According to scientific research, low-carb diets are among the most effective for weight loss and are also very healthy.
Moreover, what is curious: the positive effects of such diets are explained not only by the exclusion from the diet of unhealthy “simple” carbohydrates (refined sugar, for example), “charged” with empty calories, but also by a general decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, including “complex” ones. having a reputation for being helpful.
Below we will talk about how many carbohydrates you need per day when losing weight and how to correctly calculate their norm.
Main thoughts:
The human body has a hormonal mechanism that converts excess carbohydrates into fat; in addition, when there are a lot of simple carbohydrates in the diet, the hormonal mechanism for regulating appetite may be disrupted, which provokes overeating
The amount of carbohydrates per day when losing weight varies from 50 to 150 g per day. Below 50 g, metabolic health benefits begin to appear.
The amount of carbohydrates for weight loss is individual and determined by numerous factors, among which the level of physical activity and the rate of internal metabolism are of paramount importance.
For weight loss, what is of paramount importance is NOT the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the total calorie content of food
Any calculations of the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates when losing weight are very inaccurate. Limiting the amount of carbohydrates is paramount, and the proportions of protein and fat can be varied
The relationship between carbohydrates and weight loss
Carbohydrates are the carrier of calories or the primary source of energy for our body.
Some of their types begin to be absorbed already in the mouth, quickly enter the circulatory system and are delivered to the cells of the muscles, brain and other organs and tissues for their nutrition.
Insulin plays an important role in the delivery of nutrients to cells - a transport hormone that is responsible for the delivery of nutrients into the cells.
— Why is it so easy to gain fat mass on carbohydrates?
The body's natural response to carbohydrates is to increase insulin levels, the purpose of which is to lower blood sugar levels.
Sugar here refers to glucose - a basic simple carbohydrate, to the level of which almost all carbohydrates break down during digestion.
When carbohydrates are eaten in quantities exceeding the body's need for energy, the excess of them, with the help of insulin, is sent for storage first to short-term energy stores - muscle and liver glycogen, and after they are filled - to long-term stores: body fat, which, as is known, can be almost dimensionless.
It turns out that the more carbohydrates in the diet, the higher the insulin level and the more favorable the conditions for fat deposition .
And vice versa: the fewer carbohydrates, the better the conditions for fat burning.
This is only one side of the coin.
Excess refined sugar in the diet leads to hormonal changes that further interfere with weight loss: in particular, the formation of immunity to leptin, a hormone that controls appetite.
This manifests itself in the fact that a person eats, but does not feel full, which means he regularly overeats. Excess calories, in turn, is the main cause of the obesity epidemic in our society, and not a lack of physical activity, as we are sometimes led to believe.
The human body has a hormonal mechanism that converts excess carbohydrates into fat; in addition, when there are a lot of simple carbohydrates in the diet, the hormonal mechanism for regulating appetite may be disrupted, which provokes overeating
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Why does the body need carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are organic substances consisting of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. A person is able to generate a source of energy on his own, but the main supply of strength comes from eating food.
Cereals contain 85% carbohydrates, sugar – 99%.
Carbohydrates are divided into 2 types:
- simple;
- complex;
The first type is found in sugar, honey, and sweets. Such substances are easily absorbed by the body and enter the bloodstream. Doctors recommend consuming these products in small quantities.
Complex carbohydrates include starch, fiber, dietary fiber, etc. They are absorbed more slowly. They are allowed to be consumed in sufficiently large quantities.
Functions of carbohydrates in the human body:
- provide energy;
- strengthen tissues;
- prevent the growth of bacteria in the stomach;
- break down fats;
- normalize the functioning of the immune system;
- participate in the formation of enzymes and the production of hormones.
How many carbohydrates do you need per day when losing weight?
All low-carb diets involve severely limiting the amount of carbohydrates, especially simple (sugars) and starchy (bread, potatoes, pasta).
At the same time, the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates for weight loss shifts towards increasing the proportion of healthy fats, protein and non-starchy vegetables rich in fiber.
According to official recommendations, the norm of carbohydrates per day for an ordinary person should be 45 - 65% of the total calorie content of food.
With an estimated calorie intake for weight loss of 2000 calories, carbohydrates account for about 225-325 grams per day.
