated.

The diet will not only help you lose weight, but also develop the habit of eating right. When it ends, you will need to exercise and not indulge in fatty foods. This will allow us to maintain the achieved results.”

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Irina, 48 years old: “I decided to start eating right when I turned 40 years old. I eat mostly vegetables and give up oil. My cholesterol levels returned to normal and my blood pressure stabilized. I don’t practice the diet often – once a year. In 20 days I lose 8 kg, this is quite enough for me.”

Zhenya, 29 years old: “I like this diet because it has practically no prohibitions. You can eat everything, but in small portions. Recipes do not require long cooking, all products are available. In 2 weeks you can lose 5-7 kg.”

Anna, 29 years old: “I stayed on a 1200 calorie diet for a month. It was easy for me. I made the menu myself, which is very convenient. In 30 days I lost 8 kg – an excellent result.”

Albina, 35 years old: “The doctor recommended a 1200-calorie diet to me when my weight exceeded 80 kg. The diet was very easy for me. In a month I managed to lose 15 kg. Then I switched to my usual diet, but added a little calories. I also started playing sports. The result has lasted for 4 months.”


The composition of the dinner depends on the purpose. If you are losing weight, you do not need carbohydrates for this meal, eat only a salad. If you're keeping fit, add a slice of whole grain bread or another healthy side dish. Wild rice goes well with salmon.

This salad fits the fall bill. Salmon, sesame oil and sesame seeds are sources of essential fatty acids. Green vegetables are alkaline foods.

Chinese salad with salmon

Number of servings:2
Serving weight:300 g
Calorie content per serving:500 kcal

Diet desserts

During the diet you will have to give up baked goods and sweets. But if you want to eat something sweet, you can make a dessert from healthy ingredients.

Protein dessert

If you use protein powders, you can make a delicious berry mousse.

Berry mousse is perfect for a light and tasty breakfast.
Berry mousse is perfect for a light and tasty breakfast.

Pour 2-3 tbsp into the blender container. l powdered casein, the same amount of low-fat yogurt, a handful of berries (fresh or frozen) and 1 banana. The mixture must be whipped until a homogeneous mousse is obtained.

Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with fruit.

Banana fritters

For dessert you need oatmeal - it can be prepared by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Bananas (2 pcs.) are mashed into puree, add 15 tbsp. l. flour, 2 eggs, ½ cup kefir and a pinch of cinnamon. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous paste is obtained. You need to fry the pancakes without oil. You can add honey before serving.

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