Minus 5 kg per week - this is realistic on a diet for the lazy

According to nutritionists, you can lose weight without resorting to particularly strict diets and dietary restrictions. Diets for the lazy mean a smooth transition to a healthy diet, the absence of tedious exercise and painful “hungry” days.

A diet for the lazy does not put you in a stressful state and is not limited to a specific list of products, so the menu for every day does not differ radically from the usual diet.

The main conditions for obtaining a positive result:

  • drink water half an hour before meals;
  • active lifestyle or half an hour of light exercise;
  • no snacking;
  • limiting the consumption of high-calorie foods.

Following simple rules allows you to lose up to 7 kg in the first week and not accumulate extra pounds after the diet.

The benefits of such diets

A diet for the lazy can replace the usual expensive and debilitating diets. The menu for every day does not require high monetary costs and original recipes.

Benefits of a diet for the lazy:

  • eating familiar foods, only in smaller quantities;
  • Regular intake of water fills the stomach, reducing or eliminating the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • clean drinking water improves metabolism, activates human mobility, and has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs;
  • rapid weight loss and maintaining the result after leaving the diet;
  • lack of stress for the body;
  • affordability of familiar products.

Losing weight for the lazy using coding

One of the most innovative methods of losing weight, for those who want to lose weight quickly and effortlessly, is a special 25th frame technique, which helps to avoid eating a huge amount of food.

The diet is considered “lazy” because it does not require calorie counting, diet changes, or serious dietary restrictions.
The diet is considered “lazy” because it does not require calorie counting, diet changes, or serious dietary restrictions.

The technique consists of daily viewing of a special video containing the 25th frame, which affects the subconscious and forms new eating habits in a person. As a result, with the help of this self-hypnosis scheme, the body starts the process of losing weight and speeds up metabolism, not to be confused with a metabolic diet.

Judging by the numerous reviews of people who have completed this course, it is effective and suitable for rapid weight loss. The only downsides are the high price and scammers.

Diet for the lazy on water

The main condition of the diet is to regularly drink water before eating. Substitutes like lemonade, soda, tea and other drinks are not suitable and will lead to the opposite results.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

Diet principles:

  • drink 400 ml of water before starting a meal (even if it is a snack);
  • do not drink liquids after or during meals;
  • limit the amount of high-calorie foods you eat.

The norm for the volume of water for each day is 2 liters. But the daily requirement is also calculated using a simple formula: weight divided by 20. This will be the individual norm for the volume of water. In the evening, it is better to drink some water to avoid swelling and sleepless nights.

Diet menu options

You can eat your favorite foods, which is why the diet is called the “for the lazy” diet. The daily menu includes meat and fish products, and even sweets. But if you plan to rapidly lose weight in a short time, then it is better to reduce sweet, salty, smoked, and baked goods to a minimum.

The menu can be varied. Below are examples of the most effective options. It is important to drink 400 ml of water half an hour before meals.

Option #1BreakfastDinnerDinner
- fruit mix
- any porridge

- boiled egg.

- lean meat
- meat soup

- side dish (optional)

- fruit.

- curd
- lean fish

- vegetable mix.

Option No. 2BreakfastDinnerDinner
- chicken
- vegetables

— toasts.

- vegetables
- light broth

- low-fat fish.

- vegetable stew
- steam cutlet.
Option No. 3BreakfastDinnerDinner
- kefir
- curd mixture.
- light broth
- steamed meat

- fresh vegetables.

- fish
- porridge or vegetables

- unsweetened fruit.

The water diet should be followed for no more than 21 days so as not to harm the body. During the diet, light snacks such as dried fruits, rye bread, and berries are allowed. But you also need to drink water half an hour before taking them.

