Separate nutrition according to Shelton is a pseudoscientific nutritional concept

Table of contents
  • Basic provisions
  • Criticism
  • Experts' opinions
  • Research

A detailed criticism of the separate nutrition system was given by L. S. Vasilevskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, leading specialist of the Russian Federation in the physiology of nutrition and digestion. Vasilevskaya notes that the hypotheses underlying the separate nutrition system do not agree with the data obtained over many years by medical science.

The pleasure hormone serotonin is produced with a mixed diet, but not with a separate diet. Thus, separate nutrition leads to prolonged unmotivated depression, and in this case, a return to a mixed diet can replace antidepressants (PhD M.S. Minvaleev).

Product Compatibility Chart

In addition to the digestion time, it is also necessary to take into account the energy value of foods - food in which carbohydrates predominate does not go well with fats. The same applies to proteins. To make it easier to determine the combination of products, a special table was created by which it can be determined. It shows which ingredients we combine this or that component with and which we don’t.

Non-acidic fruitsFermented milk productsSour fruits, cereals, baked goods, dairy products
Sour fruitsMilk, nutsStarchy foods, cereals, baked goods, sweets, protein foods
StarchyVegetables, oilsProtein, fruit, sugar
MeatVegetablesMilk, sweet, sour vegetables, oils, fruits
NutsVegetables, sour fruits
Milk productsNon-acidic fruitsVegetables, cereals, legumes
CerealsVegetablesSour fruits, sweet, dairy products

Let's learn to help the body!

The correct combination of products (the table is given below) guarantees high efficiency of the digestive system. Eating meals that include compatible ingredients will relieve you of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Each product is absorbed by the human body differently:

  1. Firstly, any food requires digestive juice of a certain composition.
  2. Secondly, each individual product has its own time for digestion.
  3. Thirdly, the most effective absorption of food is possible only with the correct combination of its components.

You need to come to terms with the first two points to the extent that this is how our body works. But you need to know useful combinations of products and be able to use them. This is an essential condition for good digestion, which has a direct impact on human health.

Flavor combinations

To prepare a delicious dish, it is enough to take into account the taste combination of products with each other. It will significantly diversify the daily menu, delight the taste buds and make weight loss recipes less monotonous.

Many famous chefs use established combinations of edible ingredients as the basis for their culinary experiments. Here are just some of the most successful of them:

  • tomato + basil + garlic - this classic combination will always come in handy in any dish where tomatoes are present;
  • olive oil + garlic + lemon juice - this combination can become an ideal dressing not only for any salad, but also for a second one;
  • soy sauce + honey + ginger - with this combination you can also dress salads or marinate meat products or fish;
  • avocado + shrimp - a healthy balanced combination used for weight loss; salads, sandwiches or snacks are prepared with it;
  • cheese + grapes - a combination served with wines as an independent snack, but is often used in salads for the richest taste;
  • rosemary + game - rosemary is a very bright spice, but in this combination it complements meat very well;
  • potatoes + nutmeg - the spice will highlight the aroma of potatoes prepared in any way;
  • potatoes + dill - dill is a very successful combination with boiled potatoes, the same applies to salads that include this ingredient;

  • beans + walnuts are an interesting combination that complements both vegetable dishes and those that contain meat. Nuts are suitable for both green beans and grains;
  • lemon + fish - in this combination you can use lemon juice or stuff the fish with citrus slices, the effect will be the same - the flesh will become tender, the fishy smell will not be so noticeable.

Chicken + carrots (lard + green onions) = strong immunity

It is difficult to find a root vegetable that contains more vitamin A, which the body needs to fight infections, than carrots. However, without the zinc contained in chicken, our body would have a difficult time extracting the beneficial substances from this vitamin. Vitamin A can “travel” through the circulatory system only in combination with protein, and zinc is precisely necessary for the formation of a protein that binds vitamin A. Therefore, if there is not enough zinc in the body, vitamin A cannot pass from the liver to the body tissues. That's why chicken broth with carrots is the first aid for the flu!

Well, the combination of lard with green onions or garlic, which has already become a classic, is the national Ukrainian “antibiotic”! Lard is rich in fat-soluble vitamins AE and D, and contains 40% unsaturated fatty acids. These types of acids, when entering the body, bind and remove toxins from the body. Arachidonic acid in lard helps the body turn on the “immune response” when encountering viruses and bacteria. Organosulfides (substances found in garlic and onions) together with vitamin D stimulate the production of macrophage immune cells. While vitamin C affects the level of neutrophils and interferon.

By the way, the duo of lard and garlic also removes “bad” cholesterol from our body.

With spices

Properly selected spices can create interesting combinations with other products, enhancing their taste, complementing them and allowing their aroma to unfold. The system of combining spices and foods is based on the same principles - many seasonings can speed up the processing of foods, and can whet the appetite or replace sugar, which is only a plus for dietary nutrition. Here are the most common food combinations with spices:

MeatDill, coriander, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, cumin
BirdGarlic, oregano, thyme, coriander, turmeric
SeafoodDill, marjoram, thyme, basil, coriander, tarragon
VegetablesGarlic, basil, marjoram, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, nutmeg, ginger
MushroomsDill, cloves, coriander, allspice, white pepper, rosemary, juniper berries
LegumesDill, tarragon, rosemary, oregano, marjoram

Oatmeal + apples (oatmeal + orange juice) = healthy blood vessels and heart

Oatmeal contains beta-glucan and avenanthramides, which protect our blood vessels from cholesterol. You can enhance the healing effect of morning porridge with pieces of fresh apple, which contain a lot of flavonoids - important antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and, in addition, fight inflammatory processes.