Traditionally, a low-carb diet has been defined as a diet that consumes less than 200 grams of carbohydrates per day . However, evidence suggests that weight loss results will be significantly higher and health benefits greater if you cut back even further.
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Most often, the optimal norm is 50-150 grams of carbohydrates per day 1.
100-150 grams per day
The goal is to maintain weight, lean muscle mass, and lose weight.
100 - 150 g of carbohydrates per day is the recommended amount of carbohydrates per day for those who exercise and at the same time want to maintain toned lean muscle shape, or simply want to be healthy and maintain weight 2.
This amount of carbohydrates is usually sufficient for weight loss and “drying the body” in fitness/bodybuilding, but individual adjustments may be required (see below).
50-100 grams of carbohydrates per day
The goal is weight loss.
This amount is considered optimal for starting the process of systematic, sustainable weight loss 2.
For those who gain weight easily, it will also allow you to maintain weight without allowing fat deposits.
20-50 grams of carbohydrates per day
The goal is to improve health and lose weight.
This is a diet with an almost complete absence of carbohydrates, which is typical for the ketogenic diet - one of the examples of low-carbohydrate diets, which experts call one of the most effective not only for weight loss, but also beneficial for health: its list of advantages even includes an anti-cancer effect.
With such a tiny amount of carbohydrates, the metabolic health benefits begin to appear. This is an ideal diet for those who want to lose weight quickly or change the course of serious metabolic diseases , such as diabetes or cancer.
Limiting carbohydrates to 50 grams per day puts the body into ketosis, a state in which the body switches from using carbohydrates as its primary source of energy to fats 1.
The amount of carbohydrates per day when losing weight varies from 50 to 150 g per day. Below 50 g, metabolic health benefits begin to appear.
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- A sufficient amount of protein will always be more effective than a protein-free diet for the same calories. Protein protects muscles and allows you to lose more weight from fat.
- If we control calories and eat enough protein, the remaining calories can come from fats and carbohydrates in any ratio and from any source. The main thing is that it helps a person control his appetite.
- Results for the same caloric intake may vary from person to person. It's not about the quality of calories, but about genetics and metabolic characteristics. But this is not a rule for everyone.
If you're honest about your caloric intake, eating enough protein, but all your other foods may be fatty or sugary, you will still lose weight. The problem is that most people will not be able to control their hunger on such a diet and this can cause breakdowns and weight gain.
It is clear that it is much easier to limit calories to fatty and sweet foods than vegetables and herbs. It's easier to eat 3,000 calories from butter than from celery. No living person can eat 3,000 calories worth of celery because it's 22 kilograms.
This makes a big difference when calories are not controlled. This is why all diets are based on a simple fact: eat less of the foods that are easy to eat a lot of and/or eat more of the foods that are difficult to eat a lot of. This automatically reduces calories and makes you lose weight. This can be explained for simplicity by the quality of calories, although this is not it.
Of course, this is not to say that the source of calories is not important at all. This affects other aspects of physiology beyond the figure. Health, energy levels, hunger, appetite, athletic performance, long-term diet adherence, and everything else also play a role and interact with each other.
But calories always come first when it comes to losing weight, and food quality comes only second. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals - these are things of a different order. Calories are responsible for energy balance and weight loss/gain. Everything else is for what we get at the end: a cheerful, healthy person with good skin, hair, muscles or a sickly skinny person with a gray face.
The need for an individual approach to calculations
Although the exact ranges for carbohydrate norms are given above, it is necessary to understand that the optimal amount of carbohydrates for each individual person is individual and is determined at a minimum by: age, gender, body composition, level of physical activity, internal metabolic rate and, obviously, may vary significantly from person to person.
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Athletes, especially those with high muscle mass, need more carbohydrates even at rest.
In sports, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. If they are not consumed enough, it is impossible to gain muscle mass in bodybuilding or ensure speed in running.
Moreover, muscles can even begin to break down if there is a lack of carbohydrates (=energy) in order to provide energy needs through the amino acids that make up the muscle fibers. This is the so-called “muscle catabolism”.
Taking into account the above, athletes should “limit” the amount of carbohydrates very carefully. This is why the standard ketogenic diet is NOT recommended for athletes to cut their bodies.
