Does cinnamon help you lose weight: beneficial properties of the spice and recipes for fat-burning drinks

  • Chemical composition
  • Mechanism of weight loss
  • Variety of shapes
  • Contraindications
  • Weight loss plans
  • Step by step guide
  • Recipes

This oriental, aromatic, exotic spice was presented by nutritionists to the general public as a fat-burning agent not so long ago.
However, its incredible effectiveness in this difficult but noble task allowed it to quickly become a popular product among those who dream of a slim figure. Dishes with it (mainly pasta and drinks) that normalize weight are simply prepared. The variety of recipes captivates with its wide and tempting range. Judging by numerous reviews, cinnamon for weight loss is one of the best, and most importantly, delicious products. Perhaps it's time to check the truth of this statement.

What is cinnamon

Cinnamon is a piece of tree bark. Even in the Bible there is a mention of this wonderful plant as a cure for a variety of diseases. The first historical documents describing it can be dated back to 2800 BC. Chinese healers and cooks loved experimenting with herbs and various parts of plants and came to the conclusion that cinnamon could be usefully used in different areas of life. Once upon a time, every kilogram of this aromatic spice was worth its weight in gold, and its symbolism penetrated deeply into the ordinary lives of people. Cinnamon has become a way to express your feelings, talk about tenderness and affection.

Where does this spice come from? Everything is very simple. People have learned to extract it from the inner part of the bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree. Small leaves of bark are separated from the outer part, tightly rolled into tubes and dried. It is in this form that cinnamon traditionally goes on sale, goes to stores and stores, although now its crushed versions are becoming increasingly popular. Most often, the spice is used in oriental cuisine to add flavor to various dishes.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon

Thanks to its many beneficial properties, cinnamon is successfully used in cooking, folk medicine, cosmetology, floristry and household purposes.

Such versatility could be achieved thanks to the following useful properties:

  • the ability to regulate a person’s sugar level - thanks to this, cinnamon is often used in dishes for those who suffer from diabetes;
  • quickly digest in the stomach, accelerating the work of gastric juice - this useful function is relevant for people who suffer from excess gas formation and heaviness in the stomach;
  • pain-eliminating effect - of course, the pain goes away only slightly, but this is enough for those who do not want to take medications. The greatest relevance of dishes with cinnamon is in this aspect for women before menstruation;
  • improving blood flow and helping cells receive enough oxygen - such abilities of cinnamon allow you to get rid of headaches and use it as a preventative for vascular diseases;
  • stimulation of brain cells - as a result of a series of experiments, scientists were able to come to the conclusion that this plant material significantly increases the ability to perceive information and learn;
  • accelerates metabolism and rejuvenates - such properties are perfectly used in cosmetics that claim to be anti-aging, smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin;
  • strengthens cell structure - this beneficial feature is good for nails and hair, helping them become stronger and healthier.

In ancient times, the spice was used as a medicine for colds and coughs, relieved bad breath, or was used as a flavor enhancer in cooking. The beneficial properties of cinnamon can be listed endlessly, but one of the most important is weight loss.

Side effects

You need to consume this healthy spice in recommended doses, without exceeding them. Otherwise, this risks side effects:

  • digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • allergic reactions with hypersensitivity: urticaria, itching, skin rashes, hyperemia, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • a strong increase in blood pressure due to hypertension or vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • bleeding of internal organs (higher risk with gastric ulcers, varicose veins of the esophagus).

The spice is relatively safe and can rarely cause harm. Side effects are possible if a person has previously had cases of allergic reactions to cinnamon or components added to drinks (usually honey, ginger). Very rarely, when taking cinnamon water with honey, bleeding of the stomach and intestines occurs, and blood pressure rises sharply.

Abdominal pain

How does cinnamon help with weight loss?

Cinnamon is very effective for weight loss. Due to its ability to accelerate metabolism, the spice helps food to be digested faster without being deposited in problem areas. Its use helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweet, calorie-filled foods. Of course, cinnamon itself is not a cause of weight loss, but as an addition to your diet and regular exercise, it works very effectively.

The spice is filled with a complex of vitamins and minerals that promote strong immunity. It not only maintains health at the proper level, but also cleanses the body of toxins and serves as an excellent tool in the process of achieving the goal of achieving the desired weight. Cinnamon should be added to your diet with other foods. This could be honey, lemon, tea, coffee with milk, or just a glass of warm water. The main thing is to find your own, suitable companion for the menu, which will make the diet more interesting and enjoyable.