And you can safely wash it down with orange juice - studies by the American Department of Agriculture have shown that orange juice and oatmeal consumed “for company” are an excellent means of cleansing blood vessels and preventing heart attacks. Together, these products better stabilize “bad” cholesterol.

Principles of combining products from Maya Gogulan

Maya Gogulan is a famous journalist and supporter of the principle of separate nutrition. Her system is a combination of products based on nutritional components. The main rules of the combination look like this:

  • carbohydrates should not be consumed simultaneously with carbohydrates (for example, eat porridge and pasta with bread);
  • eat proteins at one meal with carbohydrates (for example, do not eat fish as a snack with bread, but oatmeal with chicken);
  • vegetables can be combined with each other and with any other products;
  • Vegetable and animal fats are well complemented by carbohydrates or protein.

In addition, Gogulan advises completely eliminating sugar from the diet, reducing the amount of salt and spices, which lead to increased appetite. Make the choice of products towards unprocessed ones. Oatmeal is a good example—coarse, unrefined flakes are better than processed ones. It is necessary to leave the table slightly undernourished. There must be a desire to do something. Drowsiness and laziness are signs that a person has overeaten, and this is not beneficial.

Many experts also advise paying attention to the method of preparing dishes - reducing the consumption of fried foods, replacing boiled

Eggs + broccoli (eggs + spinach) = life without PMS and osteoporosis

According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, women who get adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D from their diet are 30-40% less likely to suffer from PMS. Chicken eggs are the best natural source of vitamin D, and green broccoli florets and spinach leaves are rich in calcium, which is poorly absorbed without vitamin D. Spinach leaves are also rich in vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting and bone health.

It turned out that vitamin K works in company with two more vitamins - D and A, acting as a regulator, directing calcium to where it belongs and taking it from where it should not be. And spinach and broccoli are excellent sources of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. In addition, such duets help strengthen the skeleton. Can you imagine if these products were combined? For example, in an omelet or frittata - Italian fried eggs with filling. And if you add cheese (a source of easily digestible calcium), you get a simply extraordinary combination!

Table of food combinations for separate meals according to Shelton

To make it easier to navigate among a variety of products and adhere to a healthy diet, Herbert Shelton developed a special table that allows you to determine the compatibility of certain components. It is very simple to use - select a product in the first column and see which of the components listed above it is combined with.

Gradually you can remember all the listed components and their features. The basis of their combination is an acidic or alkaline component, which decomposes in the stomach for a certain time.

Beef + red wine = healthy longevity

Israeli scientific minds, after a series of studies, have proven that the combination of meat with red wine is very useful, since it reduces the level of absorption of cholesterol, which is harmful to the human body, which enters the body in large doses along with meat.

It turns out that red wine contains a considerable amount of polyphenols, which significantly inhibit the absorption of harmful compounds from the stomach and intestines. Therefore, much less cholesterol enters the blood, which clogs blood vessels and interferes with the normal functioning of organs.


If you want to lose weight, maintain longevity and improve your health, you need to follow the principle of combining foods, while adhering to a few more simple rules:

  • choose only natural and fresh ingredients for cooking;
  • do not overeat - leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger and lightness in the body;
  • bad signals are the desire to sleep and heaviness in the stomach - this is evidence of overeating;
  • you need to eat often, but little by little; take into account the acidity of the product when adding it to a dish;
  • Fresh vegetables should make up a large proportion of the diet.

The principle of combining foods can facilitate the digestion process without spending a lot of energy on processing foods, which can be usefully spent in other areas. By adjusting your diet, you will have additional strength and will be able to live an active life.

Pulled Pork + Brussels Sprouts = Fight Cancer

Who said that fried meat is harmful? In Germany and Austria, for example, pork knee with stewed cabbage is a completely healthy national dish. Nobody suggests frying fatty pork in margarine! But it’s definitely worth stewing lean pork with Brussels sprouts. The most important mineral in pork is selenium, an anti-cancer antioxidant. Combining pork with vegetables rich in sulforaphane (such as Brussels sprouts or cauliflower) increases the effectiveness of the mineral by up to 13 times.

In addition, proteins from both pork and cabbage are a source of essential amino acids (lysine, threonine, methionine), which are necessary for hematopoiesis, growth and tissue repair, stimulation of the functions of the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, as well as the dissolution and removal of foreign proteins from the body.

Apples + chocolate (buckwheat with onions) = health and joy

Apples are rich in anti-inflammatory quercetin, which also reduces the risk of allergies, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, prostate and lung cancer. Chocolate contains catechins, which reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer. By combining, quercetin and catechins prevent thrombosis and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. By the way, for the same reason, buckwheat porridge cooked with onions is useful.

Do not peel apples, thereby depriving yourself of antioxidants that fight liver, breast and intestinal cancer. It is better to eat apples unpeeled, but chew them thoroughly. And they go best with chocolate fondue.

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