Lost weight results with photos

With the help of a water diet, they lose 5 or more kg in a week, without giving much effort in return. It also helps maintain beauty and health. For many people who are losing weight, a diet for the lazy is a convenient option. The menu for every day can also include your favorite products; it is enough to reduce the amount of fast food, sweets, etc. you eat.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

  • Provided you have a balanced diet and regularly drink water, you can actually lose 10 kg in 14 days;
  • Eating the same way as outside the water diet, but at the same time consuming water in the right amount, in the first 7 days you can lose 2 kg of excess weight.

Even if you deviate from the recommended dietary menu, drinking water regularly every day will help you lose weight and detoxify.


The essence of the diet “for the lazy” on water comes down to consuming H2O in between meals. Liquid fills the stomach and dulls the feeling of hunger, saturation occurs faster. Water is a catalyst for metabolic processes. As a result, fewer calories are consumed and more energy is burned.

For the water diet “for the lazy” to be effective, you must follow four rules.

  1. Water quality. The liquid must be free of gas and impurities, unboiled, and at room temperature. You cannot replace water with tea, coffee and drinks.
  2. Food order. You should set regular meal times. It is allowed to snack on fruits and dairy products, drinking a glass of water before doing so. You can avoid snacks altogether or replace them with unsweetened tea or coffee.
  3. Taking water. Drink two glasses of water 15-20 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. After the meal, it is kept for two hours. Then you can drink water, observing the norm. The last glass of water is drunk before bed.
  4. Vitamin complex. Along with clean water, many vital chemical elements are washed away, in particular potassium, calcium, and sodium. Therefore, it is recommended to add a vitamin-mineral complex to the diet.

Important! According to nutritionists, for better results, you should increase the amount of fluid consumed a week before starting a water diet “for the lazy.” When eating as usual, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, gradually increasing the volume.

Honey express diet

Honey is a healthy and recommended sweet. It strengthens the immune system, protects against diseases, and promotes weight loss. The honey diet is an effective way to lose weight, but not everyone can do it.

If you have an allergic reaction to the product or gallstone disease, the honey diet for the lazy should be avoided. Flour, fried, and sweet foods should be excluded from the daily menu.

Principles of the honey express diet:

  • follow a diet from 3 to 10 days;
  • use only natural homemade honey (can be in honeycombs);
  • before eating, eat a spoonful of honey;
  • in the morning and before bed, drink warm water diluted with honey and a slice of lemon;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • exclude high-calorie foods from the menu.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

Following the rules, in 3 days of the honey diet you will lose up to 3 kg of unnecessary weight.

Sample menu for each day of the week

Breakfast consists of 2 meals:
- low-fat cottage cheese;

- honey;

- any apples;

- low-fat yogurt or juice;

- not sweet tea.

- cabbage of any kind;

- apples;

- tea;

- honey

Afternoon snack:
- citrus fruits.
Dinner (optional):
- kefir;

- broth, honey, apple.

Honey diet results, before and after photos

  • By following the diet recommendations, you can actually lose up to 3 kg of unnecessary weight in a couple of days;

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

  • in 10 days of strict adherence to the diet, they lose up to 10 kg;
  • in two courses of the diet they lose 12 or more kg.

What is possible, what is not

Despite the fact that the water diet is “for the lazy” and not strict, according to doctors, it is better to reconsider the diet.

Some foods (salted, smoked, fatty) “take up” a lot of water, which leads to dehydration. Consequently, the result of a water diet will be less effective.

What foods can be eaten per day, and which ones are best avoided during the diet, are presented in the table.

Authorized productsProhibited Products
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • black chocolate;
  • dietary meat;
  • low fat kefir;
  • skim cheese;
  • cereals, porridge.
  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • alcohol;
  • pork.

Important! If you follow the water and food regime, then in two weeks of the diet you can get rid of 3 to 12 kg. The diet can be extended up to three weeks, but it is not recommended to repeat the program frequently. Once a year is enough.

Quick diet on buckwheat with kefir

The kefir-buckwheat diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight in the shortest possible time. It is considered heavy, since the menu consists of almost two products. The diet is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, professional athletes, pregnant and nursing mothers.

