Not only women, but also many men want to get rid of their hated sides. Fat deposits in the waist area do not look aesthetically pleasing and spoil the overall silhouette of the figure. The answer to the question of how to remove sides for a man will usually be complex and will include both dietary restrictions and physical activity.
Do you want to remove your belly? Then this article is for you!
The peculiarity of the male body is that, along with lack of activity, poor diet and excessive passion for beer, the reason for gaining excess weight can be one of its own - a decrease in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone in the body. Due to this, the level of estrogen, a female hormone, increases, which can directly cause the accumulation of adipose tissue. But you can deal with the problem in any case. The main thing is the right set of measures.
Why is it important to maintain a normal weight?
It’s not all about the fashion for the parameters of fashion models, which are often also unhealthy, but about the fact that excess fat limits a person’s overall mobility and affects his physical abilities. And the most dangerous thing is that excess fat can accumulate not only under the skin, but next to the organs. If there is an excess amount of fat, their blood supply is disrupted and swelling appears, due to which the weight increases even more. Poor blood flow organizes the growth of tissues of internal organs, causing tumor processes. All this leads to premature aging of the body.
Lose weight - from the word “bad”
Let's turn to the dictionary: “Thin is universally famous. Considered to be the same root as Lit. skaudus painful, Old Indian ks8udra small, small, lit. skudrus poor, wretched. Thin initially means sick, then becomes weak, small and bad (with a flaw).”
We often don't pay attention to words. We forget the folk wisdom that “you can kill with a word” and that it is “not a sparrow.” We do not understand that the word carries a huge energy load. So, there are interesting works that study the destructive power of swearing and abusive language.
The familiar word “lose weight” also carries its own energy load. A person convinces himself that he will feel “bad,” and it doesn’t matter whether it’s morally or physically. And there are people who can’t lose weight. They worry and suffer about this. But in fact, this is a manifestation of their internal protection - the psyche itself saves them, the body does not want “bad things”.
Do you know such cases: a woman decided to lose weight, chose a method, found an excellent diet, downloaded a special video course. I set myself a goal: to lose 15 kg from January to July. She works on herself, tries, drinks water. Perhaps she even underwent a medical examination and passed the necessary tests (hormones, biochemistry, sugar).
And the minus is only 3-5 kg. Every day a woman goes to the scales with hope, but day after day the scales do not please her, the numbers stay the same, or even increase. The mood is getting worse, and the woman looks at the scales anxiously. After a month of such tossing and turning, she either gives up (and celebrates with tea and cake) or looks for new ways. Few people think that this whole story has, in addition to the physiological, also a psychological side.
Causes of the problem:
The main cause of fat deposits is overeating. Moreover, many people who are obese do not notice that they eat a lot, since they consume high-calorie foods high in sugar, which do not saturate the body and quickly cause hunger. In this case, we may not be talking about sweets and cakes. To gain weight, it’s enough to eat a couple of packs of chips a day, which contain starch (this is the same sugar) and a lot of calories due to a huge amount of butter, sandwiches that are sold at the nearest fast food outlet, and don’t forget to wash it all down with sweet soda. In addition, stress and nervous disorders often force people to eat everything in sight. Add to this the lack of a routine, eating in spurts, and all the conditions for gaining excess weight are ready. There are those who have gained weight due to hormonal imbalance, but according to statistics there are much fewer such people.
Finding out the causes of the problem will help you find a way to solve it. If a modern person, having learned about the principles of proper nutrition, begins to adhere to it, then this will be enough to get rid of excess fat.
Belly fat - from lack of demand
When medical and hormonal problems, as well as laziness and permissiveness in food are excluded, the psychological factor remains. In women, the reasons for the formation of fatty “armor”, after excluding the cases described above, in 90% are loneliness, betrayal, lack of demand, as well as the fact that she is trying to extinguish her own dreams, goals and desires in the name of family, husband, children, even unloved, but money-making work.
This is how the unconscious solves this problem amazingly - with armor. Do you know how this signal is translated into Russian as “conscious”? “Think about yourself, your desires. If you can’t, then at least throw me off, fight with me, waste your energy.”
The second psychological problem is overeating. It is not necessary to “eat up” stress, you can also enjoy it. Sit down at the computer with cookies, chat with family over tea, walk with your child and crunch on something...
The third is a violation of normal ri, standing or whenever possible.
The fourth is the habit of eating fast food and processed foods. For many of us, the same hamburger is a mini-holiday.
Diet to reduce flank and belly fat
The secret of this diet lies in the fact that it is exactly the same as the diet for reducing fat from the buttocks, arms and legs. And what does she look like?
- Nutrition during weight loss should be balanced. The body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates and all assorted vitamins and microelements contained in a variety of foods. To do this, change your menu every day.
- Remember that there are stop products. Usually this is everything that can be classified as simple carbohydrates (white bread products, sweets), which carry “empty” calories and provoke overeating; you should also forget about alcohol, excessively fatty meat (pork, lamb) and frying foods over high heat. amount of oil.