Wraps, masks, scrubs

Many cosmetologists recommend making various masks or weight loss wraps with honey and cinnamon to lose weight in the abdomen and sides at home. They will help get rid of cellulite and other external imperfections.

The easiest way is to mix olive oil, cinnamon powder and liquid honey in equal parts, apply to the body and wrap with film. After half an hour, wash off.

Exactly the same composition can be used as a scrub. It wouldn't hurt to add ground coffee to it.

Another effective body mask contains, in addition to cinnamon, coconut oil and a little ground red pepper. For 2 tbsp. take 0.5 tsp coconut oil. cinnamon oil and literally a pinch of ground pepper. We heat everything in a water bath and apply the mixture to problem areas. Keep it for no more than 5 minutes! Afterwards, wash off and lubricate with any body cream.

Cinnamon contraindications

Although cinnamon has many benefits, like any other medicine, it can harm the body if you do not limit your consumption and treat it thoughtlessly. First of all, the spice can be harmful to those who are at risk of intolerance.

Also at risk for side effects from consuming spices may be:

  • people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract - cinnamon will actively affect the mucous membrane, causing irritation and pain;
  • hypertensive patients and those with problems in the cardiovascular area - with increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, complications in the functioning of the body may occur;
  • pregnant and lactating women - cinnamon promotes contractions of the uterus, which leads to the threat of miscarriage and can negatively affect the taste of milk;
  • those with kidney and liver problems due to the relative toxicity of the spice;
  • patients taking any medications - cinnamon can enhance their effect and lead to a drug overdose.

Despite the long list of contraindications of cinnamon for weight loss, its benefits are much greater. In order to fully enjoy its beneficial properties without consequences for health, it is important to take into account the characteristics of your body and not exceed the permissible volumes of consumption.

How to drink cinnamon for weight loss

To properly drink cinnamon for weight loss, you can consume it in drinks. This feature is characteristic due to the sweet aroma and pleasant smell of cinnamon. It is often used in honey drinks, regular tea, coffee or even kefir. There are two versions of the spice available for sale: in the form of a tube or ground powder, it is used as a supplement or the main ingredient of the drink. So, in a ready-made honey drink, plain water or tea, you can put a tube of cinnamon, which, when stirred, will release beneficial properties. For coffee and kefir, ground powder is more suitable, it looks interesting as a decoration, and then smoothly dissolves in the drink.


This product has been known to mankind since ancient times. In the Stone Age, people extracted it from the hives of wild bees, and then tamed these insects and forced them to work for themselves. Since then, the march of honey around the world began. Honey in our country is considered a panacea: for sore throats, colds, for cosmetic purposes and simply as a sugar substitute - honey is in the arsenal of almost every housewife. When we hear the word “honey,” we immediately have beautiful and tasty associations, most often associated with winter and frost. Winter, frost, tea with herbs, honey and... And cinnamon!

Recipes with cinnamon for weight loss

Among fitness trainers and nutritionists, a certain picture has already emerged of the most useful and effective combinations of cinnamon with other products. You shouldn’t invent unnecessary things, experiment, risking your own health, when everything has been studied for a long time. The following 10 recipes with cinnamon for weight loss will allow you to diversify your menu and choose the best way to use it according to your own preferences.

Cinnamon with honey

Honey is a real cache of useful substances for the body. It helps fight diseases, improves skin color, makes its structure elastic, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism. It is not surprising that cinnamon and honey, drunk on an empty stomach, are considered the most effective products for weight loss. This recipe should be consumed 30 minutes before breakfast.

Its preparation is carried out as follows:

  • Pre-boiled, not yet cooled water is poured into the glass;
  • Add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the liquid;
  • add 1 teaspoon of honey, mix everything thoroughly and drink.

Kefir with cinnamon and ginger

The combination of kefir and cinnamon may seem rather unusual, but its benefits in losing weight and normalizing digestion have long been proven. A mixture of kefir, cinnamon and ginger in the right proportions will help you achieve the desired result and a flat stomach.