A gentle menu allows the addition of chicken or beef, as well as green vegetables and unsweetened fruits. The classic version is limited to buckwheat porridge and kefir.

Method for preparing buckwheat with kefir

The most useful are buckwheat kernels that have undergone minimal heat treatment. Buckwheat is a storehouse of valuable substances: E, C, PP, B1, B2, as well as calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

The maximum fat content of kefir that is allowed in the diet is 2.5%. The volume should not exceed 1 liter per day. Kefir contains a lot of beneficial bifidobacteria and vitamins, and it is very low in calories.

  • Steaming buckwheat kernels. This cooking method does not require cooking. All you need to do is rinse the buckwheat, pour boiling water over it and steam for several hours in a sealed container. Steaming buckwheat allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances in the product.
  • Boiled porridge. Rinse the buckwheat, add water and put on the stove to cook (15 minutes).
  • Buckwheat doused with kefir. Pour two glasses of kefir over the cereal. Infuse buckwheat in a closed container for a day.

Duration of the buckwheat diet

The classic menu is followed for no more than a week. It is not recommended to exceed this period so as not to harm the body. Meals should be fractional.

The gentle menu assumes a two-week course.

Sample menu for each day of the week

Classic menu optionBreakfastDinnerDinner
- buckwheat;
- kefir - 1 tbsp.
- buckwheat;
- kefir - 1 tbsp.
- buckwheat;
- kefir - 1 tbsp.
2nd breakfast:
- kefir - 1 tbsp.
Afternoon snack
- kefir - 1 tbsp.
Gentle menu option- buckwheat;
- kefir - 1 tbsp.
- buckwheat;
- green vegetables.
- buckwheat;
- kefir - 1 tbsp.

Your body is asking for a drink

Dr. Fereydoun Batmanghelidj became famous for trying to treat almost all diseases with water. And although this method has no medical basis, it can be taken into account. Not for treatment, but for diet.

  • His idea is the following. The hunger center and the thirst center in our brain are located very close. Therefore, often when we think we are hungry, in fact we only need a couple of glasses of water. But we are not aware of this
  • At the same time, stress-filled modern life distracts us from thinking about our body. The body signals to us: “I need water!” - but we just don't hear it
  • You may have noticed that after sitting at the computer or TV for three hours, we may never go to the toilet or feel thirsty. An abundance of information distracts us from our body's signals.
  • If you feel that you have begun to gain weight, or your metabolic processes have worsened, it’s time to listen to your body

Simple apple cider vinegar diet

The apple cider vinegar diet is considered a diet for the lazy, since the menu for every day is no different from the usual. The essence of the diet is that twice a day after meals, drink 2 teaspoons of vinegar diluted in water. The duration of the diet is not limited if the vinegar is well tolerated by the body. The result is clearly visible after 2 months. The diet will be more effective if you eat smaller portions and do not overeat.

How to make apple cider vinegar?

You can cook it yourself. The preparation process is quite long, so if you don’t have time to wait, it’s better to use store-bought. To make homemade vinegar, you need to wash the apples and chop them. Place the apple mixture in a container and add water based on the proportion of 1 liter of water per 0.7 kg of apples.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

Dissolve 100 grams of sugar or honey, yeast and bread (preferably rye) in water. Leave the mixture for 10 days, stirring it several times a day. After 10 days, squeeze the porridge through cheesecloth, pour the liquid into a jar and leave in a warm place for at least another 40 days.

Sample menu for each day of the week

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Monday- muesli, 1 fruit.
2nd breakfast:

- nuts, curd mass.

- broth, vegetable stew, juice.— unsweetened cookies, fruit mix.- chicken fillet, vegetables, tea.
Tuesday- rice, any vegetables.
2nd breakfast:

- citrus, fermented milk product.

