Training program for girls at home

A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, designed for daily 20-minute sessions. Effective weight loss and working out problem areas through effective physical activity.

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast of a chiseled figure, which nature has generously awarded her with. Most women and girls have to work hard on their bodies to achieve curvy figures. And not all of them, unfortunately, can afford to regularly go to a fitness club for training due to various circumstances. But in order to effectively lose weight, tighten muscles and consolidate the results for a long time, you can train at home. We offer you a simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, which will definitely help you get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve your overall well-being.

General tips for exercising at home

Girls should start sports activities at home, taking into account the advice of experts and those people who have achieved results in this area. Basic recommendations:

  • It is necessary to have a sports uniform that ensures the convenience of exercise, sneakers that protect the joints - this perfectly motivates and creates the appropriate mood;
  • home exercises should last about 30-60 minutes;
  • You cannot exercise on a full stomach; the interval between meals and training must be at least 1-2 hours;
  • Each workout should begin with a warm-up;
  • perform the exercises correctly, observing all the techniques to avoid injuries and get the desired result;
  • Don’t forget about breathing - you need to exhale with every effort.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Home Workouts

There are both disadvantages and significant advantages to home exercise. The latter include:

  • Budgeting for classes;
  • the time you would spend on the road has been significantly reduced;
  • the ability to study at any time of the day;
  • lack of embarrassment in front of strangers.

The disadvantages include:

  • Loss of motivation;
  • there is a need to buy additional inventory;
  • distractions.

Bodyweight exercises at home for girls

Girls just need to learn how to work with their own weight correctly in order to get rid of extra centimeters on the stomach, sides and hips. It is better to divide all exercises into several categories.

Lower body exercises
Squat - you need to perform it by moving your pelvis back so that your back remains straight and your knees do not protrude beyond your toes.
Standing lunge back . Lunge with your knee touching the floor, the main thing is that your knees also do not go beyond your toes.
Single leg glute bridge Lift your pelvis off the floor by tensing your gluteal muscles, without bending your lower back.
Standing calf raise from an elevated position. Foot positioning – toes are elevated, extending a few cm. The rest of the foot is below this level.
Side lunges – feet together, hands on the waist. A step-lunge is taken to the side, the back remains straight, the supporting knee tries not to go beyond the toe.
Plie squat on the inner thigh - wide stance, toes apart. Perform the squat deep down, knees should be turned to the sides. The pelvis does not go back, but is twisted under itself. At the lowest point, linger for 1-2 seconds. and return to the starting position.
Upper body and core exercises
Push-ups - arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, elbows straight, feet on toes, body straight. When bending your elbows, touch your chest to the floor, do not bend your lower back, look at the floor in front of you, return to the starting position.
Reverse push-ups - find a support point, it can be a chair, sofa, turn your back to it, place your hands with your fingers towards you. Extend your legs straight forward without sitting on the floor. Bend your elbows to lower your body, then straighten and return. To make the exercise easier, you can leave your legs not straight, but bent at the knees.
Plank – lying on your hands (or elbows), palms on the floor under your shoulders, knees straight, back not arched. Tension should be felt in the abs and buttocks, the body represents one straight line.
Leg raise while lying on your back . The legs need to be lifted off the floor, straightened, raised up until an angle of 90 degrees is formed with the body, and lowered. The lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor. To make it more difficult, you can not lower your legs to the floor, but hold them above it.
Bicycle twist . Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head, body slightly raised, legs also lifted off the floor. Alternately turn your body left and right, bending the corresponding leg.
“Superman” - lying on his stomach, body straight, face down. Straining your back, simultaneously lift your body, chest and legs. Hold at the top for a few seconds and lower back down.
Cardio exercises
Burpee - bend down, reach your hands to the floor, jump your legs back into a push-up position, lower yourself completely to the floor, touching it with your hips and chest, jump your legs back to the starting position and jump up, clapping behind your head.
“Climber” – the same emphasis while lying down as in the plank. Alternately, you need to bend each leg at the knee and pull it towards your chest. Change legs as quickly as possible.
Running in one place with high knees - try to raise your knees to your chest as often and as high as possible.
Swing your knees to your chest at a fast pace. With each swing, sharply lower your elbows down to your knees.
Jumping Jack - jumping while simultaneously spreading your legs and arms to the sides.