- Count kcal. To do this, you need to buy an electronic kitchen scale and find an application for your phone, which is usually called a “calorie counter.” With it, you can clearly see every day how healthy you are eating. At first, counting kcal may seem difficult, but you will quickly get used to it. Experts also advise keeping a food diary so that if something happens it’s better to see where you’re making a mistake.
- Food should bring not only benefits, but also joy; it must be cooked tasty, otherwise you will not be able to lose weight, and then control your weight. You need to understand that if you embark on the path of healthy eating, it’s forever. Otherwise, you risk gaining the weight back. Eat deliciously, and you will not have problems limiting yourself to junk food throughout your life. Bake chicken breast with vegetables and low-fat cheese, cook salmon steaks, make vegetable salads, and when you want to remember the taste of pasta, don’t forget about products made from whole grain flour. On the Internet you can find many recipes for healthy and tasty treats, where the kcal and nutritional value per serving have already been calculated.
- In order for your figure to become toned, you need to eat fractionally. Eat often, but in small portions. Overeating stretches the stomach and provokes hunger. Meals should look like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. That is, you need to eat every 2-3 hours. If you starve, sooner or later you will break down - this is one thing or two - hunger triggers a signal in the brain that hungry days have come, and you need to be saved from death, which means the body begins to actively store excess fat. A lack of calories often results in a person not only not losing weight, but ultimately gaining weight after returning to their normal diet. Remember that you need to lose one kg per week. If you get more, then increase the amount or calorie content of food.
- Eat slowly, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Full saturation will be noticeable after 20 minutes.
- Drink more water. It relieves the feeling of imaginary hunger, protects against swelling and improves metabolic rate. You need to drink about two liters a day. In any case, drink whenever you want. Thirst is dangerous.
- Treat yourself to your favorite forbidden dish once a week. It could be a slice of your favorite pie or pasta with a creamy sauce, but don't get too carried away. This will help you stay motivated as you lose weight.
What foods should you include in your diet?
- Legumes: beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils and other sources of complex carbohydrates.
- Nuts in small quantities.
- Fish, seafood, lean meat.
- Chicken and quail eggs.
- Dairy and fermented milk products.
- Vegetables and fruits. You need to be careful with the second one, as they contain a lot of glucose (sugar).
- Natural oils in small quantities: olive, sunflower. It is not recommended to fry on it.
Exercises for a beautiful belly
The most important thing in the process of losing weight is nutrition. But if you add physical activity to your diet, the effect will not be long in coming. You can take 10,000 steps every day, but those who want to build beautiful abs must do a certain set of exercises. Exercise every day, and within a month the first results will be noticeable. Sports activities are most appropriate two hours after eating.
Abdominal retraction with vacuum effect
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. After this, exhale sharply through your mouth and hold your breath. In this case, the stomach should be pulled in as much as possible. After ten seconds, relax and take a breath. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times.
Get on all fours, pull the heel of one leg back, stretch your arm forward. The back and legs should be stretched out in a straight line. Tighten your stomach and pelvis, pull your tailbone into yourself. Keep your lower back straight. It is necessary to keep the body in this state for a minute, and change the arm and leg.
Abdominal twist
Lie on your back. Raise your legs, bend your knees, stretch your arms in different directions. As you exhale, move your legs to the left, as you inhale, return them to the starting position, as you exhale, move them to the right, and as you inhale, return them to the center. Perform the exercise 10 times in each direction.
Additional procedures:
- Cold and hot shower. It increases blood circulation in problem areas. Do it in the morning after exercise. Start with 10 seconds under warm and cold water that your body tolerates. Gradually it will get used to lower temperatures.
- Massage is another effective way to improve blood circulation. Anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage is especially helpful. These techniques are excellent at combating local fat deposits.
- Hardware procedures in beauty salons and health centers. Cavitation, LPG massage, myostimulation and other technologies will also help remove fat from the abdomen, sides and other problem areas.
A few more tips on how to remove belly fat for a man
As already noted, removing a man’s belly is an achievable goal with an integrated approach. With physical effort and a balanced diet, maximize your desired results with the following tips:
- visit a bathhouse or sauna - this is very useful for metabolic and detoxification processes in the body;
- an alternative to the steam room can be a contrast shower, which also improves blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins;
- massage - the whole body or at least the abdomen; through mechanical action, fat cells are destroyed and blood circulation is improved;
- maintain a drinking regime - both during training and during an active day; a person should drink at least 8 glasses of plain drinking water per day;
- start the day with a glass of warm water with honey or lemon juice;
- at the beginning of the day you can take 1-2 tsp. flaxseed or olive oil, again washed down with water;
- both stimulate the intestines;
All of these tips are suitable for overweight men who are not accompanied by serious, noticeable diseases of the digestive tract and metabolism. If your medical history includes such diseases, correct your figure under the strict supervision of a specialist with a medical education.