- any vegetables, soup without frying, fish.- rye bread with cottage cheese, coffee.— stewed meat, vegetable mix.
Wednesday- any porridge, fruit.
2nd breakfast:

- unsweetened cookies, fermented milk product.

— fish soup, lean meat, vegetable mix.- fermented milk product.steamed rice, chicken, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
Thursday- scrambled eggs, cereal breads.
2nd breakfast:

- kefir, any fruit.

- light soup, boiled fish, juice.- cottage cheese.- baked meat.
Friday- rice, vegetables.
2nd breakfast:

- juice, unsweetened cookies.

- cabbage soup, chicken cutlet, side dish.- fruits, kefir.- beef, green vegetables, tea.
Saturday- curd mass, cocoa.
2nd breakfast:

- unsweetened yogurt, fruit.

- broth, fish cutlet, side dish, jelly.- kefir, fruit.- beef, vegetable stew, tea.
Resurrection- muesli, banana.
2nd breakfast:

- kefir, cookies.

— cabbage soup, baked vegetables and chicken, tea.- cottage cheese with fruit.- scrambled eggs, green tea.

How many kilograms can you lose on the vinegar diet?

The apple cider vinegar diet does not have a specific time frame; it is followed from 3 days and even for several years with short breaks. If you need to lose weight quickly, then you need to exclude all high-calorie foods from your diet and drink the required amount of diluted apple cider vinegar strictly at the right time. Already in the first 3 days you will lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

By eating as usual, not denying yourself sweets and fatty foods, but regularly drinking vinegar water after meals, you will burn up to 20 extra kg in 2 months.


The name itself implies the presence of fish, fresh vegetables, olives, and cereals on the menu. The main drink is ginger or rosehip tea. You can eat almost anything, but it is important to maintain proportions. It is recommended to exclude red meat from the diet or consume it no more than once a week.

This is an effective, but quite long-term diet “for the lazy.” It lasts 7-14 days; when creating a menu, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • cereals are prepared daily as a side dish;
  • vegetables must be consumed daily up to six times;
  • fruit should be three servings per day;
  • dairy products are consumed twice a day;
  • fish is cooked five to six times a week;
  • dietary poultry is consumed four times a week;
  • You can snack on dried fruits and olives once a day;
  • Potatoes are consumed three times a week.

Peculiarity! Chocolate and other sweets, as well as eggs, are not prohibited. However, their consumption should be reduced to three times a week (one egg, a piece of chocolate).


The Mediterranean diet menu “for the lazy” is easy to create to your liking. The main rule is that food should be varied; you should not eat only fish or only vegetables. It is recommended to avoid butter and salt. A small amount of olive oil is used as seasoning.

An example menu is presented in the table.

EatingMenu options
  • oatmeal with milk, fruit juice;
  • fruit salad with kefir or yogurt;
  • cottage cheese casserole, juice;
  • omelette, any fruit;
  • toast with cheese and tomato, boiled egg.
  • kefir or yogurt without additives;
  • banana;
  • oatmeal cookies, tea;
  • coffee with a piece of dark chocolate;
  • cottage cheese.
  • salad, tuna;
  • risotto with vegetables, apple;
  • rice, vegetable stew, cheese;
  • pasta with fish or squid and tomatoes;
  • lean soup, vegetable and cheese salad, juice.
  • nuts;
  • sandwich with cheese and tomato;
  • grapefruit;
  • dried fruits;
  • slice of cheese, apple.
  • salad of green vegetables and cottage cheese;
  • vegetable salad with chicken;
  • baked or steamed fish, salad
  • chicken fillet, salad with arugula;
  • baked eggplants with cheese and tomatoes.

Important! Meat and fish are consumed 100 g at a time. The portion of other products should not exceed 200 g.


This is an easy diet “for the lazy” and it is suitable for absolutely everyone, because... has no restrictions and does not focus on one product. Adhering to the principles, you can create an individual menu taking into account allergies, food intolerances, and chronic diseases.