Internal metabolic rate is another important parameter. It is individual and is the main consumer of calories in our body: about 70% (!) of daily calories are used to ensure the functioning of internal organs and systems only.
This is a lot and explains why exercise is NOT very effective in losing weight.
The indicated value is an average and can vary quite widely from person to person.
People with fast metabolisms are called ectomorphs in body type parlance. Everyone, without exception, has met them in life: they eat a lot, but remain thin. For them, the issue of losing weight is most often irrelevant, as is the question of the need to limit carbohydrates.
The opposite body type to this is called an endomorph: the metabolic rate is low, and fat mass is gained very easily. Endomorphs need to be very careful with carbohydrates .
What's all this for?
Moreover, for people with a high metabolic rate or a high level of physical activity, more calories are required during the day, and they are provided primarily by carbohydrates.
And vice versa: for physically inactive people and those who have a low metabolic rate, carbohydrate standards for weight loss can be further reduced.
The amount of carbohydrates for weight loss is individual and determined by numerous factors, among which the level of physical activity and the rate of internal metabolism are of paramount importance.
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How to calculate the individual carbohydrate norm for weight loss/"drying the body"?
The algorithm is as follows:
- Estimate your daily calorie needs using this calculator/formula;
- depending on the chosen goal (weight maintenance, weight loss, improved health), limit the amount of carbohydrates to the value indicated above;
- if within one to two months the dynamics in maintaining or reducing weight are undesirable, try reducing the amount of carbohydrates even more;
- If you lead an active lifestyle and notice a decrease in endurance, recovery rate and muscle mass, reconsider the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: increase the proportion of proteins or fats.
The correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss
The universal rule for losing weight is as follows: what is of paramount importance is not the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the total calorie content of food during the day 3.4.
In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, i.e. eat fewer calories than you burn during the day. At the same time, to maintain health, it is important to ensure the supply of necessary nutrients, the proportion of which always decreases with a decrease in calorie content (= volume of food eaten).
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The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates matters in the sense that some of them provide better satiety, i.e. They satisfy appetite better and are also richer in nutrients.
For example, protein foods have a high saturation index and therefore their consumption is recommended for weight loss. Digesting protein requires more energy than carbohydrates (the so-called “thermogenic effect”), which means there is less potential for fat deposition.
Also, a slight increase in protein allows you to avoid the destruction of muscle mass, which often occurs during weight loss.
It is sometimes believed that excess fat in food also promotes better satiety, but scientific research does not confirm this. We discussed this issue in an article about the effectiveness of low-carb diets for weight loss and health.
The same goes for fiber: the more foods containing it in our diet, the less we want to eat.
For weight loss, what is of paramount importance is NOT the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the total calorie content of food
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The body's reaction to 100 calories of cabbage and cake differ radically.
Firstly, the serving size of cabbage with this calorie content is much larger than the size of a piece of cake, which means cabbage fills the stomach better, unlike cake, and satisfies hunger better.
Secondly, cabbage contains vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are almost completely absent in a piece of cake, which is also “loaded” with sugar and trans fats. The first is good for health, the second is harmful to it.
Thirdly, sweets cause a hormonal reaction - a sharp rise in insulin levels, and then an equally sharp decline, which causes a strong feeling of hunger and even more calorie consumption.
Fourth, excess sugar harms metabolic health, accelerates the aging process, is a factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases, leads to the formation of fatty liver, etc. etc., not to mention caries.
So, what would you prefer for lunch today: coleslaw or sweet junk?
The role of protein in the body
The daily protein requirement for women is determined by the physiological characteristics of their body. Of the 20 amino acids that make up the beneficial substance of this type, 9 are officially recognized as “essential”.
Daily protein intake for women during weight loss, pregnancy and after 40 years
They received this characteristic due to the inability of the female body to produce them on its own. The only way to get them is to eat enough protein every day.