Why aren't we losing weight?

It’s worth starting with the unique characteristics of the body.
Some people instantly lose weight with the slightest stress; for others, stress is an easy way to gain 5–10 kilos, regardless of the amount of food. Some people can overeat on cakes and gain 0.5 kilograms on the scale, while others get sick just by looking at a cake. It's about metabolism. And if nature has not given you the opportunity to get rid of fat reserves in a couple of trips to the gym, you should not despair. Regular physical activity, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits are the key to health and a beautiful figure. Yes, you may never achieve the ideals of a beach body, but you can feel healthy and confident without it. In addition, some simply cannot afford regular visits to fitness rooms and sports complexes: there is no time, money, and sometimes even desire. In this case, training can be done independently, at home. In this article, we have collected effective weight loss exercises that you can do on your own. Important point:

sometimes the weight does not come off due to health problems. In this case, excess weight is a symptom: problems can be with the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system and hormonal levels in women. Therefore, if the weight suddenly begins to increase and does not go away even on diets, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a series of tests.

Bodyweight training program for a week for girls

For both beginners and experienced girls who train at home, 3 classes per week will be enough. On the remaining days, the muscles will have time to rest and recover. It is advisable to divide the training into work on individual areas of the body. The first workout will be for the upper body and abs, the second will be for the buttocks and legs, and the third will be a cardio workout.

Monday – top/abs

  • Push-ups from the floor – 10-12 times.
  • Reverse push-ups with straight legs - 12 times.
  • Set: plank (stand for 30-60 sec.)
  • Exercise “Superman” 20 times.
  • Leg raises lying on your back – 15 times.
  • Press “Bicycle” - 20 times (1 time is considered to change two legs).

Perform 3 sets for each exercise.

Wednesday – legs/buttocks

  • Squats with standard leg position – 20 times.
  • Plie squats – 15 times.
  • Side lunge – 12 times on each leg.
  • Standing backward lunges – 12 times on each leg.
  • Gluteal bridge on 1 leg – 15 times.
  • Calf raises from a hill – 25 times.

Perform 3 sets for each exercise.

Friday – cardio day

  • Running in place with high knees – 3 sets of 40 seconds.
  • Swing your knees to your chest – 20 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  • Jumping Jack – 20 times, 4 sets.
  • “Climber” or horizontal running – 3 sets of 40 seconds.
  • Burpees – 3 sets of 12-15 reps.


As we already said, you can't eat fast food and try to lose weight. Training should be accompanied by a diet. However, this does not mean at all that it should be as strict as possible, with the exclusion of everything tasty and beloved from the diet. Diet here means proper nutrition. And it does not require a lot of restrictions. Its main postulates are:

  • absence of bad habits. Alcohol is very high in calories, and cigarettes put a huge strain not only on the lungs;
  • avoidance of foods high in carcinogens, dyes, food additives, salt and sugar. Fast food and factory-made sweets should disappear from the diet;
  • drinking regime. A person must drink at least 2 liters of clean water (juices, teas and other drinks do not count);
  • include more protein and fiber in your diet. These are healthy foods that quickly saturate the body without giving it an excessive amount of calories;
  • use special dietary supplements. For example, for those losing weight, there are entire lines of Herbalife products that reduce cravings for sweets and help remove excess water from the body.