To prepare a cinnamon drink for weight loss, you must follow the following scheme:

  • prepare 0.25 liters of kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content;
  • add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to it;
  • add the same volume of ground ginger;
  • You can add a pinch of red pepper to taste, the main thing is not to overdo it;
  • mix the drink thoroughly;
  • wait until the mixture cools down and drink it.

Kefir with cinnamon and ginger for weight loss is preferably consumed cooled and prepared in the evening. If the mixture had to be prepared in the morning, you should wait 30 minutes before it infuses. Cinnamon is considered a difficult product for the gastrointestinal tract, so you should use it carefully before meals, it is better if you first receive a doctor’s recommendations.

Cinnamon water

Water and cinnamon is the simplest combination of products that will help you lose extra pounds. This drink quenches thirst well and reduces appetite, allowing you to consume much less food during a meal than in a regular meal.

To prepare you will need:

  • take a cinnamon stick, break it into several pieces and put it in a glass;
  • Pour pre-prepared boiling water into a glass with cinnamon;
  • leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

Cinnamon water for weight loss is not only a simple drink, but also an economical one. Cinnamon can be brewed several times in a row, after the drink has already been drunk.

Coffee with cinnamon

Coffee is a favorite drink of millions of people around the world, but not everyone drinks it with cinnamon, although in many coffee shops this combination is served as a separate product. The advantage of this combination is that cinnamon reduces the calorie content of coffee, reducing its value by 40-60 kcal in contrast to the usual indicators. The recipe is especially useful for those with a sweet tooth who like to add a lot of sugar to their coffee and snack on sweets.

To make coffee with cinnamon for weight loss you will have to:

  • pour ground coffee and cinnamon in equal proportions into a cup;
  • brew the mixture with boiling water prepared in advance;
  • let the resulting consistency brew for 10 minutes.

Cinnamon tea

Tea is present in the diet of almost every person, so it is not surprising that this drink is among the most popular recipes and effective methods of losing weight. To prepare a healthy mixture, you only need freshly brewed tea, milk and ground cinnamon.

Cinnamon tea for weight loss is made according to the following principle:

  • fresh tea is poured with boiling water, leaving a few centimeters to the edge of the mug;
  • milk is added to it to taste;
  • followed by half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • The drink is carefully mixed.

Honey lovers can add a couple of spoons to the drink, so it will turn out even sweeter and healthier.

Honey with cinnamon

Honey with cinnamon

Regular consumption of honey with cinnamon makes it possible to reduce the accumulation of fats in the body. Appetite after such a drink will noticeably decrease, and microelements will help keep the body in good shape and immunity at a decent level. To prepare honey with cinnamon for weight loss, you need to add two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of clean water, then mix and leave for 30 minutes. You can use tea to mix cinnamon and honey, then the drink will turn out to be a complete dish for breakfast or dessert after lunch.

Turmeric with ginger and cinnamon

Turmeric with ginger and cinnamon

Turmeric, ginger and cinnamon can help tone the entire body and improve the performance of a weight loss program. They will support the immune system, improve digestion and give an additional boost of strength to those who train intensively or work a lot. A combination of spices can be a truly delicious addition when used with other foods.

To prepare you will need:

  • bring water in a kettle to a boil and pour into a glass;
  • mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric and ginger in water in the same proportion;
  • stir the mixture and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour;
  • as soon as time passes, add 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and black pepper to the glass;
  • then add half a glass of coconut milk and a teaspoon of honey.

Another effective drink can be prepared with milk.

To do this you will need:

  • Mix 0.5 liters of milk with 2 teaspoons of ground ginger, the same volume of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • Heat the entire mixture over the fire until it boils;
  • leave to cool, pour into a glass and put a cinnamon stick in it.

Apple with cinnamon

Apple with cinnamon

Apple with cinnamon for weight loss is very refreshing, removes toxins from the body, quenches thirst and reduces appetite. It is best to drink water chilled, but you can also warm it to room temperature. To prepare, you will need a sweet apple, water and 2 cinnamon sticks. If the apple is not sweet, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the drink to taste.

The recipe for apple water is as follows:

  • cut the apple into slices and remove the peel;
  • place the slices in a saucepan, cover with boiled water and add cinnamon;
  • Infuse the mixture for 2 hours, then pour into glasses and drink.

Cinnamon with milk

Cinnamon with milk for weight loss is the simplest recipe. It is suitable for those who love warmth and comfort, care about their health and dream of plunging into childhood memories, because Santa Claus in many Christmas films loves to drink milk with cinnamon and cookies.

