What supplements should a man take to build muscle?

Who needs weight gain drugs?

In bodybuilding, there is a clear trend in taking drugs that stimulate and accelerate the process of muscle growth:

  1. Beginners

At the initial level of training, muscles are very sensitive to strength training. They grow even from small loads. Therefore, beginners can practice in the first months without using special tools.

Mass gain drugs can be used at this stage, but their quantity is kept to a minimum. Sports nutrition is mainly used.

  1. Intermediate level of training

Sports nutritional supplements are used to the maximum, but their use no longer provides sufficient effect. Therefore, pharmaceutical drugs begin to be used. First experiments in taking anabolic steroids are often carried out.

  1. Advanced level

Assumes that you already have a sufficient amount of muscle mass. And the same large number of drugs used - sports nutrition, anabolic steroids and pharmaceutical drugs. All for the sake of progress.

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass

Sports nutritional supplements are the first step into the world of mass-building drugs.

Some of them are quite effective and almost all are safe for health (the only side effects are rare allergic reactions and gastrointestinal upset). They are sold legally and are easy to purchase.

All these factors determined such popularity. Sports dietary supplements confidently occupy first place as effective drugs for gaining muscle mass.

The most effective nutritional supplements for increasing lean body mass:

  1. Gainer

Helps to rapidly gain weight due to its high calorie content. But due to the carbohydrate content, it can also contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits. Mainly suitable for people who have difficulty gaining weight.

  1. Protein

A universal nutritional supplement that helps in gaining muscle mass. It is an additional source of protein and is equally effective for both mass and relief training.

  1. Creatine

The additive has a narrowly targeted effect - quickly increases the performance of the trained muscles. There is a sharp increase in strength and endurance, and as a result, muscle mass.

That is, as the working weights increase during training, the volumes gradually increase.

  1. Vitamin and mineral complexes

They are not direct stimulators of muscle growth, but act as accelerators of metabolic processes in the body. A lack of any vitamin or microelement can significantly slow down progress.

As you may have noticed, the list of the most effective supplements for gaining muscle mass does not include widely advertised amino acids. For example, BCAA, L-glutamine, Arginine, Taurine and others.

This is because amino acids are not the best way to gain weight.

They are designed to accelerate muscle recovery (extra-term and short-term recovery), and affect the acceleration of growth only indirectly.

Think for yourself, how can an additional intake of 5-10 grams of protein (a standard portion of amino acids) help “explode your muscles” if, for example, you do not get 50 grams of protein from your daily requirement from regular food? The answer is obvious.

Safe Supplements for Muscle Growth

There are many sports drugs, but the safest are:


It is a mixture of carbohydrate and protein, rich in many nutrients, activating the growth of muscle cells. It is especially useful for ectomorphs who have problems gaining weight due to a high metabolic rate. This supplement is very high in calories and is not suitable for those who are prone to rapid weight gain, that is, endomorphs. Such athletes are better off taking other supplements.


It consists of protein - a building material for muscle tissue, which makes this drug the best for muscle growth. This supplement can be taken by people with different body types, used together with amino acids or creatine.

Amino acids

These are substances that form proteins necessary for the body to normally maintain the functions of growth and recovery, the synthesis of antibodies and hormones. Amino acid complexes are drugs for regulating catabolism, the recovery process, and mental activity. In bodybuilding, amino acids are taken in the form of a BCAA supplement consisting of isoleucine, valine, and leucine. The complex contains 35 percent of the total number of amino acids present in muscle tissue, which have a direct effect on anabolic and recovery processes.


This harmless sports supplement increases muscle mass, anaerobic endurance, and strength. The drug plays an important role for human life, which is comparable to the function of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Creatine, present in muscle fibers, is a direct participant in energy metabolism.

Anabolic hormones and weight gain

After 3-5 years of regular and competent strength training in the gym, the rate of muscle mass gain slows down significantly or stops completely.

And even complex intake of several types of nutritional supplements does not bring the desired result.

Then it’s the turn of anabolic steroids, simply put in bodybuilding slang – pharma for gaining muscle mass.

One of the indications for taking anabolic steroids in medicine is the treatment of muscular dystrophy. As for their consumption by healthy people, their muscles begin to grow at an accelerated pace.

Gaining 10-12 kg of muscle weight in 2-3 months of a steroid course for bodybuilders is the norm.

More information about what steroids are and how to use them can be found in the articles “Anabolic steroids” and “Drawing up a course of steroids.”

The best drug for weight gain is, without a doubt, an anabolic steroid. But as effective as it is, it is also dangerous to health.

The more steroids you take, the more negative side effects you experience.

How much protein should you take after a workout?

Numerous studies have been conducted on how much protein you should take per serving. Older studies agree that 20-25 grams of high-quality protein is sufficient to maximize protein stimulation in muscles. [12] [13] [14]

However, newer studies have questioned this result. They cite that previous studies did not take into account the amount of pure muscle mass. Thus, an individual with a higher proportion of pure muscle mass requires a higher proportion of amino acids to maximize muscle growth and regeneration after exercise. These studies conclude that muscle protein synthesis is increased by consuming 40 grams of whey protein after exercise. [5]

Amount of protein per serving

In any case, more research is needed for scientists to know the most appropriate amount of protein per serving As a result of studies that showed an optimal serving of 20-25 g , a study was conducted on a group of people who trained only their legs . While the studies that showed the ideal 40g serving were based on a group of people who did full-body circuit training . Therefore, the indicators of these studies are not consistent with each other. Also, do not forget that increased muscle activity during training requires more amino acids and protein for recovery. [eleven]

At the same time, muscle tissue requires about 25-30% of total protein intake. This means that consuming more protein does not necessarily stimulate muscle growth . For example, taking a 70g serving of protein will have the same effect on muscle growth as eating a 40g serving of protein. However, increasing your protein intake does not mean you are wasting it. [6] [15] The body stores protein as an energy source for further training. [9]

Also, during the same study, scientists received different results, since protein intake for each person depends on individual needs . For example, age, weight, training intensity, sports goals and fitness level. Regardless of how much a single serving of protein is (20 or 40 g) , it is important to divide your protein intake throughout the day - up to 5 times. This will help to constantly stimulate protein synthesis in the body. [8]

Pharmacy medicines for gaining muscle mass

Many people start using pharmaceutical drugs to gain muscle mass in order to avoid negative effects on the body.