Following the recommendations for the daily amount of protein consumed, a woman:
- will avoid the destruction of muscle fibers (especially important for regularly exercising in the gym);
- normalizes your appetite (with a lack of protein, the body mistakenly sends a signal to the brain center about the need for an additional source of energy, which is felt by the woman herself as an acute feeling of hunger);
- stabilizes the energy levels of the body;
- will prevent a slowdown in metabolic processes (a low metabolic rate leads to the formation of fatty deposits, which will only be possible to get rid of if a balance is achieved between proper nutrition and a sufficient level of physical activity);
- will be able to maintain his figure in shape (the body spends 20–35% of the energy received on the absorption of protein foods, which allows the body to allow only “healthy” calories in limited quantities);
- will strengthen your immune system (the protein contains the tripeptide glutathione, which has a beneficial effect on human immunity).
Despite the many positive effects of taking the proper amount of protein, it is not advisable to exceed the recommended amount on an ongoing basis. This can cause dehydration, requiring large amounts of fluid to be consumed daily, forcing the kidneys and bladder to work beyond their capacity.
How to calculate the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates?
According to official recommendations, the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be as follows:
- 20–35% of calories from fat;
- 10–35% of calories from protein;
- 45–65% of calories from carbohydrates.
When losing weight, the ratio changes: the proportion of carbohydrates decreases, and the proportions of fats and proteins increase.
How exactly? It's different on different low-carb diets.
So, on a standard ketogenic diet, which is one of the most effective for weight loss, the ratios are as follows:
- 70% of calories from healthy fats;
- 25% calories from protein;
- 5% of calories from carbohydrates.
How to use these percentages?
Nutritionists love to count everything and teach this to mere mortals, you and me. All such calculations are quite complex, unpleasant and, moreover, very inaccurate.
Remember a simple rule: the primary importance when losing weight is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, especially simple ones (like sugar). This step alone is enough for the weight to begin to return to normal, even if you do not control the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Once you have determined your carbohydrate intake (see above), the remaining ingredients (protein and fats) can be varied depending on taste preferences, level of physical activity, etc.
Why taste preferences?
Because no less important than the correct quantitative ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the taste of food, or more precisely, to find for yourself a combination of macronutrients that you can stick to for a long time.
It is very important. The most effective diet is the one you can stick to for a long time.
Any calculations of the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates when losing weight are very inaccurate. Limiting the amount of carbohydrates is paramount, and the proportions of protein and fat can be varied
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Calculation example (for those who like to count)
So, let’s say the calculated calorie content of the daily diet for weight loss is 2000 calories for a man weighing 80 kg.
The selected carbohydrate norm is 150 g per day , which corresponds to maintaining weight and drying the body during sports.
150 grams of carbohydrates corresponds to 150 g * 4 calories = 600 calories (1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories).
Next, we calculate the amount of protein.
For physically inactive people, 0.6-1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day is recommended and, as noted above, this amount can be slightly increased during dieting to avoid muscle breakdown.
For calculation, we will take the lower limit of the range (0.6 g/kg) and increase it to 1 g/kg.
This corresponds to 80 kg * 1 g/kg = 80 g protein per day , which is 80 g * 4 cal = 320 calories (1 g protein has 4 calories).
And finally, fats. We subtract the proportion of calories from proteins and carbohydrates from the total calorie content to determine the calorie content of fat: (2000 cal - 600 cal - 320 cal) = 1080 cal. That's 1080 cal/9 cal = 120 grams of fat per day (1 gram of fat has 9 calories).
The effect of protein on the body of training women
There is also an interesting study from the Performance Enhancement Lab at the University of South Florida, where they looked at the effects of varying amounts of protein in the diet on the body and endurance of exercising women. [6]
The study involved two groups of women who followed a strength training plan and a resistance training program for 8 weeks . The program consisted of two parts: two training days for the upper body, and two days for the lower body. Half of the women ate a high-protein diet and the other half ate a low-protein diet.
The high protein group consumed 1.1 grams of protein per pound of body weight, including 25 grams of whey protein before and after each workout. The second protein group consumed 0.55 grams of protein per pound of body weight, including 5 grams of whey protein immediately before and after exercise. Each day, participants consumed a certain amount of protein, but were allowed to eat as many carbohydrates and fats as they wanted.
V závere štúdie sa ukázalo, že ženy, ktoré konzumovali väčšie množstvo bielkovín získali podstatne viac svalovej hmoty (cca 2.8 kg) v porovnaní so skupinou, ktorá konzumovala menšie množstvo bielkoví n (0.68 kg). Skupina, ktorá konzumovala viac proteínu, stratila viac telesného tuku ako skupina s nižšou dávkou bielkovín , hoci táto zmena nedosiahla žiadnu štatistickú významnosť.