Light diet of fruits and vegetables

A fruit and vegetable diet is best followed in the summer, when many vegetables and fruits are available and have maximum nutritional value. During the diet, you can eat at any time your stomach requires. You can eat 2 kg of fruits and vegetables per day.

In the first days, you should not completely deny yourself your usual food; it is enough to combine assorted fruits and vegetables with your usual diet, reducing the amount of high-calorie foods.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results
The diagram shows healthy diet products for the lazy that will help you change your menu every day.

Within a few days, it is quite possible to switch to a light diet and replace the hamburger with an apple or pear. It’s easier to do this not in one day, but gradually. The duration of the diet is not limited, but it is better to follow it in courses from 1 day to a month.

The benefits of diet for the body

The diet is generally beneficial for the whole body. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins, proper metabolism is restored, excess fat and cellulite are burned, the skin is cleansed, and sleep is normalized. By following a diet, there is no need to sacrifice your strength and health for the sake of a beautiful figure. Losing weight can be safe, tasty and healthy.

Sample menu for each day of the week


  • green vegetables with herbs and lemon juice;
  • green fruits;
  • vegetable soup with croutons;
  • boiled beets, carrots without additives;
  • boiled cauliflower, fresh plums.


  • apples and baked pumpkin;
  • some peaches, apricots or plums;
  • vegetable stew;
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes (you can sprinkle a little vinegar on them);
  • baked apples.


  • chopped carrots and apple with raisins or prunes;
  • freshly squeezed juice with rye bread;
  • mushroom soup;
  • fried eggplant or zucchini;
  • vegetables and greens.


  • green vegetables with lemon juice;
  • green fruits with yogurt;
  • soup with rye croutons;
  • boiled beets;
  • boiled cauliflower, fresh plums.


  • baked pumpkin and apples;
  • peaches, apricots or plums (can be with yogurt);
  • vegetable stew;
  • fresh cucumbers, tomatoes (you can add vinegar);
  • baked apples.


  • chopped carrots and apple with raisins or prunes;
  • freshly squeezed juice with rye bread;
  • mushroom soup, fruit salad;
  • fried eggplant or zucchini.


  • fruit salad (can be with yogurt);
  • fresh tomatoes, radishes (can be with vinegar);
  • vegetable stew;
  • fresh apple and cherry puree;
  • fruit compote and steamed cauliflower.

Lost weight results, before and after photos

In a week they lose 7 kg.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

In a month, up to 15 extra kg are lost.

Diet rules for losing weight for the lazy

The main helpers in losing weight are proper nutrition and moderate exercise. There are also several rules, if followed, even the lazy person can lose the hated volumes.

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time, maintaining an 8-hour cycle.
  2. Exercise whenever possible. 5-10 minutes are enough for your body to wake up and recharge itself with the necessary energy to start a productive working day. At the same time, after morning exercises, metabolism accelerates, which begins to burn extra calories.
  3. Control not only your weight, but also your volume. Use a measuring tape often and measure your parameters. This way, the results will always motivate you to further achievements.
  4. Follow the principles of proper nutrition and eat slowly. Avoid starchy, heavily seasoned, sweet and fatty foods. Learn the right snacks with fruits and vegetables. Develop the habit of preparing food in reserve, thereby you will forget about the main enemy of your figure - fast food. Also, when sitting down at the table, eat slowly without the accompaniment of interesting programs on TV or social networks, this way you will learn to control your portions and get full faster.
  5. Take a walk. Don't forget about walking, fun walks with friends or alone. Fresh air promotes the production of endorphins and other hormones that are important for the proper functioning of the body.
  6. Take care of yourself and love yourself. Don't forget about massages, wraps and body creams. Anti-cellulite massage courses will help you lose an additional 5 kg of your weight.

This diet requires drinking a large amount of water half an hour before meals.
This diet requires drinking a large amount of water half an hour before meals.