To prepare it you will need:

  • add a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of milk;
  • mix thoroughly and heat over the fire, avoiding boiling;
  • Cool the mixture to a pleasant temperature and drink.

To taste, you can add honey or chocolate to the milk, then the drink will become an even more delicious dessert or a full-fledged dish.

Cinnamon with lemon

Cinnamon with lemon is considered a real vitamin complex that can replace many other products, and it is also useful for weight loss. They jointly maintain a normal level of insulin in the blood, prevent the body from storing fats, accelerate metabolism and reduce appetite. For a lemon and cinnamon drink, you will need 1 cinnamon stick and 5 tablespoons of lemon juice, a few teaspoons of honey and water.

It should be prepared according to the following scheme:

  • boil water, add a cinnamon stick to it, remove from heat and leave to cool;
  • as soon as the liquid has cooled, pour in lemon juice and add honey;
  • turn off the water and cool the drink.

The drink should be consumed 20 minutes before breakfast or 1 hour before bedtime, then its effectiveness will be highest.

Coffee-cinnamon drink

Using natural ground coffee and cinnamon, you can prepare an effective fat-burning drink. For 1 cup you will need ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. At the same time, it is advisable not to add milk, cream or granulated sugar to coffee. Drink this invigorating drink 1-2 times a day, but not at night.

Cinnamon for weight lossDrink coffee and lose weight
Of course, cinnamon is not a panacea. If you consume it in parallel with various high-calorie “harmful foods,” it will not bring the desired effect. But with the help of cinnamon-based recipes, it will be easier for you to get your figure in order - this spice is deservedly called one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

Based on materials from the site:

Have you tried losing weight with cinnamon?

Cinnamon for weight loss: reviews from nutritionists

Feedback from nutritionists regarding cinnamon for weight loss is positive. Of course, the spice itself is not the only reason for weight loss, but it actively helps other substances and stimulates the body to burn fat.

  1. Anna Larionova, 45 years old, nutritionist, Voronezh:
    “Cinnamon is beneficial for the body in many ways, but as a nutritionist, I consider its main advantage to be a decrease in appetite. If you just drink drinks and continue to eat sweets and remain sedentary, nothing will change. But in combination with exercise and a balanced diet, it can be a good addition.”
  2. Alexander Voronin, 38 years old, nutritionist, Yekaterinburg:
    “High blood sugar is a direct path to the development of diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system, in addition, it is the cause of obesity. To prevent such complications and keep the body in good shape, you should add cinnamon to your diet. Such a simple and pleasant product can reduce the number of calories consumed daily, will help speed up metabolic processes and reduce appetite. This spice will help sugar to be absorbed properly and will regulate blood sugar. You won't be able to significantly reduce weight with cinnamon alone. But a few centimeters will go away from the waist.”
  3. Natalya Karpova, 31 years old, nutritionist, Moscow:
    “Cinnamon appears in all doctors’ recommendations for losing weight, but it can not only help, but also harm. Before preparing cocktails and eating spices, you should pay attention to your health and contraindications to its use. If no negative factors are found, it will be an excellent addition to the diet. I quite often recommend its use to my patients and the results are justified.”

Chemical composition: why does it work?

There are 247 kilocalories per , but, of course, this is not what endowed the seasoning with fat-burning qualities. Cinnamon helps you lose weight because it contains a large amount of unique vitamins and minerals. This spice contains a high percentage of calcium and iron. Also contains vitamins: C, B1, PP, B5, B6, B2, A, K, E. Various minerals (iron, calcium, manganese and others), tannins and essential oils. But special phenolic compounds that accelerate carbohydrate metabolic processes are responsible for weight loss.

When dieting, you don’t need to eat cinnamon with spoons - just add 5 g daily to any dish. And believe me, such a small amount can help you lose weight! Within a month, many notice changes, even if the diet remains unchanged.

How cinnamon works:

  • stabilizes blood sugar levels and blood viscosity, which allows you to quickly feel full;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the stomach, accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • blocks the desire to eat sweets;
  • removes harmful substances from the body.

This is not the entire list of useful qualities, but these are the main facts that prove its effectiveness in losing weight. It is thanks to a complex of actions that cinnamon is able to trigger those processes that lead to the breakdown of fat and the formation of a slimmer figure.

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