Unlike steroids, pharmaceutical drugs are not prohibited by law and can be easily purchased. In addition, the quality of drugs is controlled by government agencies.

However, here too, not everything is as smooth as we would like.

The most effective pharmaceutical drugs for gaining muscle mass are “Infezol” and “Neoton”.

“Infezol” is a solution of complex amino acids for intravenous administration (a drip must be installed). The key to effectiveness is 100% absorption of amino acids.

For comparison: various forms of amino acids in the form of dietary supplements (tablets, capsules, powder, liquid) are absorbed by the body by 50-70%.

The situation is similar with “Neoton”. This is intravenous creatine with 100% absorption.

For example, creatine monohydrate is absorbed by only 30%! And if even such a low percentage gives a pronounced result in the growth of muscle mass and strength, then imagine what the effect of 100% will be.

These nuances are used by sports doctors to train performing athletes. As for ordinary gym goers, these drugs are of little use for them for a number of reasons, ranging from a banal fear of injections to the inability to regularly give themselves IVs.

Pharmaceutical drugs for muscle growth in the form of tablets have become more widely used in bodybuilding.

Among them are “Riboxin”, “Mildronat”, “Potassium orotate”, “Asparkam”, “ATP-long”, “Actovegin” and others.

Although they are positioned as drugs for gaining muscle mass, their effectiveness is slightly lower than the use of sports nutrition, and cannot be compared with the effectiveness of anabolic steroids.

However, these drugs are widely used by intermediate and advanced athletes, as they strengthen the heart muscle. And this is very important when there is a sharp gain in muscle mass, which usually happens when taking steroids.

In addition, they perfectly accelerate overall recovery after strength training, and also participate in the Krebs cycle (energy production in the body).

Additional aids for athletes

Gainer, protein and creatine are three products with proven effectiveness. They have undergone careful testing, their effect on the body has been well studied, so such dietary supplements can be safely recommended to beginners and experienced athletes. Moreover, the risk of side effects when taken tends to zero, except in cases of individual intolerance.

However, the range of sports nutrition stores is not limited to these products. There are many different dietary supplements on the shelves, some of which can benefit the athlete’s body. Having figured out what you need to drink first, you should pay attention to additional funds.


One of the latest advances in sports nutraceuticals is the HMB supplement. The drug has not been well studied, but interest in it is growing every year, and the current results allow us to conclude that the supplement is effective in stimulating muscle growth.

Men who plan to bench press heavy weights should pay attention to HMB, since the supplement has proven itself best in powerlifting. Taking HMB helps increase muscle size. In a relatively short course, athletes are able to significantly increase their working weight; the dietary supplement also increases endurance and accelerates body recovery after heavy loads.

The supplement is used to increase endurance when running long distances and cycling. It is believed that HMB significantly reduces damage to muscle fibers under heavy loads.


A supplement that can be used to increase the duration and intensity of strength training without significant harm to overall well-being and the health of the nervous system - BCAA. It is a complex of three essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine). These amino acids are not synthesized in the human body, but come exclusively from food or by taking a special supplement.

A little more than a third of the amino acids in human muscles are BCAA, so this complex can be considered as the main building material of muscle fibers. In addition, amino acids are completely safe for health, have a positive effect on overall well-being after exhausting workouts, and also significantly accelerate muscle recovery after exercise.

Conclusion - BCAA can and is beneficial to take. But the advisability of taking it depends on the person’s lifestyle. The fact is that few people are deficient in these amino acids, since they are found in almost all foods of animal origin. Per 100 g of meat, fish and dairy products there are about 20 mg of these amino acids. A single dose of BCAA dietary supplement is about 4-5 g of the complex. Thus, a person who eats properly does not always need to take a supplement.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Any sports nutrition store offers a large assortment of various multivitamin complexes for bodybuilders. This is another supplement to consider. In fact, there is no need to take synthetic vitamins for a person with a healthy diet, since all beneficial nutrients come from food. In addition, vitamins in capsules do not accumulate in the body, and work only as long as the man takes the drug.

If you really want to enrich your diet with such drugs, you should pay attention to the B complex of vitamins. They take part in metabolism, help the nervous system recover more quickly, and also indirectly affect the gain of muscle mass.

Men also benefit from vitamin E, as it stimulates testosterone production, and vitamins A and C are natural antioxidants. However, before purchasing a rather expensive vitamin complex, you should take into account that we get all these substances from food, so it is more advisable to reconsider the diet.

Pre-workout supplements

Another useful, but optional product is a pre-workout complex (“pre-workout”). This remedy must be taken before training to improve strength performance. These cocktails usually contain creatine, arginine, magnesium, B vitamins and taurine, and caffeine may also be added.

If you want to try the effects of a pre-workout, it is recommended to choose a product without caffeine and fat burners (L-carnitine), since this combination negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Otherwise, pre-workout complexes are nothing special, but rather a marketing ploy. The same muscle growth effect can be obtained from a dose of creatine before training.

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