Drinking regime

An important rule that must be followed when dieting for the lazy in order to achieve a result of minus 12 kg is the drinking regime. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water. Drink 2 glasses of water 20-30 minutes before meals. After 1-1.5 hours, drink green tea or herbal tea for weight loss.

Water is a source of health and a beautiful figure. By drinking the norm, you provide your body with a guaranteed cleanse of waste and toxins, help your metabolism burn calories and eliminate the stagnation of excess fluid in the body, which is also displayed on the scale.

Physical exercise

Physical activity is not just grueling fitness or intimidating machines. If you like to dance, then attend special classes. They also help you lose excess weight effectively.

One of the main aids in losing weight is cardio training. This includes running, dancing, cycling, skating, jumping rope, swimming and much more. Introduce activity into your life and extra pounds will not haunt you.

According to nutritionists, an increased amount of fluid during a diet can instill the habit of drinking the amount of water necessary for the body, which will help achieve results.
According to nutritionists, an increased amount of fluid during a diet can instill the habit of drinking the amount of water necessary for the body, which will help achieve results.

Protein diet for the lazy

The essence of the diet is to consume a large amount of protein and a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. An excellent option for meat and dairy lovers. A protein diet helps build muscle mass, and a deficiency of carbohydrates in the body helps burn carbohydrate fat reserves.

Advantages of a protein diet

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • Fast calorie burning;
  • lack of weight gain after leaving the diet;
  • taking a variety of foods;
  • The duration of the diet is no more than 2 weeks.

Sample menu for each day of the week


  1. Breakfast: omelet, kefir.
  2. 2nd breakfast: any fermented milk product.
  3. Lunch: chicken fillet with spices.
  4. Afternoon snack: 1 fruit.
  5. Dinner : fish with spices, kefir.


  1. Breakfast: boiled egg, fresh vegetables, bread.
  2. 2nd breakfast: any fermented milk product.
  3. Lunch: steamed meat, vegetables.
  4. Afternoon snack: apple.
  5. Dinner: fish, green vegetable salad, kefir.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with nuts or dried fruits.
  2. 2nd breakfast: rye bread with cheese.
  3. Lunch: steamed rice, chicken, vegetables.
  4. Afternoon snack: 1 fruit.
  5. Dinner: steamed fish, boiled legumes, kefir.


  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese, tea.
  2. 2nd breakfast: nuts.
  3. Lunch: light soup, chicken fillet, bread.
  4. Dinner: baked meat or fish, vegetables.


  1. Breakfast: salad, tomatoes.
  2. 2nd breakfast: yogurt.
  3. Lunch: broccoli soup, chicken breast, bread.
  4. Afternoon snack: dried fruits.
  5. Dinner: French chicken.


  1. Breakfast: omelet, tea.
  2. 2nd breakfast: 1 fruit.
  3. Lunch: rice and fish, cucumber or tomato.
  4. Afternoon snack: yogurt without filler.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew with meat, unsweetened yogurt.


  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits.
  2. 2nd breakfast: some nuts.
  3. Lunch: steamed buckwheat, boiled meat or fish.
  4. Afternoon snack: citrus fruits
  5. Dinner: baked meat with herbs and lemon.

Prohibited foods during the diet

There is a list of foods that are extremely undesirable to eat during a protein diet.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

These include:

  • baked goods, confectionery products, products with sugar;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • animal fats, pork, lard;
  • vegetable and butter oils, vinegar, mayonnaise, sauces;
  • smoked fish and meat, canned food;
  • fatty fish;
  • sweet juices and fruits;
  • fatty cheeses and dairy products.

Lost weight results with photos

If you strictly follow a protein diet, you will lose up to 5 extra kg in 5 days. If you partially deviate from the diet recommendations, then the same amount of kg can be lost in 2 weeks.