What is the effect of proteins according to the study?
While these results aren't shocking, they do confirm what we already know: if women, especially those who exercise intensely, consume more protein, they are likely to gain more muscle mass than women who consume less protein.
However, the following fact may surprise you. On average, women with high protein intake consumed an additional 423 calories each day from protein . Therefore, it can be assumed that someone who consumes an additional 400-500 calories per day for eight weeks will easily increase their fat levels; however, this did not occur in this study.
Women in the higher protein intake group lost a greater percentage of body fat than women in the lower protein intake group , even though they were consuming more calories! Specifically, the higher protein group lost 1.08 kg of fat compared to the second group, which lost just 0.77 kg.
This was the first study to include only women who exercise. However, similar results can also be observed in other studies involving men or men and women together . Research from Nova Southeastern University has shown that consuming 500 to 750 calories daily from protein sources, especially protein, does not increase body fat levels. [7],[8] In contrast to the current study, participants who consumed more protein did not see as significant changes as in this study.
Due to these results, this may mean that women actually respond better to higher protein intake to increase muscle mass than men. However, this is just a theory that needs to be confirmed by further research.
Stop looking at the scales
You've probably already heard the phrase, "Don't worry about what your scale says," and now you have a good reason to pay attention. If previous studies had controlled for body weight, women in the higher protein intake group would have realized that they had gained just over 0.9 kg. And for women this is a rather frightening fact.
However, the study was conducted by experts and scientists who assessed the condition of the body, not just body weight. They found that the higher protein group gained more muscle and lost more fat than the lower protein group—so you won't see all the results on the scale.
Let's look at the changes - fat loss and muscle growth . If you find that your weight has increased, but your fat percentage has decreased, know that what you did was right and good! It can also be helpful to take pictures of your progress, pay attention to how you feel in certain clothes, or monitor your energy levels in the gym.
If your goal is to gain muscle mass and reduce fat percentage, you will probably think about a high protein diet and intense training. So what is our recommendation? Women should consume about 2 grams of high-quality protein per kilogram of body weight to improve body condition and maximize regeneration. So feel free to consume protein shakes or just add chicken breast to your salad!
Ladies, how many grams of protein do you consume per day? Share your answers in the comments. If you liked this article and found it useful, please support us by reposting.
What are the best carbohydrates for weight loss?
According to the generally accepted classification, carbohydrates can be divided into simple and complex (or fast and slow).
This division is quite arbitrary, since there are no products that contain exclusively simple or complex carbohydrates, but it is quite suitable for ease of understanding the issue.
All simple or fast carbohydrates are the worst carbohydrates for weight loss and health. You should avoid consuming them in large quantities, as well as refined foods with a high content of them.
What are we talking about?
The list of fast carbohydrates harmful for weight loss includes:
- table sugar (sucrose);
- Brown sugar;
- cane sugar;
- corn syrup;
- glucose;
- fructose or fruit sugar;
- lactose or milk sugar;
- maltose or malt sugar.
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List of foods containing “fast” carbohydrates that are harmful for weight loss:
- sugar
- honey, jams, syrups
- sweet carbonated drinks
- sports drinks
- candies, chocolate
- Dessert
- ice cream and milkshakes;
- breakfast cereals.
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List of recommended foods containing proteins, fats and “complex” carbohydrates that are useful for weight loss:
- raw nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, brazil);
- seeds (sesame, pumpkin seeds, cumin, hemp, flax);
- legumes (lentils, beans, mung beans, chickpeas, peas);
- non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers, spinach, etc.);
- avocado;
- grains (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, millet, wholemeal bread);
- lean white meat (chicken, turkey);
- fish and other seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, sardines, anchovies and krill);
- oils: coconut oil, butter, cocoa butter, olives and olive oil (check that the olive oil has not been diluted with cheap vegetable oils);
- organic pasteurized eggs.
For more detailed information about the types of carbohydrates, which ones are more and less beneficial for weight loss, read What foods contain carbohydrates and which ones are the best for weight loss and health?, and What NOT to eat and what you SHOULD eat to lose weight ?