Exercises with dumbbells at home for girls

You can do exercises on any part of the body with dumbbells:

squats with dumbbells - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, moving your pelvis back and leaving your back flat.
lunges with dumbbells , walking around the room, to work out the hips and buttocks.
swing your leg to the side with a dumbbell pressed to your hip in your hand.
pushing your legs up . Starting position: standing on all fours on the floor, hold a dumbbell under your knee. Raise your bent leg up to 90 degrees so that your heel points to the ceiling, and return it down.
stepping onto a stand with dumbbells.
Dumbbell bench press in a lying position . Starting position – arms with dumbbells at the top perpendicular to the body, while inhaling, bending your elbows to the sides, lower your hands to your shoulders, and while exhaling, lift them up.
standing dumbbell press . Starting position: Place the dumbbells slightly above shoulder level. As you exhale, press up, bringing the dumbbells together at the top point. While inhaling, return to the starting position.
swing in front of you and to the sides with dumbbells until parallel to the floor with straight arms. The elbows need to be slightly bent, removing tension from them.
row of dumbbells to the chin - from the bottom point, pull the hands with dumbbells to the chin, pointing the elbows clearly to the sides.
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells in hands - feet parallel to each other, bend while inhaling, tensing your abs, abdominal muscles, lowering your arms down to the floor, move your pelvis back on bent knees, but do not perform a squat, then straighten up.
Bent-over dumbbell rows to work the latissimus dorsi muscles.
arm lift with dumbbells for the back muscles - the same position, only straight arms should be extended downwards, elbows slightly bent. Raise your arms to the side with your elbows up.
“hammer” curl for pumping up the biceps - take a dumbbell in each hand, bend your elbows while standing or sitting. Perform dumbbell curls with biceps.
extension of arms with dumbbells from behind the head in a standing or sitting position. Take one dumbbell in both hands, bending them, placing the weight behind your head.


To cope with shortcomings and train yourself to constantly train, you need good motivation.

motivation for training for girls

There are quite a few ways of motivation, try to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

  1. Some girls are motivated and forced to move forward by photographs of slender models. If you fall into this category, then try to find a type close to you and strive for the same improvement in shape. That is, if you are a petite girl, then you don’t need to look up to photographs of tall models; choose a more realistic goal for yourself.
  2. Some people are motivated by old jeans or dresses they wore a few years ago and the opportunity to fit into them again.
  3. But the best motivation is to see your results before and after. Take your photos at each stage of losing weight/building muscles, measure the volumes, and when you see the first results, you won’t want to stop!


If you are determined to do gymnastics at home to lose weight, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Set a clear goal (for example, to lose 2 sizes), outline a plan for implementation and strictly adhere to it. Otherwise, the initial motivation may quickly fade.
  2. Don't expect super fast results. Even the most intense workouts will begin to be “reflected” in the mirror and on the weight in at least 1-2 weeks.
  3. During class, do not be distracted by extraneous matters. Focus completely on the training and pay maximum attention to the quality of the exercises. This is the only way you can effectively work your muscles and avoid possible injuries.

Good luck!

Calorie counting

There are even special applications in smartphones. The fitness training itself at home for girls should begin 1.5-2 hours after eating.

With a busy life schedule, it is difficult to properly plan your daily routine, then you need a small but satisfying snack 40-50 minutes before class. This is cottage cheese, nuts or a sports protein shake.

For women losing weight, what is more important is not what you eat before training, but the total calories of the day.

Skipping breakfast

Breakfast in the morning is not necessary, especially if there is no time to prepare it. We woke up late - immediately do push-ups and pump up the abs, hold a “plank” for half a minute and warm up on the go with dumbbells.

When getting ready for work or school, it is enough to eat an apple or drink a glass of tea with honey and lemon so as not to burden the body.

After exercise, it’s your time to have breakfast, even if it’s in the office. It's better than properly cooked oatmeal or steamed fish, which takes away from your morning exercise.

Physical activity

The process of losing weight goes faster if you increase physical activity during the day. These include jogging in the morning (if exercising in the evening), or evening walks around the city at an active pace in comfortable sports shoes.

It's even better when you have the opportunity to visit the pool or court.


Each workout should begin with a warm-up of about 10 minutes and end with stretching or a cool-down to bring your heart rate back to normal.

Between approaches, it is important to drink 3-5 sips of clean water - this is an excellent catalyst for accelerating metabolic processes.

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