Eat well at work

Many people neglect this advice, taking only 1 container of food to work, trying to quench their hunger with lots of sweet coffee, pies from the buffet and sandwiches. Give up this habit and take 3 servings of food to work: breakfast, soup and lunch. If you have lunch in a cafeteria or cafe, have a normal breakfast: buckwheat with meat and other dishes with slow carbohydrates.

By constantly feeling hungry or simply snacking, you teach your body to jealously store fat reserves, which will be restored at the first home-cooked dinner. By eating fully, this process will stop, the body will understand that it will soon receive a good charge of energy. This advice alone will lead to weight loss, even without creating a calorie deficit in your diet.

Diet for lazy people from Marina Afrikantova

A bright participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Marina Afrikantova amazed all television viewers by managing to lose 25 kg. From a plump girl, she transformed into a luxurious model. She shared the secret of her success with her fans.

The secret to losing weight from Afrikantova

The Afrikantova diet should not last more than 20 days so as not to harm the body. Fatty foods, bakery and confectionery products, sweet drinks and foods should be excluded from the diet. The diet must be accompanied by moderate physical activity and taking vitamin complexes.

Sample menu for each day of the week


  1. Breakfast: unsweetened yogurt, rye bread.
  2. Lunch: rye bread, skim milk.
  3. Dinner: unsweetened fruit, kefir.


  1. Breakfast: rye bread and tomato juice.
  2. Lunch: tomato juice, rye bread.
  3. Dinner: 0.5-1 l. juice from tomatoes.


  1. Breakfast: black bread with low-fat cheese.
  2. Lunch: boiled fish, low-fat broth.
  3. Dinner: boiled chicken.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal.
  2. Lunch: meat broth, a piece of rye bread.
  3. Dinner: boiled eggs, fermented milk product.


  1. Breakfast: apple, unsweetened juice.
  2. Lunch: broth and fresh vegetables.
  3. Dinner: fresh cucumbers, cabbage, carrots.


  1. Breakfast: citrus fruits, tea.
  2. Lunch: unsweetened juice, vinaigrette.
  3. Dinner: fruit salad, kefir.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

After a week, you can repeat the diet.

Achievements of those who lost weight on a diet, photo

In 20 days they lose 15 or more extra kg.


The simplest diet “for the lazy” is, of course, water. With the help of water you can “deceive” the stomach. If you drink one or two glasses before meals (about 20 minutes), the feeling of hunger will be less pronounced. As a result, satiety will come faster than a large plate of food will be empty. “Side” effects of water weight loss are good health, vigor, restored epithelium, healthy hair.

It is necessary to consume raw (filtered) water at room temperature. You should drink the prescribed dose in small sips with short pauses. It is better not to add anything to the water, because... particles in solution are “considered” by the body as food. Coffee, tea and other drinks are not part of the daily intake.

The standard duration of a simple water diet “for the lazy” is two weeks. To achieve better results, you can extend the program by three weeks. You can repeat it once a year, every summer, when you are especially thirsty.

If you weigh 50 kg and have a quiet lifestyle (without sports), it is enough to drink 1.5 liters of water per day. If the weight is more than 80 kg, then the daily norm is 2.5-3 liters. Too much water is harmful. Swelling and frequent urination appear.


You can eat whatever you want, strictly following the diet. Small snacks consist of kefir, cottage cheese or fruit. Before the main or intermediate meal, you should drink one or two glasses of water. After eating, you should abstain from any liquid for two hours.

An approximate daily diet is presented in the table.

  • two glasses of water.
  • oatmeal (100 g);
  • banana;
  • nuts (100 g).
  • glass of water.
  • coffee;
  • apple.
  • two glasses of water.
  • lean soup (200 ml);
  • chicken fillet with buckwheat (150 g).
  • glass of water.
  • cottage cheese (100 g);
  • kiwi.
  • two glasses of water.
  • green vegetable salad (150 g);
  • steamed fish (100 g).
  • glass of water.

There are no restrictions or prohibitions, but it is better to exclude confectionery and bakery products, sweets, salty, smoked, and fatty foods from the diet. When getting ready for bed, you can drink kefir.

Peculiarity! Water washes away minerals. Lack of elements leads to metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement the diet with mineral and vitamin complexes.


The diet is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended to cancel the program in the following cases:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Diet from Pelageya

Singer Pelageya lost 15 kg in a few months. She told in an interview how she succeeded.

Secrets and rules of losing weight

The rules for following the Pelageya diet are simple. You need to drink 2 liters of water daily. You also need to do sports exercises, such as running. For 20 days, strictly adhere to the diet menu; for the next few days, you can eat moderately high-calorie, sweet foods.

Sample menu for each day of the week

For breakfast, eat boiled buckwheat. Lunch can be varied with low-fat meat and fish products. You can also eat vegetables. Buckwheat and vegetables for dinner. Low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, unsweetened fruits, and juices are suitable for snacks.

Dish recipes

  • Baked fish. Cut the cleaned and washed fish into medium pieces and place in a baking dish. Fry the champignons and also add to the fish. Place the food in the preheated oven and bake until done.

Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Menu for every day, week reviews and results

  • Vegetable salad. Chop vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. Mix them with boiled shrimp, season with vegetable oil. Salad ready.

Lost weight results with before and after photos

If you follow all the rules, you can lose up to 5 extra kg in a week.

Alive and dead

Alive and dead

Water is a fluid substance. Changes the structure, becoming part of the information field, “hears” words, “feels” thoughts. A good mood, a desire to make yourself better, the quality and purity of the liquid are the components of life-giving moisture.

Appreciate what you have, take care of the healing drink - 12 million tons of harmful substances are discharged into the rivers and reservoirs of Russia every year. The Siberians are lucky, they have Baikal and Katun, in remote places they still drink in the old fashioned way, scooping it with the palm of their hand, transparent, life-giving.

This is Living Water - treating life-giving moisture as the most precious drink, love for life and nature, which you absorb with every sip. Think about where the river of Life flows from.

Buckwheat diet for quick weight loss.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss

Black Latte for weight loss99 rub.
NATURAL Fit Calorie Blocker Powder990 rub.
Purple tea "Chang-Shu"499 rub.
Fat burning drops “Honey Spas”1980 rub. 99 rub.
(until 04/24/2021)
Detox cocktail for weight loss147 rub.
Lipocarnit for weight loss990 rub.
Reduslim weight loss product149 rub.

Views: 17,686

Nutritionists' opinions on “lazy” diets

According to nutritionists, a diet for the lazy is quite effective in the fight against excess weight. But the menu for every day should contain all the beneficial substances a person needs. If the diet menu is poor in its variety and nutritional value, then nutritionists recommend taking a complex of vitamins.

It is better to drink water not according to time, but according to the body’s requirements, since an excess of water can be harmful to health. Any, even the most strict diet, should not be harmful, but for the benefit of the body.

Why drinking water is good for you

When applied to the problem being solved, water is a substance that makes the body function more efficiently. When you burn calories through physical activity, the excess is eliminated through the pores along with toxins.

  • Cell rejuvenation occurs, which quickly becomes visible. Many women who have accustomed themselves to drinking clean water do not need expensive creams and masks.
  • Just a liter of clean water drunk during the day reduces the risk of a heart attack.
  • Drinking enough water cleanses the kidneys and helps them function better.

The human body uses water constantly. The daily average water output is at least 2 liters. It must be replenished so that even mild dehydration does not occur.

  1. Lack of fluid provokes fatigue, decreased concentration and attention, and irritability.
  2. Among the causes of joint problems and muscle pain is a lack of fluids in the body. Constant mild dehydration weakens the immune system and leads to frequent colds and weakness.
  3. Water improves the flow of chemical processes in the intestines.
  4. Water constantly entering the body is involved in thermoregulation.
  5. The general health of a person who drinks clean water becomes consistently good.
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